That's right, it's
page...Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride...
elcome all to my weirdness..We hope you find something of
interest during your visit..But, if you don't I'm certain it will be your own fault..But before you begin to explore I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you a little something about who I am..It goes a little something like this..My darling wife and I met right here on-line at a little chat site known affectionately as
in early 1997..And though I don't visit there regularly these days I still owe the place a debt of gratitude..In June of '98 she moved from her home state of
to my home state of
and we were married on June the Sixth..Our
was born on May 29 of 1999 and in August of that year we moved from AZ back to the southern U.S..Ok, now that we've dispensed with all of that please feel free to take a look around my little realm here..There are lots of strange and bizarre things about the place and please, I
feedback, so email or sign the book or send me an ICQ message or whatever you like..But above all DO NOT! forget to check out the
World of Weird
for a host of the weirdest links on the net..Have fun, play nice...
Sir Danimal the slight
Constantly under construction, much more to come so stay tuned...