MISCARRIAGE TEA, Ephedra X arenicoa, tea, herbal miscarriage tea, natural miscarriage tea, natural miscarriage, abortion, natural abortion, herbal abortion, herbal abortion tea, RU486 , herbal RU 486, natural RU 486, RU 486 herbal alternitive, ephedra tea, ephedra, ephedrine, avoid pregnancy, failed contraceptive.
Ephedra X arenicoa, also known as "whorehouse tea" or mormon tea is a slow growing botanically primitive shrub that exists only in some parts of the world. and as the name ephedra X arenicoa implies contains ephedra. Ephedra tea causes uterine contractions and is useful to initiate menstruation. We pick it, and dry it, and grind it. Making tea from this powder releases the ephedra.
This is nothing new: Ephedra has been used for centuries. Then why haven't we heard of this before? MONEY, As a world famous Doctor once said; Contraceptive devices, pills, and prescriptions generate millions of dollars every year, and keep people in the Medical and Science fields gainfully employed.
Women's Health issue; "Ephedra causes uterine contractions. Pregnant women should absolutely not use it. Unless It is used to initiate menstruation."
Historic note: In the Old West, Ephedra tea was served at many brothels to keep the "working girls" menstruation cycles regular. It also developed a reputation as a cure for syphilis and gonorrhea. Hence the name whorehouse tea was applied. Unfortunately, it has no effect on syphilis or gonorrhea.Ephedra tea was used as soon as a womens menstruation cycle was late and sexual activity was likely the cause. A supply was bought and stored in a cool dry place for future use, as the tea generaly worked better earlier in the stages of pregnancy,
Results vary from person to person and from each unique situation. Typically two cups of tea were drank at one sitting. This would initiate menstruation within 24 hours. This supply is enough for two cups per day for seven days. Once menstruation started, The tea was no longer was needed, saveing the remainder. If after eight days menstruation does not begin. See your doctor about other options.