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~* N Love with Justin Timberlake *~

~ Appearences On The Way ~
~ Concert Schedule ~
~ Extras On Justin ~
~ Fan Fiction ~
~ Justin's Bio ~
~ Justin Quotes ~
~ Linx ~
~ Lyrics ~
~ News ~
~ NSync's Beginning ~
~ Pix ~
~ Stay 'N Touch With Nsync ~
~ Transcripts ~
~ Updates ~

Hey Ya'll! Welcome to my site that I dedicate 100% to Justin Randall Timberlake, my fave *NSyncer! I want to start off by saying that I am not at all associated with Justin or any of the guys in *NSync, so please do not send me their mail. Anywayz, I really hope you enjoy my site! I update daily to check out the updates page. If you have any questions or comments feel free to email me! Thanx~ Jaime

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||the *n sync oscars||

[crack a smile, once in awhile]

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I'm crunk, are you?
