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Super Soakers

Here is a webpage that I made on 5/24/2000 .I made this webpage to show people that SuperSoakers™ can crush and destroy any other water weapon ( With the exeption of a garden hose).When I was little I admired the Super Soaker 200 the dual water cartriges.I lost interest in SuperSoakers™ until a few months ago I thought it would be kewl to go to SuperSoakers™ website and see what they had. What I found amazed me.The MonsterXL,the Monster, the CPS 2700 and all the cool SuperSoakers™ from the XP and Superchargers line. I imediatly went to™ and checked for pricing.I was disapointed to see that only the old models were there.A few weeks later I found some of the new ones.I looked at™ many times and requested a CPS 2700 for my birthday. My dreams came true when on my birthday I recieved a CPS 2700,I was slightly disapointed at the limited range of the CPS 2700 but found it pleasing when I found the amount of water it discharged at my little little bro already had a XP 70 which was broken, my other little bro wanted a CPS 1700 so yesterday we went to ToysRus and one bro got a CPS 1700 and the other returned his damaged XP 70 and purchased a XP 310 with the money he got from the return plus a little extra. They were also luckey cuz ToysRus had a deal where any SuperSoaker™ over $7.99 was $3.00 off and any SuperSoaker™ over $20 was $6 off. They still have that deal going on this week. The teams for our water fights are me vs my little bros.The teams are evenly matched due to my Bros weakness and my strengh with our weaponry. We plan on adding water baloons and as soon as our neihbors across the street get there supersoakers we will have awsome water fights ( especialy with the tempature at 105 degrees).I plan on purchasing a SuperCharger 500 soon as my backup weapon when I run out of water with the 2700. I have 2 links and within the week I will have the third my review page.The is what I believe is the official SuperSoaker™ website. The second link is a cool webpage I found, it has a good source of information and I can tell alot of work was put into it.







I made this website with a revision b iMac.This site is updated daily.This site is under construction.

Hits since 5/24/00


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