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The Letter

Catawba Language Homepage

I (#.4)     de`re
i (&.1)     dii...  
i (*.5)     de`t-
i (@.1)     di`
i am (+.3)    di`r-
i am ; (pretty well)(#.4)
i am frieghtened (%.1)
i am glad (&.1)     na`musa`re
i am making pipes (#.4)     wamesu` taasaaere`
i catch; secure (*.5)     wii`ps-re
i die (&.1)     dawa`re
i don't know (#.4)    borri saare
i eat (&.1)     d>tca_`
i eat (&.1)     detca_`(re)
i eat you (&.1)     yiintca_...
i go to battle (@.2)     wit kru` tca`r-re
i go, fishing (*.5)
i have been (P)(+.3)     butcare`
i know (i am sure that)(@.1)     mbaaresee`rere
i put (*.5)     
i shall be (F)(+.3)     di`te unire`
i speak (&.1)
i take (it) (#.4)     tcu`ruhu`de`
I tie (*.5)     -nu`s-re
i use (*.5)     do`tc-
i walk through the river by fording it (@.2)     iswa_ tirtcka- yaktcare`
i want to go, fishing (*.5)
i want to play games (&.5)     nahasuwi`wi
I, me ($.6)    (prefixes)  sa... , ne...
I; me (+.3)($.6)     di, de, ni , di`yi, dii , dei, de`yi
ice (#.4)     moha`
ice (+.5)     mo_hi
if (#.4)     ...te
if he digs (+.2)
immovable; eternal (&.2)`
important (@.1)     mira`he_`'
in (#.4)     d>tu`ko ,  d>tu`k
in (*.4)     ma_'
in (*.5)     mo_`
in (@.1)     hug
in go out (I) (*.5)     mo_tca`re
in the fire (%.1)     yamu
in the mountains (+.3)
in the water (%.4)     ya`mu
in, at ($.3)     mo_
inclosure; shell; skin (+.3)
indian (#.4)     y-ye`
indian (+.3)     nieye`
indian tobacco (plant)(@.2)     nieye` umpa-re`
indian; man (+.3)
indian; people (#.1)
indians; people (#.2)     
indiginous; native (+.3)
inlaws; step family;  resembling (%.5)
insect, worm (animal)($.7)     tcuwi,  tcuwu
inside (#.4)     da`tuko`
inside (@.1)     ha`k
inside of a brush lodge (+.3)     sukyo`p datuk
inside of a brush lodge (@.3)     su`ky>p datuk
inside, lying; containing (+.3)
intestines, his (@.1)     hiha`su
intestines, his ; bowels (+.2)(4)     hihaa`su
intestines, my (@.1)     daha`su
intestines, our (@.1)     haha`su
intestines, their (@.1)     hiha`su
intestines, you alls (@.1)     wiha`su
intestines, your (@.1)     yaha`su
intestines; bowels (stem)(@.1)     ha`su
into place he (@.1)     ma_`'ba`ktare
into pour  (@.1)     ma_`'tce_`h-de
into put (@.1)     mab-ra`xhode
into put (they) (@.1)     mab-ra`x-re
into the mirror, i look (+.3)
into; onto (@.1)      ma_`'
iron ($.6)     dorob
iron (*.5)     d-ro`b
iron (+.3)     du`rubi`
iron (+.3)     duru`bi
is (+.3)     seet
is he digging ? (?)(+.2)
is he really digging ? (?)(+.2)
island ($.3)     sawe`
island (*.6)     s>we`
island, high (%.3)     
it does not come out (%.4)     ho`hare
it is said (@.1)     et rie_  ,   eti`rire
it may snow (%.1)     wa'wowe
it; she; he (@.1)