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Besides my daily symptoms I didn't know anything about Hypochondria.Until I started reading about it.For almost 2 years I was obsessing about diseases and death and didn't really know why.I thought I was "strange" or "over-sensitive" for having those weird thoughts for no good reason.But then I realized this was an actual illness and I wasn't alone.I've gathered all the information about Hypochondria I could find.Which wasn't really a lot but hopefully it can help you or someone you know recognize the problem.

   This condition has several warning signs Studies show that between 6% and 10% of people visiting doctors may be suffering from hypochondria. These are the symptoms :

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Here are some related sites :

Hypochondria ? Take the Test

The body speaks its mind

Health features

Another test

As soon as I find some more information..I'll add it.Feel free to email me if you have any info.Thanks.


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