The Supernova Stories

Not Quite ParadiseWhat do you get when you cross a Betazoid in The Phase with a Vulcan in ponn farr? It ain't pretty in this, my first adult Trek story.
The Walls Have EyesAn evil collaboration between Chris Dickenson and my evil alter-ego, Sadie Maxwell. In this diabolical tale, Harry Mudd gives Nurse Chapel an invisibility potion that actually works. Use your imagination, folks!
A Fresh Coat of PaintChristopher Pike learns the hard way not to take his first officer for granted.
Trading PlacesOn an alien planet, Major Kira Nerys must bow to a new authority...Bashir?
DecisionsAs VGER launches its assault on Planet Earth, Doctor Christine Chapel faces her own war between the past and the future.
The Adventures of Stud Crusher, Boy GeniusThe natural outcome of a simple question: What would Wesley Crusher be like in the Mirror Universe?
Can't Teach an Old DogDax meets up with a former lover while Kira goes traditional on one wild shore leave.
Green Legs and HamsAnother Chris Dickenson-Sadie Maxwell collaboration. Deanna Troi and Picard must go undercover to...oh, just read it. It's sick.
The Winds are Cold at MidnightChapel has one last encounter with Roger Korby.
Unconditioned ResponsesA team of Deltan dignitaries as Christopher Pike's crew in an uproar.

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