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In memory of the victims at the
World Trade Center
We will NEVER Forget!!

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Calling all


Bolling Juvenile Delinquents

Calling all members of the BJDs, a group of
Military Brats stationed in Washington DC,
from 1968-1970.

If you are a BJD, or know one, we are looking for you!
We hope to have a reunion soon, of BJDs, their families and school friends.
Please contact me, or pass on this URL to anyone who might be
interested in finding us as badly as we want to find them!!

I will be adding names to a


list and a


list, so check back often!

"CobWeb Corners"

"BJDs Photo Album"
1 2 3 4 5 6

Military Brat Quotes

You know you are a military brat if:

. . . you always wish you were back at the last place you were stationed
... even 20 years later.

. . . you are amazed at people who have lived somewhere more than three years.

. . . you are amazed at people who have never left their hometown.

. . . you are asked if it is hard always moving around but you don't know anything different.

. . . you are initially confused when asked where you are from, but quickly respond everywhere.

. . . you didn't save things so you wouldn't go over the weight allowance of the next move.

. . . if "Go play on the runway" was not an unreasonable request!

Military Brats Unite! Register here as a Military Brat

Sign the Yearbook Guestbook by GuestWorld Read what they wrote!

The VietNam Veterans' Memorial Wall Page
How to add this link to your homepage

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This page is maintained by Rhonda Moore

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