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Game Gestures-primarily Backgammon, but some can be applied elsewhere

OH YEAH, baby, YOU WON!!!!

Dahling, it was nice playing with you, but I win!

HOLY MOLY!! You've done it...and without cheating! (You didn't cheat, did you?)

Set of three:

Wow! That was great wasn't it??

I mean the strategy...the incredible approach to each and every move--

Fantastic!!! You are absolutely unbelievable, you know that?

(This is in response to that "no gammon, nanny nanny..." gesture)

No gammon????...So!!!!...And????...You still got your butt beat!!!!

Heh! How cool is this!!

How sweet it is!

Enemy position has been eliminated...

You gotta do better than that!! (Has dice rolling to 1 and 2)

Don't think TOO hard about it, dahling...

Let's get going!

I can't take much more of this!!!!