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acorns (plant)(%.1)     tumo_
acorns (plant)(%.1)     tumo_
Aletris farinosa (plant) ($.4)     wa_sahaone'
apple (plant)(#.4)     tcoge`
apple fruit (plant)(#.4)     tri tcoge`
bald roots (Psoralea pedunculata.plant)(&.4)     weete wo`ropkere
barbers root; yellow root (&.2)(plant)
beans (plant)(&.4)     ii_ye nuntce
bear root (plant)  (&.2)     n-me_` hii_p>`'   "bear foot"
beech (Fagus grandifolia.plant) (&.2)     y>p tukse`'  "tree"
birch, yellow (Betula nigra.plant)     (&.2)     y>p koko`h> "tree breaks/brittle"
black gum (Nyssa sylvatica.plant)(&.2)    y>b be'be`'  "tree immovable"
black haw (Viburnum prunifolium.plant)(&.2)     web-sa`p  "hauls bone"
black-drink tree (plant)(%.3)     y>pon
blackberry (plant)(%.4)     wa`kta
blackberry (plant)(+.3)     wiaru`
blackberry (Rubus?.plant)(&.2)     wiiya_`ro
blood-root (plant) ($.4)     puccoon(algoquian?)
blossuming medicine (plant) ($.4)     wi`ti si_w>re
broomstraw (Andropogon glomeratus.plant)(&.2)     wii_`ti s-ra`k  "root grass"
cabbage (plant)(&.2)     y-na`h-re
cedar, red (Juniperus virginiana.plant)(&.2) -tcuwese`',  sew(y)hukse`,  aswetci`here
chesnut (plant)(#.4)     ye(r)o`pe`
chesnut nut (plant)(#.4)     tri ye(r)o`pe`
chestnut (Castanea dentata.plant)(&.2)     y>r>pi`
chinkapin (Castanea pumilis.plant)(&.2)     hi_tu tu`  "sedds small"
clover (Marshallia obvata-plant) ($.4)     sure`>re
clover, a wild (Marshallia obovata.plant)(&.4)     suree>re
collard (Brassica loeracea.plant)(&.2)     w>`y> y-ha`h-re  "winter cabbage"
coon roots (plant)(&.4)     wayu`k
corn (plant)(#.4)     ku`s
corn (Zea mas.plant)(&.2)(@.2)     kus "corn (grain)"
cotton (plant)(+.3)     s-eraksi`wi  "grass flower"
cotton (plant)(@.2)     s-raksi`wi
devil's shoestring (Cracca virginiana.plant)(&.4)     yiire_tce wiitiiw>'
dewberry (Rubus hispidus.plant)(&.2)     wiiya`re haktco`'  "blackberry on ground"
dogwood (Cornus florida.plant)(&.2)    ta_`si y>p-re  "dog tree"
dying, not ; mistle toe (plant)(+.3)
ear of corn (plant)(@.2)     kus idsha`
Erigeron ramosus (plant) ($.4)     ha`stu`k
evergreen bush (plant)(+.3)     yo`p ha waruwa  "bush not dying"
fern, christmas (plant)(&.2)     t-p-si` moso`here   "flower on (branch grows) rough"
fern, christmas (Polysticum acrostichoides/Polypodium polypioides.plant)(&.2) "next line"
fire weed "grass fire" (plant) ($.4)     s-ra`ki_p>`
flower is blue (plant)(+.3)     dapasiw'wuire`
fruit (plant)(#.4)     tri`
fruit (plant)(&.2)     turiiye`' ,  turi`
fruit; apple (plant)(&.1)     turi'
genetian; white root (plant)(&.2)
ginger, wild (plant) ($.4)
gourd (plant)(#.4)     wade`
gourd (plant)(%.1)     wade
grape (plant)(#.4)     tciritca`
grass (plant)(#.4)     sara`k
greybeard;yellowood(Cladrastis luteaplant)(&2)yi_ hi`s-mose`t>ktcire"personsbeardgrey"
hackberry; sugarberry (plant)(&.2)
hickory  (plant)(%.4)     wan>ku`'
hickory (Carya ovata.plant)(&.2)    wan>ku`;  y>p wus-na`
hickory (plant)(#,4)     ohneku`
hickory nut (plant)(#.4)     triohneku`
hominy (plant)(#.1)     ku`si`
hominy (plant)(#.4)     gushu`
horsemint (Monarda punctata.plant)(&.2)     wits-gwai_ wii`ti  "horse medicine"
indian tobacco (plant)(@.2)     nieye` umpa-re`
jimson weed (Datura stramonium.plant)(&.2)     i_`tube`  "rock immovable"
judas tree; red bud (plant)(&.2)
life everlasting (plant) "rabbit tobacco" ($.4)     d-p-hwa_`' u_pa`'
maple, red (Acer rubrum.plant)(&.2)     y>p s-ke_`here  "tree red"
milkweed (Asclepias?.plant)(&.2)wiita`s wii_`t "grass milk", s-ra`k wita`s-re"milkmedicine"
mistle toe (plant)(+.3)      yo`p ha waruwakure`  "bush not dying"
mistle toe (plant)(@.2)     yo`p ha waruwakure   "bush never dies"
mulberry (Morus?.plant)(&.2)     tcutca`'
muskadine (plant)(%.4)     wap>tu`'
oak (plant)(#.4)      y>bye`
oak, black-jack (&.2)(plant)     y>p pu`here  "tree many limbs?"
oak, black-jack (Quercus marilandica.plant)(&.2)  y>p dugro`here "tree snarly(branched)"
oak, jerusalem (Chenopodium ambrosioides.plant)(&.2)witsid-we_`'  "medicine healing(?)"
oak, post (Quercus stellata.plant)(&.2)     y>p hi_be disto`de  "tree peel it"
oak, red (Quercus maxima.plant) (&.2)     w>tka`h-re  "oak"
oak, white (Quercus alba.plant)(&.2)     y>p ta`ktcere  "tree white"
october blossum (plant)(+.3)     wo`yantka(re)  woya` dapasiwi"dark blue autmn flower"
Oenothera fruticosa (plant) "grass never dies" ($.4)     serak w>ru`we`
onions wild,  plant (*.5)     n-pe_`susu`re
Parthenium integrifolium (plant) ($.4)     wits>gua_i sk>mpatci`'a
peach (plant)(#.4)     ye`
peach (Prunus persica.plant)(&.2)     turiiye`'  "fruit"
peach fruit (plant)(#.4)     triye`
persimmon (Diospyros virginiana.plant)(&.2)     edree_`
persimmon (plant)     yedere`'
pine (plant)(#.4)     itcwe`
pine (plant)(&.2)     -tcuwe  (cedar?)
pine (plant)(+.5)     itciwe`'
pine tree (plant)($.3)     itawa
pine, long leaf (Pinus palustris.plant)(&.2)     -tcuwe nu_`re  "pine fat (rich)"
pine-tree (sand?) (plant)(%.3)     eutaw
plant "blossuming medicine" ($.4)     wi`ti si_w>re
plant type of  (Salvia lyrata)($.4)     do`pa si`ri`here
plant type of (Prunella vulgaris)(plant) ($.4)     waswa`_ w-ti`w>re
plant unknown($.4)"opossumear" w>k duksu`'h-re,"fourthemedicine"pa`rp-re wii_tiikii_`ya 
plant, type of  (&.2)     wi_tiware`
plant, type of (&.4)     wiiti si_w>re  "blossoming medicine"
plant, type of (Cucurbita pepo.plant)(&.2)     wa`taphanu_`'  "pumpkin seeds"
plant, type of (Erigeron ramasus.plant)(&.4)     haastu`k
plant, type of (Glycera obtusa.plant)(&.2)     isda` w>rup wii`ti  "backache medicine"
plant, type of (Hypoxis hirsuta.plant)(&.4)i_yab w>p(w>rop) krii_here "good for toothache"
plant, type of (Oenothera fruticosa.plant)(&.4)     serak w>ru`we`
plant, type of (Parthenium integrifolium.plant)(&.4)     wits>gua_i sk>mpatcii'a
plant, type of (Prunella vulgaris.plant)(&.4)     waaswa_` weetiiw>re
plant, type of (Salvia lyrata.plant)(&.4)     doopa siigriihere
plant, type of (Senecio smallii(?).plant)(&.4)     iteew>rap weetere
plant, type of(Asclepias tuberosa. plant)(&.2)     t-p-n-ne_`' wii_ti(re)  "butterfly medicine"
plant,type(Arnica acaulisplant)(&.4)isdaw>r>phere weetikrii_are"itsgoodmed.forbackache"
plum (plant)(#.4)     tcikne`
plum (Prunus ameridana.plant)(&.2)     turii`tcine`  "fruit bitter"
plum fruit (plant)(#.4)     tri tcikne`
poke berry red  (plant)(+.3)     si`ka_ warete_` wire
poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera.plant) (&.2)     y>p s-ke_`  "tree red"
possum haw (Polystichum acrostichoides.plant)(&.2)     turo` hita`  "fruit sour"
potatoe (plant)(#.4)     witeke`
pumpkin (plant)(%.4)     waa`tap
pumpkin (plant)(+.3)     wata`b
pumpkin, dried (plant)(+.3)     wata`b yire
rattlebox; sensitive (Crotalaria sagittalis.plant)(&.2)t-p-si_`s-re "something rattles"
rattlesnake medicine (Agave virginica.plant)(&.4)     ya'sua_` wiitiiwa_'
rattlesnake plantain (Epipacus pubescens-plant) "blossum red" ($.2)     sii`wii s-ke_`
red bud; judas tree (Cercis canadesis.plant)(&.2)     y>p pete_`'  "tree flat(seed)"
red mushroom  (plant)"tree grows upon" ($.2)     y>pitu_`h-re
red root (plant)(&.4)     taktuwia
red root (Salix tristis-plant) ($.4)     t>`ktuwi
red tag alder (Alnus rugosa.plant) (&.2)     y>p sii_wi s-k>`re "tree blossom red"
rice (plant)(#.4)     gu`sseraa`k taa`ktce`  "wheat white"
rock immovable; jimmson weed (plant)(&.2)     i_`tube`
sampson's snake root (plant) ($.4)     dep_`w`' yisi no_ne'i;  po_wo_yasina`
sampson's snake root (plant)(&.4)     depo_`wa_` yisi no_ne' ,  po_wo_ ya_sin>`'
sarsaparilla root(Aralia nudicalulis.plant)(&.2)  t-p-tii`s-ke_`'  "root red"
sassafrass (plant)(#.4)     gu`stupe`
sassafrass (plant)(@.1)     k>stuu`pi
Senecio (plant) ($.4)     ite`w>ra_p we`tere (could be: it-w>ra_p w-tere)
sensitive plant; rattlebox (plant)(&.2)
slip/slippery elm (Ulmus fulva.plant)(&.2)     y>p tcu`wiikare  "tree slipping (slimy)"
snake doctor (animal)(plant?)($.7)     ya tcu`wu
snakebite "american aloe"(Agave virginica-plant)"snake chief root"($.4)ya iswa`_ wii_tii`re
sourwood (Oxydendron arboreum.plant)(&.2)_     y>p hiita`re  "tree sour"
sow weed (Oxalis violacea.plant)(&.4)     nu`pai_tare
squaw weed (Senecio aurcus.plant)(&.2)     h>n>tcuwii`h-re "make(child)come quick"
st.john's weed (Hypericum?.plant)(&.2)     y>pha tacig-ne "tree leaves racoon"
star grass (Aletris farinosa.plant)(&.4)     wa_`sa haone' ,  wa_`sa hawinon
star grass (Panicum?.plant)(&.2)     wa_`sa wii_`ti  "cane medicine"
sugarberry;hackberry(Celtis laevigata.plant)(&.2)y>p nyu`stciwe'"tree sweet" 
sumach (Rhus typhina.plant)(&.2) y>p wiiti` "tree shoe",  y>p wiiti` tah-re"treeshoemake"
sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua.plant)(&.2)     kum has-na`re
sweet potatoe (plant)(#.4)     witeke` tcu`w>
sycamore (plant) (&.2)     y> bwe
Sycamore (plant) (&.2)     y>p taktce` hii_tcuwii` h-re "tree white many burrs"
Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis.plant)(&.2)  y>p hii_tuwii` "tree of burs"
tansy (Tanacetum vulgare.plant)(&.2)     ten`siwi
tobacco (plant)($.6)     umpa
tobacco (plant)(%.1)     i_pa
tobacco, indian (plant)(+.3)     nieye`umpa-re`
touch-me-not, wild (Impatiens?.plant)(&.2)     t-p-sii_`wi su`re  "flower wild"
tuckaho (Pachyma cocos.plant)($2)"buzzardbread"is-ne`' kusta`', "wood dead" y>p we`ye
victuals (plant)(#.4)     no`ya_'
walnut (Juglans nigra.plant)(&.2)     w>r>ru`
water willow (Salix?.plant)(&.2)     yehiye_` y>p  "water tree"
watermelon (plant)(#.4)     so`robe`
wheat (plant)(#.4)     gu`se`raa`k
wheat (plant)(+.3)     kuss-ra`k  "corn grass"
wheat (plant)(@.2)     kus-rak
white ash (Fraxinus americana.plant)(&.2)     itcika`w-n-t  "bow.?"
white ash (plant)(&.2)     y>p tukse` "tree river bank",  wactu` "?"
white root; genetian (Gentiana parviflora.plant)(&.2)     p>_ s-nuwe_`'  "rabbit money"
whiteweed (Antennaria neglecta.plant) (&.2)  wi_`ti has-mi`"medicineleavesflat/stinkturtle"
wild ginger (Asarum apiifolia-plant) "pitcher comes" ($.4)     pi`tc> ha'ho`re
wood betony (pedicularis thapsus-plant) "money red" ($.4)     s-nu`s-ke_`
yellow root (plant)(&.4)     iitii wiye_
yellow root (Xanthoriza apiifolia.plant)(&.2)     wii_`tinuse_`'   "root yellow"
yellow root; barber root(Berberis vulgare.plant)(&.2)  wii_`ti wiiya`'  "medicine bitter/strong"
yellow wood; grey beard (plant) (&.2)