This issue has a major addition to the U.X.M. universe. It introduces 6 new Characters to the X-men and a new horrible evil force. It starts out like this, Kenneth Porter is a scientist whose lab partner is Nathaniel Essex. Kenny is working on a cure for a lethal virus, and he is able to experiment on him self due to his mutant power, which is the ability to rearrange matter. Well up until this point I should say he was able to test it on himself, someone had rigged with the antidote and Kenny was severely injured.
No one is there to help him so he has to drive himself to the hospital. It doesn’t go very well. He wrecks his car right in front of a guy on a bike (Logan). Logan takes Kenny back to the mansion. The X-men wont let him leave until they know what caused his injury and when he tells them they wont let him leave just because they don’t want a fellow mutant to die. Kenny was lucky to get the antidote’s history, info, etc before he left. And when he saw it his mind was boggled. “ Last Changed by Dr. Essex on Tuesday the 22nd of January 2005.” The computer read. That was a matter of minutes before Nathan got off work that very same day. “Okay who is Dr. Essex?” Bobby Drake asked. “He is my partner. I just don’t get why he would do this to me.” Kenny said. Then the computer brought up a message from Nathan. “You’re probably wondering why I turned on you Kenny. Well it is very simple. I watched my wife die of the disease you are working on finding a cure for and every time I would suggest something to you, you would ignore it then get farther away from finding the cure. I now know a cure for the virus but I don’t intend on using it. Instead I will give the rest of the world a taste of what my wife had to go through, and how much pain she felt before she died. Only I won’t allow them the pleasure of dying. Starting with those closest to you.” Essex said. The whole team had been watching so they all agreed that the best thing to do would to be to get to Matter’s (Kenny’s) team. But it was too late. The Sinister Son of a Bitch had already done his business.