alligator (animal)($.7) d-pe'hiyi' alligator (animal)($.7) d-pe'hiyi' ant (animal)($.7) w-t> tcuwe bass "fish mouth big" animal ($.2) yiis-mopatkii_` bat, animal ($.7) kutcin weru`' bear (animal) ($.2)($.7) n-me_`' bear (animal)(#4) ni`me` bear (animal)($.6) nume bear (animal)(&.1)(@.4) nume_` beaver "dog in water" (animal) ($.2) ta_si yamurii`' beaver (animal) ($.7) ta_siitcop "water dog" bee; wasp (animals) ($.7) wu`swe` tcuwe bee; wasp (animals)(+.3) wo`s bird (animal)(*.4) kutcin bird (animal)(@.1) kutci`n bird/animal call "bone call" ($.2) s>p pu`h-re, s>p pu`here birds (animals)($.2) kutci`n black snake (Coluber constrictor.animal)(&.3) ya wa`ktciye "snake black" blackbird, redwing (animal)($.7) kutcin hawoktce hitci se`k-re` "bird black red wings" blue bird (animal)($.7) kutcin wayu`ngka blue jay (animal)($.7) tindo bob-white (animal)($.7) tu`pu`'ke', ta`pa`ke_ke_, ipeke, ipa`ke bobcat "cat fierce" (Lynx rufus animal) ($.2) hapke_` mo_tce bobcat, panther (animal)($.7) ha`pke sure (skunk) box turtle (animal)(Cistudo Carolina) ($.3) kaya`' brown thrasher (animal)($.7) tup tup-ri, tu`pari "swamp bird?" buffalo (animal)(#.4) y>daa`s buffalo (animal)($.2) y-d-ha`s buffalo (animal)($.2) y-d-ha`s, w-d-re`su, t-p-wa_`sure "wild cattle" buffalo (animal)(*.1) widee` buffalo (animal)(*.2) yunn>s (y>nas?) buffalo, animal ($.7) wi`desuri` "wild cow" buffalo; cow (animal)(+.2) bull (animal)(#.4) ya`s-dwai_`' bull frog (animal)(&.3) ar>_`'rai bullsnake;greyratsnake(Elaphe obsoleta confinis.animal)(&3)yaw-de`s-na"snakecowmale" butterfly (animal)($.7) tcu`w-tahe` buzzard (animal)($.2) is-ne`' buzzard (animal)(@.2) shii`ka calf (animal)(#.4) wi`>himu` cardinal (animal)($.7) kutcin su`k-ri "red bird" carolina parrokeet "can talk" (animal)($.2) kusnida`h-re carp (animal)(+.3) yi wanti` cat (animal)(#.4) ho`pke cat (animal)($.7) ha`pke catbird (animal)($.7) kutcin hophe` catfish (animal)(*.5) yiiw>`sii catfish "fish sucks" (animal) ($.2) yii w>sii` chameleon (Anolis carolinensis.animal)(&.3) w>pire_`' w>_`ka' "lizard green" chickadee (animal)($.7) kutcin tuwapsa, kutcin ikara, kutcin y>pmaca'-ri chicken (animal)($.7) watka, witka chicken (animal)(+.3) wa`tka_ chimney sweep (animal)($.7) kutcin stu`kahu`kha "bird sweeping chimney" coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum.animal)(&.3) ya yispa` he_ "snake whip" copperhead (Agkistrdon mokasen.animal)(&.3) ya p>`k>ta tcesa` "snake narrow neck" corn snake (Elaphe guttata.animal)(&.3) ya n-motu`ksa he_ "snake in ground stays" cow (animal)(#.4) wi`d>ya` cow (animal)($.7) wu`de cow; buffalo (animal)(+.2) wide` crawfish (animal)(*.5) iis--_` , ii`se_` crawfish (animal)(Cambarus sp.) ($.2) ii`se_' crawfish; crayfish (animal)($.1)($.7) iise_` cricket (animal)($.7) ya`tcku`'ku`' crow (animal)($.2)($.7) ee crow, rain (animal)($.7) kutcin itci_ka'newe`, kutcin tsu`kanawe` "bird calling for rain" deer (animal)($.2)($.7) wiid-boyii`' deer (animal)(#.4) wi`do`boye` deer (animal)(*.2) weedaboyah deer (animal)(+.5) wide... devil's horse (animal)($.7) wide's>gw-ne dirt dobber (animal)(#.4) wuu`si_tu`ta`he dog (animal)(#.3) ta'si dog (animal)(#.4) ta_`'se dog (animal)($.2)(&.1) ta_`sii dog (animal)($.6) ta_si dog (animal)(+.3) to_`si dog, animal ($.7) ta_si` donkey, mule (animal)($.7) dusa(h)pe dove (animal)($.7) itu`si dove ; passenger pigeon(animal)($.2) dove; hawk (animal)(+.5) itu`se , tu`se duck (animal)($.7) kusa_`'pa, kasa_`' subi duck, scaup (animal)($.7) kasa_`'tci`'i'more` "duck of warm/cold weather" duck, type of (animal)($.7) kasa_`' tawa_'ta duck, type of (animal)($.7) kasa_`' taye`me` tukar-me` duck, type of (animal)($.7) kasa_`' yuka`n>da` duck, type of (animal)($.7) kasa_`'tcikumt-re duck, wild (animal)(+.3) kasa_` suriyi` duck, wood (animal)($.7) kasa_`'wiki_ri_' eagle (animal)(%.5)(@.3) wiktciktci`' eagle,bald (animal)($.2)($.7) wiktciktcii` eel (animal)($.7) ya'ce (singular), yace' (plural) eel "snake ?" (animal) ($.2) yacie` eel (animal)(&.3) ya tciye` "snake (in) mud" fish (animal)(#.4) yie` fish (animal)($.6)(+.3) yi` fish (animal)(*.5) yii fish, animal ($.2) yii`wii flicker (animal)($.7) pa'pi, pa`'pe`'-re, kutcin sikon>wa (iskon>wa) fly (animal)($.7) e-_t> fox (animal)($.7) d-p-yamuye` fox, gray (animal) "one (who) is in road" ($.2) d-p- yamuye` frog (animal)(#.4) ararai_`' frog, bull (animal)($.7) ara arai frog, tree, (animal)($.7) warare frog, type of called knee-deeps(Hyla,Acris,Pseudacris.animals)(&.3) k>`re gar (animal)($.7) yi hiskaye`ne` "long head fish" garfish "fish head long" (animal)($.2) yiiw>sii`' garfish (animal) (+.3) yi'htce` garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis.animal)(&.3) ya y-matera` "snake garter" glass snake (Ophisaurus rentralis.animal)(&.3) ya k>t(h)k`>t(h)h-re"snake jointed/breaks" goat (animal)($.7) widubo_bo goldfinch (animal)($.7) kutcin to`hura' "pretty bird?" goose (animal)($.7) ya_ha_, a_ha_ goose, wild (animal)($.7) eha_su`re goose, wild (animal)(+.3) aha` surii` goose, wild (animal)(@.1) aha_`' suri` grackle (animal)($.7) kutcin hawoktce "black bird" grandaddy long legs (animal)($.7) tcusukse "insect house old" grasshopper (animal)(#.1) yiitca` grasshopper, commom (animal)($.7) sokwa`ha` "jumping grasshopper" grasshopper, jack (animal)($.7) sok'ha` woktce_ "grasshopper black" gray squirrel (animal)($.2) paya_` grebe (animal)($.7) tu`su_, kasa_`' a`maya`tuk-re , kasa_`' ro`to'a`ri green snake (Opheodrys aestivus.animal)(&.3) ya wa(n)ka`' , ya ya`>` "snake woman" grey rat snake; bull snake (animal)(&.3) ground hog "hog in ground" (animal)($.2) wiitk-r>_` monatu`g-re ground hog "hog in ground" (animal)($.2) wit-k>_` monatu`gre guinea-fowl (animal)($.7) ta`ptciki_`' hawk (animal)($.2) itu`sekii_ hawk (animal)($.7) itu`si "pot""clock" hawk ,sparrow (animal)($.7) itu`si kiiye_ hawk, night, animal ($.7) kutcin kusowza "bird hollering at night" heron, great (animal)($.7) tusu_`, tu`sawi`, kutcin hue`'p-ri_' heron, green (animal)($.7) kutcin we`se` heron, little blue (animal)($.7) kutcin yiwe`behe heron, white (animal)($.7) kutcid>k hide, animal; tree bark; skin (@.1) hog-nose snake (animal)(&.3) ya wii_tu`p "snake spotted" hog-nose snake(Heterodon contortrix.animal)(&3)yahiiska`kwa_tcere"snakeheadspreads" hog; pig (animal)($.7) witkera_` hoop snake (animal)(&.3) ya t-ra_`t-ra_`'h-re "snake rolling" hornet (animal)(+.3) wo`s wamp horse (animal) (#.4) wii`t horse (animal)(#.4) wiitchawa` horse (animal)($.7) witsu`gwa horse (animal)(+.3) witsa(gue`i) humming bird (animal)($.7) kutcin surisuri hu`re "sucking bird" insect, worm (animal)($.7) tcuwi, tcuwu killdeer (animal)($.7) kutcin kiye', itu`si kiye' king snake (Lampropeltis getulus.animal)(&.3) ya migrah-re, ya sure` kingfisher (animal)($.7) kutcin yuwe`p-ri, kushtce`h-r-ruk leather snake; queen snake (animal)(&.3) leech (animal)($.7) wutckumo lightning bug (Lampyris animal)(+.3) kushwa`gwagi lizard (animal)(&.3) w>pire_`' lizard, animal ($.7) wa`piri' marten (animal)(+.3) kuyu_ku`yu_ martin (animal)($.7) su`kmuno't-ri milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum.animal)(&.3) ya tiri`re h> "snake thunder present" mink "one (whose) back is long, short leg" (animal)($.2) d-p- hisda`hap-re tcu`ke mocking bird (animal)($.7) kutcin ahkra kanawa mocking bird (animal)($.7) kutcin nitemp tamawa "bird all mocking", kutcin kusnida, mole (animal)($.7) win(g)ta wapu mosquito (animal)(#.4) tc-wi`h>u` mourning dove (animal)($.2) itu`si mouse (animal)($.7) enterha tuhin>(?), enterha wint> mudpuppy (animal)($.7) ta_si tuhi`nu "dog tiny" mule; donkey (animal)($.7) muskrat "rat wild" (animal)($.2) wiit>_ su`re opossum "one (whose) tail is smooth" (animal)($.2)($.7) d-p-tust-re`' opossum (animal)(#.3) t-p-tu`sre opossum (animal)(#.4) wunk opossum (animal)($.3) wa(n)ks(h) otter "chicken catcher" (animal)($.2) watka_` we`bh-re owl (animal)($.2) istugrii` owl, barn (animal)($.7) istragri wogasa owl, honed, barred (animal)($.7) istragri, istigri owl, screech (animal)($.7) hohu`_, hu`hu`hu`_, istra' hu`_hu`_, kutcin huhu_owri owl, screech (animal)(#.4) hehu_ owl, screech (animal)(@.1) hu`hu panther (animal)(#.4) n-p-tu`s-haa`pre panther (animal)(+.3) n-pe`tu`seha`pre "something bieng tail long" panther (animal)(@.2) n-pe`tu`seha`pre "beast tail long" panther; bob-cat (animal)($.7) partridge (animal)(&.4) ip>ka(h) passenger pigeon "dove ancient" (animal)($.2) itu`sibe`' perch "fish wide" (animal)($.2) yiiwehe` pig; hog (animal)($.7) pigeon, passenger (animal)($.2) quail (partridge)(animal)($.2) iip>ke_` queen snake; leather snake(Natrix septemvitata.animal)(&.3)ya ya_tce`'mowa`ne rabbit "one who jumps" (animal)($.2)($.7) "belly beast/ancient" d-p-hwa`' rabbit (animal)(#.4) paa`ksai_`' rabbit (animal)(&.1) d>p-hwa_kii_t raccoon (animal)(#.4) >tci`'ne` raccoon (animal)($.2) itciig-ne`' raccoon (animal)($.7) tcigne rat (animal)($.7) enterha_ , wint> rattlesnake (animal)($.7) ya swa_ rattlesnake (animal)(@.4) yaswa` rattlesnake (Crotatus horrdus.animal)(&.3) ya swa_`' "snake chief", ya migrah-re rattlesnake, ground(Sistrurus miliarius.animal)(&.3)ya mantu`grere "snakehomeinground" red horse "fish round head" (animal)($.2) yiiwatii`' ring neck snake (Diadophispunctatus.animal)(&.3)yatu_wa`ktciye "snake little black" robin (animal)($.7) wisp>'p>' robin (animal)(@.1) wisp>`kp>`k scorpion;bluetailsink(Eumecesfasciantusanimal)(&.3)w>pire_`' hisk>_`s-k>_`re"lzrdrdhed" sheep (animal)($.7) wude skin; tree bark; animal hide (@.1) pi`s skunk "wild cat" (animal)($.2) hapke_`sure , hapke_`su`ri skunk (animal)(#.4) ihnsui skunk (animal)($.7) d-pe kesumi`ka "stinking beast/ancient" snail (animal)($.7) watkut snake (animal)(#.4) d>` , y>` snake (animal)(&.3) ya snake doctor (animal)(plant?)($.7) ya tcu`wu snake, black (animal)($.7) ya waktci snake, glass (animal)($.7) ya katkatu`re "snake breaking into pieces" snake, type of (Cemophora coccinea.animal)(&.3) ya tu_ n-mo`musa`re snake, type of (Natrix sipedon.animal)(&.3) ya ya_yamo_mu`re "snake in water lies" snake, water (animal)($.7) ya hamo' "snake water" snake, whip (animal)($.7) ya yiha_' hawa "snake whip" snakes, poisonus (animals)(&.3) ya sigrii` "snake mean, polluted, unfit, spoiled, dirty" snapping turtle "turtle big head" (animal)($.2) kaya`' ska_t-ro` snowbird (animal)($.7) kutcin wawu "snow bird", senu suri "wild money" snowbird (animal)(+.3) tcintce(h)ru`p songsparow (animal)($.7) kutcin hitu`' spider (animal)($.7) chuwu suke` , chuwu tasak "poison insect" spotted sandpiper (animal)"chickadee" ($.7) squirrel (animal)(#.4) pa`y>_`' squirrel, flying (animal)($.7) tu`ra_toh-ri, tu`-ra_' , pru_turi` , pru_tu squirrel, gray (animal)($.7) paya`, peawa_yi`', peawa_ "jumper?" squirrel, ground (animal)($.7) d-p- andotaksoso sturgeon (animal fish)($.2) yiihipa` sucker "fish suck" (animal)($.2) yiiw>sii`' swan (animal)($.7) atter(?) tadpole (animal)($.7) watcikumu toad (animal)($.7) d-pe tcikp> "ancient/beast stops" toad (Bufo?.animal)(&.3) watcik>mu` "?suck" toad, one (animal)(%.5) n-p-tcikpo`' toad, one (animal)(@.3) towhee (animal)($.7) kutcinj je`, kutcin y>p suri "wild wood bird" trout, big, (shad?)(animal)($.7) pa'kane`'h-re tufted titmouse (animal)($.7) kutcin pr>m, kutcinpr>_'r>_' turkey (animal)($.7) wa`tka t-ro turkey (animal)(+.3) wa`tka_ tru` "chicken large" turkey (animal)(@.2) wa`tka_tui` turkey vulture (animal)($.7) isu_e` sebe` rurit tup> "the ancient one(?)" turkey, wild "chicken big" (animal)($.2) watka_`t-ro turtle (animal)(#.4) ka`iy> turtle (animal)(&.3)($.7) ka , kaya` turtle (animal)(*.6)($.3) ka`ia turtle, box (Terrapene carolina.animal)(&.3) ka_`i "turtle" "scratcher?" turtle, cooter (Malaclemys,Chrysemys,Pseudemys.animal)(&.3) kaya` "turtle snake" turtle, loggerhead (animal)($.7) kaya` ska`turo "turtle big head" turtle, mud (animal)($.2) kaya`' turtle, mud (animal)($.7) kaya`tcire "turtle small" turtle, mud (Kinosternon subrubrum.animal)(&.3) kaya tcii`re' "turtle mud" turtle, snapping (Cheldra serpentina.animal)(&.3) kaya` sk>_tero "turtle head big" turtle, stink (animal)($.7) kaya` kasure turtle, type of (Amyda ferox.animal)(&.3) kaya` s-mii`' "turtle soft" wasp (animal)(#.4) wus wasp; bee (animal)($.7) wasp; bee (animal)(+.3) water moccasin(Agkistrodon piscivorus.animal)(&.3) ya ya`mure "snake staying in water" whip, snake (animal)(&.3) ya yispa` he_ whipoorwill (animal)(#.4) wa`tkueya_`e whipporwill (animal)($.7) wi'kuya` wild turkey "hen wild" (animal)($.2) watka_`t-ro` wolf "wild dog" (animal)($.2) ta_`siisu`re wolf (animal)($.7) ta_sisu`re wolf (animal)(+.3) to_`si surie` wolf (animal)(@.2) to_`surie` wood chuck (animal)($.7) monoa_ tugura_' (witkera) woodcock (animal)($.7) papi, kutcin wakan>we` woodpecker, pileated (animal)($.7) watchak woodpecker, redheaded (animal)($.7) kutcin wakrouri', kutcin ittc-ri`, kutcin k>sehok woodthrush(animal)($.7) kutcin y>ptama`we` "woods mocking bird" worm (type of)(animal)(+.3) tcuitcu`palo worm; insect (animal)($.7) wren (animal)($.7) kutcin t-ro t-ro "very small bird"