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The Letter

Catawba Language Homepage

Waccamaw tribe (%.3)     "arrow-ground?"
wag the tail, to(+.3)     kayokayo`hire tu`s-
wagon (.3)     y-phii`
wail; cry (@.1)     kau_`'tcure
waist, his (+.2) (3)    hi`takwa
walk through the river by fording it, i (+.3)     i`swa_ tiri`kd- yaktcare`
walk through the river fording it , i (@.2)
walk, i (#.4)     yo`uw>sode`
walnut (Juglans nigra.plant)(&.2)     w>r>ru`
walnut shell (+.3)     woru` pis
wander, to (+.1)     yirapda`'
want (stem)(@.1)     m`'e
want nothing, i (+.3)     du`yi nimuur-sare`  "a thing i want not"
want to go, fishing i (*.5)
want to play games, i (&.5)     
want, he (@.1)     himu`'e
want, i (#.4)     namu`r-re`
want, i (@.1)     n>mu`'e
want, i (@.1)     n>mu`'ere
want, they (@.1)     imu`'e
want, we (@.1)     hamu`'e
want, you (@.1)     yamu`'e
want, you all (@.1)     wimu`'e
warrior (+.3)     ye`wi kuinakure`  ;   ye_tashea`
wart (&.2)     w>ru`p>   "round"
wash (stem)(@.1)     ta_`'
wash each other, to (+.3)     etko un-ta_re
wash my shirt, i (+.3)     haksups-` d-ta_re`
wash myself, i (+.3)     de`yin dehakun-ta_re` ,  dihaakunata_re`
wash they(@.1)      ita_`'re
wash yourself ! (+.3)     yeyi`ha ukta_de`
wash, he (@.1)     hita_`'re
wash, he (@1.)     hita_`'
wash, i (#.4)     n-po`n-pko tare`
wash, i (+.2)     data_`re
wash, i (@.1)     data_`'re  ;  data_`'
wash, i (something)(+.3)     d-ta_re` ,  unuta_re`
wash, they (+.2)    ita_`re
wash, they (@.1)     ita_`'
wash, to (+.2)     ta_'...
wash, we (@.1)     hata_`'
wash, you (@.1)     yata_`'
wash, you all (@.1)     wita_`'
washed, i was (+.3)     deha` u_ta_re` ,  de`t-dauktanide`
washes, he (+.2)     hita_`re
wasp (animal)(#.4)      wus
wasp; bee  (animal)($.7)
wasp; bee (animal)(+.3)
water (#.4)     ya_`'ye`
water ($.6)     ye`hi-
water (%.1)     ya_,  ya_he,  ye,  yehiye_
water (&.1)     ya_`ye ,  ya_
water (+.3)     ya`ye
water (+.6)     ya_ yee
water is cold, the (+.3)     yaye` tcinh-re`
water is running, the (*.6)     ya`ye sonture`
water moccasin(Agkistrodon piscivorus.animal)(&.3) ya ya`mure "snake staying in water"
water willow (Salix?.plant)(&.2)     yehiye_` y>p  "water tree"
water, cold (+.3)
water, in the (%.4)
Wateree river "washed away banks" (waterway)($.3)     iiswa_`'  wat-ra_`'h-re
Wateree river (waterway)(*.6)     "wat-ra_`(r-)  "to float"
Wateree tribe ($.3)     ye_ iiswa_`' wat-ra`'h-re
watermelon (plant)(#.4)     so`robe`
Waxhaw creek (waterway)($.3)     iswa_`'sigrii`(t>k?)
Waxhaw tribe ($.3)     ye_hisk>`pete_`'h-re
we (#.4)     dowa ,  do`wote ,  do`woke
we (+.3)     hiha, ha, hi, do`wa,   hi`na`pri
we (@.1)     hiha` ,  inu`h (only in prayers)
we are (+.3)     dou-` , dowe-`
we have been (P)(+.3)     mu'hnature`
we leave we (@.1)     hami`'a`re
we put (%.3)     keawe
we shall be (F)(+.3)     (dowa) uhina`ure
we shall go (&.1)     hanaure
we shall see (&.1)     haa`nii`re
we; us ($.6)
weak (+.3)     mira`hare  "not strong"
weak arm, the (left arm?)(+.3)     yi`ksee mira`hare`
week, twice a (+.3)
well (#.4)     w>_tcatcmahid-de`
well (*.5)     k-re_`'h-re ,  k-rii_`h-re
well (maybe) (*.5)     k-rii_`we
well, not (*.5)
went (&.1)     urii`ri` ,  ore`re
went to do ... (&.1)     hatii`riie
went, they (&.1)     ko`re(re)
wet by sweating, i became (+.3)     wi`kani tciri`s-re
what ?  (?)(#.4)     ta`rete`
what do you say ? (?)(#.4)     dorai_'yatcne`
what is on the top (+.3)
wheat (plant)(#.4)     gu`se`raa`k
wheat (plant)(+.3)     kuss-ra`k  "corn grass"
wheat (plant)(@.2)     kus-rak
wheat, man who grinds ; miller (+.3)
wheel, spinning (+.3)
when (@.1)     ma_`'tu
when ?  (?)(#.4)     ta`mbete`
when you are dead (+.3)
when, fish smell (*.5)     
when; at (&.1)
whenever (@.1)     ma_`'tut
where (&.1)     a`kii
where (location is) (&.1)     ...m>tu`' ,  ...modu`'
where ?  (?)(#.4)     tate`
where am i going? (?)(&.5)     tahanto`'   (where to`(?), to'(?))
where, then (&.1)
whip, i (#.4)     j-ha`dore`
whip, snake (animal)(&.3)     ya yispa` he_
whipoorwill (animal)(#.4)     wa`tkueya_`e
whipporwill (animal)($.7)     wi'kuya`
whiskey (+.3)     ya_huri hu`ri`re
whistle, i (#.4)     owi`mse`re
white (#.4)     taa`ktce ,  ihmtaa`ktche
white (light colored)(+.3)(+.5)     ta`ktcire
white ash (Fraxinus americana.plant)(&.2)     itcika`w-n-t  "bow.?"
white ash (plant)(&.2)     y>p tukse` "tree river bank",  wactu` "?"
white man (#.4)     sca`_'tre`
white man (@.1)     -`sk>tre_`'
white men, many (+.3)
white root; genetian (Gentiana parviflora.plant)(&.2)     p>_ s-nuwe_`'  "rabbit money"
whiteweed (Antennaria neglecta.plant) (&.2)  wi_`ti has-mi`"medicineleavesflat/stinkturtle"
who ?  (?)(#.4)     to`-we_te`
who ? (?)(@.1)     hitc-`'
who are you ? (?)(@.1)     ye_`' yet>`h hitc-`'
who grinds wheat, man ; miller (+.3)
who has been hit, one (+.3)
who has been hitting, one (+.3)
who makes bird traps, one (+.3)
whoremonger (+.3)     ye` npe`n d-pu`murikire`
whose ?  (?)(#.4)     tai_'ketcne`
whose knife (is this) ? (?)(#.4)     tainke simpa e`tcne`
why ?  (?)(#.4)     ta`netcne` ,  ta`nek
widen out, to; open, to(&.1)
widow ($.1)     ya`ya_be`' (ya_ya_pii`)  "woman (of the) road immovable"
wife (#.4)     yaa`k-tce`
wife (%.5)(@.1)     yagitc>  "female branch"
wife (+.2)     ya`gi_tca
wife their (@.1)     yagitc>_`'w>`'
wife, his (#.4)     a`oe` ya`ketce`
wife, his (@.1)     yagitc?_`'`>`'
wife, my (#.4)     ya`ketce` d-de` ,  ya`deketce`
wife, my (+.2)     ya`gi_tca`na'
wife, my (@.1)     nagitc>_`'
wife, my (@.2)     yonegoja_
wife, your (#.4)     ya`ketce` yeye ,  ya`yeketce`
wild ($.2)    suri, sure
wild (&.1)     su`riie
wild ginger (Asarum apiifolia-plant) "pitcher comes" ($.4)     pi`tc> ha'ho`re
wild goose dance (@.1)     aha_`'suri` ibaa`ri
wild turkey "hen wild" (animal)($.2)     watka_`t-ro`
wind (#.4)     h-ye`
wind (%.1)     ye,  yeho
wind (&.5)     ye_`
wind (+.6)(+.3)     hie`
wind blowing hard (*.5)     ye_puhatcure
wind blows much, the (+.3)
wind, south (+.3)
window, glass ($.1)     hii_da`'
winter (&.2)     w>y>`
wish, i (#.4)     ona`ne
wish, i (expression/verb)(@.1)     oa`ne
witch (@.1)     ikto`nere
with (@.1)     ya`were
with a stick, i hit somebody (+.3)
wives, our (#.4)     dowote ya`heketce`
wives, their (#.4)     agera`p ya`ketce`
wives, you alls (#.4)     wewe(r) ya`weketce`
Woccon tribe(%.3)     wakon (siouan supernatural force, represnted by bird)
wolf "wild dog" (animal)($.2)     ta_`siisu`re
wolf (animal)($.7)     ta_sisu`re
wolf (animal)(+.3)     to_`si surie`
wolf (animal)(@.2)     to_`surie`
woman (#.4)      n'ya`
woman (@.1)     ya`
woman, old (%.5)     yamusii`h-re
woman, young (@.1)     ya`watca`ha
wood (%.1)(&.1)(+.5)     yap
wood betony (pedicularis thapsus-plant) "money red" ($.4)     s-nu`s-ke_`
wood chuck (animal)($.7)     monoa_ tugura_' (witkera)
wood is burning, the (+.3)
wood; tree (#.4)     -a`p
wood; tree (@.4)
woodcock (animal)($.7)     papi,  kutcin wakan>we`
woodpecker, pileated (animal)($.7)     watchak
woodpecker, redheaded (animal)($.7)     kutcin wakrouri',  kutcin ittc-ri`,  kutcin k>sehok
woodthrush(animal)($.7)     kutcin y>ptama`we` "woods mocking bird"
work, i (#.4) dori`sede`
worm (type of)(animal)(+.3)     tcuitcu`palo
worm; insect (animal)($.7)
worry, to (+.2)     meeraa'...
worse (bad, worst)(#.4)     imbarrah meraaede
worst (bad, worse)(#.4)     imbarrah mera`he(r)
wren (animal)($.7)     kutcin t-ro t-ro "very small bird"
writer (+.3)     yee n-pakasa_tkire`