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Somewhere today, someone killed a child.
BISBEE ARIZONA FATAL ACCIDENT caused by a DUI driver on Nov 25, 2000
 Don't you wish you could change all that?

Help pass Jeannette's Law in your State!

Demand your Legislators make
 a Third Time DUI / DWI violation 
a Driver's License Revocation for Life.

Keep habitual Drunk Drivers from Driving and Killing our Children.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 4 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 5 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 6 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 7 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 8 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 9 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 10 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 11 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 12 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 13 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 14 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 15 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 16 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

The leading cause of Preventable Death for Children 17 yr.s old
is a DUI / DWI Driver.

And so it goes up to age 35 !!!

The current Federal and State drunk driving policies are  ABJECT FAILURES
by any conceivable standard or definition.

The inordinate percentage of alcohol related fatalities,
injuries and damage are caused by what the Transportation Research Board termed in their study, (presented to the National Academy of Sciences),
"The Persistent Drinking Driver."




This Law will not cost the Taxpayers anything.
No new extra prisons, no new special police equipment.


This Law will keep habitual Drunk Drivers
 from Driving and Killing our Children.






Compromise at the cost of a Child's Life is no longer acceptable.

Our Children are Non-Negotiable.


Pointing to newly released data from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the National Commission Against Drunk Driving (NCADD) says the battle against drinking and driving has stalled and needs a new jump-start.


Click Here to Email MADD AZ

The Child you save may well be your own Child.

Click Here to
EMAIL your State MADD Head Representative and ask her to sponsor this Law.

Jeannette DeBusk Cox - killed by a driver who had multiple DWI / DUI violations in Bisbee, Arizona - click here to see pictures of her short Life.  Jeannette DeBusk Cox and her 10 yr. old daughter, Dezirae, were killed on 11-25-2000 in a AZ Hwy. accident caused by a driver on drugs in Bisbee, Arizona. The Bisbee Arizona Police did not even charge him for failure to yield (per witness statements) inspite of the driver completely failing the Standardized Field Sobriety Test, showing all 7 HGN clues, and his blood test revealing the drug Nordiazepam ( a central nervous system depressant* [ * like alcohol ] ).

The driver had multiple DUI / DWI violations prior to causing their Deaths. The children that were in the schoolbus that was also hit survived. 

About a month prior, that same driver, in the same location, and also in the morning, was fined for having open alcohol in his vehicle. He was only fined $100.

Eleven months later, he was arrested in a separate incident for Extreme DUI. Sadly, such is the concern for Public Safety in Cochise County, Arizona. It appears there is none.

It is time to keep his kind from killing any more of our children. Please help us do just that. Your one email will help save a child's life. It may well be your Child that you save. 

Dezirae Cox - who was killed by a driver with multiple DUI / DWI's in Bisbee, Arizona - click here to see pictures of her short Life.



Arizona has near the WORST DUI / DWI related Fatalities for the U.S.A. ! ! ! 
NEAR The WORST ! ! !

Hold every U.S.A. Official, even President Bush, every Govenor, every County D.A., 
every Police Dept. ( like the Bisbee Police ) accountable 

- because " It's KILLING US! ", ... literally.


legislative project contact -

Click Here to Email MADD


1) EMAIL your State Representatives and ask them to sponsor this Law.

2) EMAIL your State M.A.D.D. Head Representative and ask her to sponsor this Law.

3) EMAIL the First Lady and ask her to support this Law.

4) Solicit Endorsements for this Law from credible organizations and personages.
( such as various Police organizations, M.A.D.D., etc )

5) Assess legislative progress and encourage other States to adopt this Law.
( send a link to this page to friends in other states )

6) Be a part of helping to save the Life of a Child. Do something today !
( a stamp is only 37 cents, an Email costs even less )



Click Here for the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying website


CLICK HERE for Spiritual Care to help victims of sudden death



~ in loving memory of Jeannette & Dezirae Cox ~