1.   ___WHAT - now I can't post at all??____
Get a life!

india1nz (105)     9:43 pm, 28 Jan

I just left my thoughts AGAIN in the other thread and it gone as well.!!!!!!! Someone has nothing better to do with their finger tonight. Go on, Push the delete button again.

daisygirl (118)     9:47 pm, 28 Jan

3.   Is it worth
any of us posting here?

kevin16 (14)     9:48 pm, 28 Jan

4.   Now I rarely post, but often read
AND I admire you two so much!

hodiah2 (53)     11:17 pm, 28 Jan

5.   3 words I'm sure you have heard before...
Get over it!!!

smileeah (115)     11:21 pm, 28 Jan

6.   well...
I have sat back and said very little about the moderator issue since an ex-moderator attacked me personally a couple of weeks ago..to the point of naming me...and to date I have not lodged a formal complaint to Trademe admin regarding that episode but now with this repeated deletion of threads for no apparent reason I most certainly will be emailing them tomorrow morning with copies of threads to prove my point..and my view...I think most people will have gotten the picture by now as to who the mod is that has got the itchy finger tonight...a quick scan around the mb will show the active one...

grannypam (70)     11:25 pm, 28 Jan

7.   Does it say...
anywhere on the site who the moderators are? Or better yet, can someone put their handles in another thread? O r is naming against the rules? It doesn't say so at the bottom of the page.!

2ndheaven (2)     11:29 pm, 28 Jan

8.   Well there are those
who could tell you... but to do so on here would see atleast the relevant post deleted... and on tonight's form, the thread closed as well :o)

stanley1 (54)     12:09 am, 29 Jan

9.   Gosh
This is what happens when I go and watch a couple of movies huh? Geezzz real 'days of our lives' or should I say 'night of our lives' To be continued...... :-)

sojo (114)     12:20 am, 29 Jan

10.   -gp-
are you there?

india1nz (105)     8:49 am, 29 Jan

11.   I am...
lol....dont bother so much these days but tis something to look at while I have a coffee..lol

grannypam (70)     8:51 am, 29 Jan

12.   ok fair enough,
you do have copies of all last nights threads?

india1nz (105)     9:01 am, 29 Jan

13.   no...sorry...
spent hrs on the phone to a friend and when I got back here saw that it had been a night of action..seems I missed a lot

grannypam (70)     9:04 am, 29 Jan

14.   that's ok
Trade Me will find them, just thought I'd make it easier - no worries. How's the wee one?

india1nz (105)     9:05 am, 29 Jan

15.   he is doing well
still in the incubator and will be until he has finished his antibiotics but they have been able to have him out for cuddles...hopefully tonight he will graduate to his mums room..lol

grannypam (70)     9:08 am, 29 Jan

16.   That is really good to hear
All the best to them - hopefully they won't be in hospital too long.

india1nz (105)     9:10 am, 29 Jan

17.   ended up
coming out via the dotted line so a wee bit longer stay anyways..lol but maybe Friday...

grannypam (70)     9:13 am, 29 Jan

18.   and
if you would like a pic...moozelee at hotmail..ok...

grannypam (70)     9:14 am, 29 Jan

19.   oooooooooohhhhhhhh
yes please!

india1nz (105)     9:15 am, 29 Jan

20.   Iam not bothered by
the whole 'mod' thing, what Iam fed up with is seeing the constant stream of threads bitching and moaning about the same old thing. Have you no life India ? Iam sure there are plenty of others on the mb that would rather let all the drama die down.

appletrees (273)     9:15 am, 29 Jan

21.   well said appletrees
its getting rather boring and repetitive isnt it.

lov2chatnz (281)     9:20 am, 29 Jan

22.   here we go again :o|
obviously some people do not realise that its not the mechanism that is being criticised, rather the inconsistent application of rules that are arguably too restrictive. To delete threads that in no way contravene the rules, but criticise the application of them, just because of that criticism is, to me, cause for alarm.

stanley1 (54)     9:26 am, 29 Jan

23.   thanks gp -
will be in touch!

india1nz (105)     9:26 am, 29 Jan

24.   I presume, like children, if ignored
they will go find another sandbox to play in.

india1nz (105)     9:28 am, 29 Jan

25.   Man .....
don’t you just love condescension from those that have in the past shown their penchant for posting banal & repetitive inanities, for having the intelligence to question an actual principle.

debdent (120)     9:39 am, 29 Jan

26.   And that is NOT directed at

debdent (120)     9:43 am, 29 Jan

27.   the fact remains...
that trademe is a business, and they can run it however they choose, basically if you dont like it, dont use the site.

lov2chatnz (281)     9:49 am, 29 Jan

28.   The fact remains
its not the way Trade Me are running the site that is at issue, its their abdication of the oversight of the message board to people who seem ill equipped to perform that function in a reasonable and balanced manner.

stanley1 (54)     10:01 am, 29 Jan

29.   stanley1
your post says it all! I could not have said it better myself.

india1nz (105)     10:23 am, 29 Jan

30.   stanley
Stanley, I agree with you unreservedly in this matter. The sad fact remains that few seem to cogitate the maxim such as your good self and Indianz et al are remonstrating. In my experience it is pure ignorance coupled with a general laissez-faire that pervades this society today. It is a sad indictment indeed when the majority do not have the foresight or lack the energy to defend basic principles of morality.

rimfiremineral (371)     3:09 pm, 29 Jan

31.   My vote too...
one of our mods is a power mad little pratt...pure and simple. I guess this post will be gone soon after 6pm, wont it ?

sonja2 (159)     4:04 pm, 29 Jan

32.   Mmmmm
But hey .... which one ??? MrL®

teamloud (4)     4:47 pm, 29 Jan

33.   Image
that the threads are pretty safe during retail hours. Only problem is knowing whether they are safe on a Saturday or Sunday. Guess it depends on what weekend shift the trigger happy one is rostered on.

joan50 (0)    4:54 pm, 29 Jan

34.   Amazing how some have
jumped from the ship to the row boat...hmmmmmmmm GP /India I agree with most of what you've said ....I still await the day there is just a big blank space where the msg board used to be....

pow (222)     4:57 pm, 29 Jan

35.   reasonable and balanced manner.
I dont believe that a 23 yo garden worker can even comprehend what that means. As I have said before-a nobody misusing power that was regretably given to them by questionable means. This person is on a personal crusade where reason, logic, fairmindedness and intelligence is replaced by bigotry.

legalbeagle (1)    5:16 pm, 29 Jan

36.   Think I will just...
save this thread now, as it is getting close to 6pm. Seems I am not the only one to have a long memory, huh legal ?

sonja2 (159)     5:30 pm, 29 Jan

37.   bravo all who voiced there disapproval
except this thread will dissappear when the garden centre closes and they come home to do thier real work as a General in the NZ morality police. Perhaps a better job would be as a human shield protecting Sadam from the evil west. lol

corong (8)     5:30 pm, 29 Jan

38.   Yes
I dont believe it will make it to 12 hrs. The pettiness of some, particularly this nasty individual whoever it may be!!!!!lol

rimfiremineral (371)     5:40 pm, 29 Jan

39.   LegalBeagle
Perhaps you would be kind enough to clarify your comments re a 23 yr old garden worker? Or are you perhaps speculating, just as everyone else in this thread is SO good at doing ?MrL®

teamloud (4)     5:56 pm, 29 Jan

40.   hmmmm
i am just poping in to say that i had nothing to do with the removal of any of the posts last night, unfortunatly there seem to be some very small minded people on here who cant see past the fact that there were more mods then just me. i relise that you wont belive that it wasnt me, but thats no skin off my nose.

nijo (225)     6:02 pm, 29 Jan

41.   *sigh* Ive been away too long..
can someone tell me why exactly are these threads mentioned getting pulled?

sandybb (140)     6:03 pm, 29 Jan

42.   Sandy it's a case of blink
and you miss it.. they are disappearing faster than they can be put up....It's a case of the God's must be crazy allowing this bs to continue......

pow (222)     6:11 pm, 29 Jan

43.   so there're
disappearing without breaking any of the rules!!??

sandybb (140)     6:14 pm, 29 Jan

44.   MrLoud
No-one has to clarify anything as most of the posters are privvy to the historical data. If this alludes you then you must not read the threads with any degree of thoroughness. And nijo if the hat fits-------

rimfiremineral (371)     6:23 pm, 29 Jan

45.   correct

india1nz (105)     6:23 pm, 29 Jan

46.   43
yep.... as quick as lighting.. blink and there gone....

pow (222)     6:26 pm, 29 Jan

47.   whatever
continue thinking what you will, i have stated that i removed none of those posts, if you want to contiue on your little witch hunt go for it, as i have said if you are that small minded it is no skin off my nose

nijo (225)     6:26 pm, 29 Jan

48.   nijo
Uhmmm your statement "unfortunatly there seem to be some very small minded people" seems to have a ring of truth about it when one reflects on your history to date. I would suggest you look up hyprocrosy in a dictionary-spelt nijo

corong (8)     6:27 pm, 29 Jan

49.   What I am most annoyed about
is the fact that I keep getting accused of 'abusing' mods, when I'm not, and also more than anything else, why the hell do MY threads always disappear?? I do not and have not broken any of the pathetic rules that are now in place. nijo, if what you are saying is true, that leaves 2 other mods that it could only have been last night.

india1nz (105)     6:32 pm, 29 Jan

50.   plenty
more 'fish' in the sea guys...lol

grannypam (70)     6:33 pm, 29 Jan

51.   well
india just because a mod isnt posting does'nt mean they are not on the mb!!

nijo (225)     6:34 pm, 29 Jan

52.   or
maybe you should try playing bobs..lol

grannypam (70)     6:36 pm, 29 Jan

53.   I thought we only had 3 or is it 4?
How many are there? Or is that another of those tricky questions that us at the 'lower' level are not allowed to know?

india1nz (105)     6:38 pm, 29 Jan

54.   K just butting in here
Until now I've left this alone. Because I wanted to hear what Nige had to say first. He said he wasn't the one pulling your threads Indi so surley that shows that it wasn't a personal vendetta on his bahalf anyway. I have no reason not to trust what he says, so I have no doubt that it was another mod doing the pulling. They may have had the same reasons as you suggest though, and are protecting a mate. Who knows, but if it wasn't him then surley all this Nijo bashing can stop can't it? You 2 have a clash of personalities, if he wasn't a mod would there still be an issue?

scorps (155)     6:43 pm, 29 Jan

55.   ...
Theres a few ppl on the MB I really dislike so I stay away from them where possible. (not only because of diffrent opinions but mainly because I don't like the ppl they are online. They may well be the nicest person ever to their friends and offline but I don't feel that way so I use my iggy button in my head.) What I would like to see is the other mods giving reasons for pulling threads and to stop hiding in the background where it's nice and safe. And yes I also have no doubt that Nige isn't perfect, but who is? His age shouldn't even have been bought into this, let alone his career. I personally think that if we have to have mods then it's good that they are diffrent ages and from diffrent backgrounds. Ballance is a good thing.

scorps (155)     6:44 pm, 29 Jan

56.   scorps
WHERE (once again!) was I 'nijo' bashing?? geez, I AM NOT abusing mods!

india1nz (105)     6:46 pm, 29 Jan

57.   scorps
just a question...were you on last night when all the threads were pulled?

india1nz (105)     6:47 pm, 29 Jan

58.   Scorps re: Nijo
I absolutely agree with what you have said. India, I don't think that the bashing comment was specifically aimed at you, but in the general comments throughout this thread I would say. :-)

sojo (114)     6:49 pm, 29 Jan

59.   Scorps
Well said !!

teamloud (4)     6:51 pm, 29 Jan

60.   Heya indi....
That comment wasn't aimed at you, though re-reading I can see how it looked that way. Sorry, it came across like that I should have worded it better, I was in a rush to stop the dinner burning so didn't proof read lol

scorps (155)     6:52 pm, 29 Jan

61.   no worries
thanks for clarifying...hope your dinner didn't burn!

india1nz (105)     6:54 pm, 29 Jan

62.   Thanks sojo :O)
glad it came across as it was meant to someone lol. In saying that though I can fully see how it didn't. *smacks hand*

scorps (155)     6:54 pm, 29 Jan

63.   Hey scorps
I apologised to india last night and it got pulled.

daisygirl (118)     6:54 pm, 29 Jan

64.   lol yeah it did
But... it was only the mans kai anyway so worries aye hehehehe

scorps (155)     6:55 pm, 29 Jan

65.   daisygirl.....
what did you apologise for??

india1nz (105)     6:57 pm, 29 Jan

66.   lol
nevermind - I got ya

india1nz (105)     6:57 pm, 29 Jan

67.   Yup daisy I saw that
I'm fully not saying I agree with those threads being pulled cause I don't, but I don't think Nige should be taking the brunt of it when he's the only one thats come forward to say it wasn't him. I don't blame the mod that did do it for not speaking up as they are bound to get it with both barrells, and IMO they deserve some flack for pulling some of those threads. I didn't see the need and I doubt anyone would have either. So basically I'm saying I beleive you have reason to be mad, but there must be a better way to sort it out. Make any sence?

scorps (155)     7:01 pm, 29 Jan

68.   I'm all for a better way but,
what would you do if 6 of your threads were pulled/closed in a matter of 5 mins? Or any of you, that are so quick to jump on me, for that matter?

india1nz (105)     7:06 pm, 29 Jan

69.   And yes,
I spoke to admin on the phone this morning and emailed them, but they said it will take time for them to go through the MB archives and look at all the posts and mods involved. But I will still be on here, posting responses to your posts. And I appreciate the support that has been shown both through the MB and 'other' ways! What some of you don't realise is that I am not just angry about my threads being pulled but everyone else who has had a thread pulled for no good reason, and there will be more, if people don't stand up and say it needs to be consistent, none of this 'you pi** me off so I will pull your thread! And no, admin do not review all threads pulled, only those they get complaints about.

india1nz (105)     7:11 pm, 29 Jan

70.   I do understand Indi
I was peeved a few days ago when all the *** ones were being pulled. There were no rules broken in them either and I too voiced my concerns. I also think there is very little consistancy in what gets pulled and what stays which gets on my nerves something cronic. But how can we fix that? They are all individuals and diffrent things are going to offend diffrent ppl. Last night (just as with our threads about ***) the threads were pulled to show the "power" and I don't think thats right. The only reason I posted in here is because Nige said he didn't do it so he shouldn't be coping any flack for it. I relise he's going to anyway because he's a mod, but it's the personal comments that were made about him that i think were abit off.

scorps (155)     7:18 pm, 29 Jan

71.   Most dont see the real issue India
As I said earlier"The sad fact remains that few seem to cogitate the maxim such as your good self and Indianz et al are remonstrating. In my experience it is pure ignorance coupled with a general laissez-faire that pervades this society today. It is a sad indictment indeed when the majority do not have the foresight or lack the energy to defend basic principles of morality." As is the case here. The proverbial ostrich mentality

rimfiremineral (371)     7:19 pm, 29 Jan

72.   scorps re nijo
I believe the critisism's are based on historical facts on previous behaviour. People have every right to judge on that as you yourself admitted in doing (with to quote-disliking people you have never met) That must also be based on the same historical information in your case, that you are so hyprocritically complaining about here. Somehow that doesnt seem to be balanced now does it.

rimfiremineral (371)     7:25 pm, 29 Jan

73.   lol
bummer ya didn't get to read my last post b4 hitting send on that one huh :O) I guess the moral is don't be too quick to judge, wait until ya know the facts. I can't blame you though, the threads where I was having a wee vent at the mods were pulled within minutes so I can't have expected you to have read them.

scorps (155)     7:26 pm, 29 Jan

74.   Geez scorps!!!
you are slipping... you spelled heaps of words right in 54 and 55 LOL. The REAL point is, you are SO right in all you say. Fair enough to suggest that one mod may have a conflict with a particular poster, but rather unfair I think to assassinate their character without proof. Given that Nijo has admitted pulling threads in the past I see no reason why he would deny it now. The original thrust of the "argument" here was that the mods should be consistent and within the "rules", not deleting for no apparent reason... perhaps it will get through now that this is a real issue and not something that will go away if enough threads are deleted

stanley1 (54)     7:29 pm, 29 Jan

75.   lol shuddup
I mean er... Please refain from opening your mouth about my spelling. *mumbles bout them damn spelding nazis!* hehehe

scorps (155)     7:48 pm, 29 Jan

76.   I find that the inconsistency shown
by the moderators here intolerable & the sad fact is that it seems to have got worse. I can see that they have totally different personalities, and what offends one may not offend another. But as has been stated before they were ALL given a clear set of guidelines, and this included that a thread was to be ‘removed’ as a last resort & that a reason of not less than 12 characters was to be given for it’s removal. IF the posts haven’t contravened any of the rules set out by TM, how can the mods honestly justify the removal of them…. & how can TM sanction their actions? At that point I feel things have become a ‘personal issue’. In all honesty if the mods can’t stand what is seen by some as ‘mod baiting’ (personally I think it’s more just a case of questioning ethics), then they aren’t really cut out to be mods….a mature person would just ignore it & let it fade away.

debdent (120)     7:51 pm, 29 Jan

77.   errr
sorry to be pedantic but it was 10 characters deb hehehehe

nijo (225)     7:54 pm, 29 Jan

78.   damn, could have sworn
it said 12, but the point is the remains :o)

stanley1 (54)     7:55 pm, 29 Jan

79.   yes it does stan
just wondering though, what does my career have to do with the message board, and my age?? Because im in my 20's does that make me less of a person???

nijo (225)     8:01 pm, 29 Jan

80.   "as a last resort"
is what gets me. If thats the last resort then surley they should come outta their hiddyholes and get involved in the threads and try to "moderate" them b4 they go to far. I actually thought that was what the moderators were going to be all about as well as pulling OTT threads and ones started by MB trolls. More fool me. If I had known that they would get to sit behind the sceens and make judgements without even finding out what the whole story was I personally wouldn't have agreed with having them in the first place. Well maybe 1 or 2 to remove troll threads and to close threads that were getting out of hand until admin could check them out and restore them if they felt they should be. And this isn't a slap in the face to the mods, it's just my opinion of how I thought it was going to be.

scorps (155)     8:02 pm, 29 Jan

81.   well
thats what i tried to do, and what do i get for it?? Being told im on a power trip which is nowhere near the truth. Guess ya just can't please some people

nijo (225)     8:04 pm, 29 Jan

82.   Let it go mate
I think they relise that was uncalled for. I doubt many would agree with them bringing that into it. You know who ya are mate, let them think what they like. By asking them it's just leaving yaself open to more abuse.

scorps (155)     8:05 pm, 29 Jan

83.   when
did you make the great change then nijo...and if thats nowhere near the truth then I guess that saying is correct..you can fool some of the people some of the time...but you cant fool all of the people all of the time...some of us have long memories.

grannypam (70)     8:07 pm, 29 Jan

84.   And yup honestly ya just can't aye
This whole thing is such a catch 22.

scorps (155)     8:07 pm, 29 Jan

85.   and gp
it's not a change, i have never or ever will be on a power trip. I think you should look at your self if you want to see someone who has changed

nijo (225)     8:09 pm, 29 Jan

86.   Fully concur with you GP
and equally it seems that a few have selective memories when one is challenged.

rimfiremineral (371)     8:09 pm, 29 Jan

87.   The sad part about it all
is that the mod(s) that get accused of pulling threads have to defend themself(ves) while the REAL culprits or should I say mods that ARE pulling the threads are probably sitting in front of their moniters laughing there heads off. Now THEY are the kids around here.

sandybb (140)     8:11 pm, 29 Jan

88.   I think
it was established very early on just who the power hungry mod was ..and me changed ...no way...like many others I got sick of the one rule for you guys one for the rest of the plebs...add to that the "I will delete this because I can " mentality ...and you can see why so many of the regular mb'ers have elected to remain silent until admin get their shit together.

grannypam (70)     8:13 pm, 29 Jan

89.   I absolutely agree with you there Sandybb
and that means it is down to two!

debdent (120)     8:15 pm, 29 Jan

90.   hmmmm
i know a certain trader who would beg to differ with you gp on the you not changing bit, hang on make that 3 traders

nijo (225)     8:16 pm, 29 Jan

91.   nijo
you better than anyone should know better than to make personal attacks. And let's not forget the REAL issue here.

india1nz (105)     8:20 pm, 29 Jan

92.   now come on nijo..
a moderator bringing other traders into things...be a nice boy and name some names then will you...

grannypam (70)     8:21 pm, 29 Jan

93.   Ummm guys
dont turn this into a personal attack, it just gives the mods a valid reason to remove the thread.(Even though personal attacks aren't stated in the rules )

debdent (120)     8:21 pm, 29 Jan

94.   maybe that's what's happening deb...
a reason to close/pull the thread maybe?

india1nz (105)     8:23 pm, 29 Jan

95.   yes your right india
but if you had been getting it from all quarters for the last however many months over a supposed "powertrip" would'nt you give some back too???? For the last time i am not or was not on a pwertrip. Sure my personality might come accross that way on the screeen but alot of peoples does as well. If you knew me then you would understand, but as you don't, it does'nt seem right to judge me. Seems like it's guilty untill proven innocent around here

nijo (225)     8:25 pm, 29 Jan

96.   and gp
no i won't, i have respect for my friends that i have met from trade me and will not name them here.

nijo (225)     8:28 pm, 29 Jan

97.   IMO re: critisisim
While it may be acceptable(by some)in general. Personal attacks in my view are uncalled for regardless of the reasoning.

sojo (114)     8:28 pm, 29 Jan

98.   Starting to look a lot like baiting
from where I sit. As stated earlier if a trader agrees to be a moderator than I would expect that they would/should be able to handle some flax from members. Par for the course I would think. Turn a blind eye and things might improve. Always reackon the quickest way to end a disagreement is to walk away from it.

coolnzmum (42)     8:28 pm, 29 Jan

99.   nijo
The only reason I got my back up in the first place with you was the thread you pulled of mine when this moderation first began. And you are right, I don't know you personaly, but alot shows through about people's personalities when they post on here. Last night when those other threads were pulled, it was sheer flaunting of power - nothing else. Whichever way I turned they were either deleted or closed - WHY?

india1nz (105)     8:30 pm, 29 Jan

100.   i dont know
i did not remove them as i have stated

nijo (225)     8:31 pm, 29 Jan

101.   BUT
Trade Me informed me today not just one mod can pull, it has to be agreed upon in your mods thread. Or did I get that wrong? So, in saying that, there was definately more than one mod involved - of that I have no doubt.

india1nz (105)     8:33 pm, 29 Jan

102.   woooooo
i got the hundy

nijo (225)     8:33 pm, 29 Jan

103.   nope
one mod can pull a thread, does not have to be in agreement with any other mod at all.

nijo (225)     8:34 pm, 29 Jan

104.   ok then,
you being a mod, and being on last night at the time - how many other mods were on? No names of course, would not want to alienate you from the mod crowd, but how many were on at the time?

india1nz (105)     8:34 pm, 29 Jan

105.   as far as i know
there was another 4

nijo (225)     8:35 pm, 29 Jan

106.   Has anyone else noticed
how the good old, stropy, aggressive debates have gone since the moderators have taken over the board. There just isnt the same old fizz around now. Yep yep yep yep.........

newlands (2)     8:40 pm, 29 Jan

107.   so
one of the mods tells bullshits then...

grannypam (70)     8:40 pm, 29 Jan

108.   episode 2
tune in same time next week j/k

dizzylizzy (55)     8:40 pm, 29 Jan

109.   Yep dizzy
and 'so are the days of our lives'

sojo (114)     8:43 pm, 29 Jan

110.   OK SO WHY
were the 2 threads headed india1nz and india1nz and daisygirl closed off and not pulled. They are still on message board. Taking up valuable space. There could be something else more worthwhile to read. I am still awaiting a response from TM after my complaints this morning. Good evening india1nz, Hope you had a great day.

daisygirl (118)     8:47 pm, 29 Jan

111.   zing.....
has sure gone outta the message board these days hasnt it folks? What happened to those days when we could mention whatever was bothering us on here and rip off traders now threads get pulled and no names are ever mentioned. Come on mods why do you pull these threads most of the time it is without reason isnt it?

patra (327)     8:47 pm, 29 Jan

112.   evening daisygirl
yes I had a great day - thanks.

india1nz (105)     8:48 pm, 29 Jan

113.   right
off to bed to watch a video now, have a great night all, ya hear

nijo (225)     8:54 pm, 29 Jan

114.   COME ON admin!!
Hasnt all this baby snatching away from someone BS gone on long enough?? When you gonna DO something about it and be loyal to your members??!!!??

sandybb (140)     8:59 pm, 29 Jan

115.   well ally27
if it takes creating another user to hide behind so you can spill the beans then GO FOR IT.....lol..

sandybb (140)     9:03 pm, 29 Jan

116.   Bye bye post
and Nijo said 4 others... so we have a new one (or more) at a guess. Or else someones been telling porkies lol. I'll go with the new one, it would explain why a thread popped up today that was abit hmmmmmmm. Drumming up support I guess. Ahhhh the politics of it all LMFAO

scorps (155)     9:05 pm, 29 Jan

117.   oh and you forgot
to mention the other mod...eilznay in gibberish if you can work it out. lol . still a mod ya reckon or left the clan as it were? What are your thoughts as a ""newbie"" ?

sandybb (140)     9:06 pm, 29 Jan

118.   lol arhhh
What was that you were saying sandy. Sheshhhh that was quick! lol

sojo (114)     9:07 pm, 29 Jan

119.   we are missing a post - lol
where is it? What was it?

india1nz (105)     9:07 pm, 29 Jan

120.   lol
now i dont make any sense. oh well im sure that post of mine will go in a minute. hoped someone saved it..

sandybb (140)     9:08 pm, 29 Jan

121.   I reckon the 'old' one is still 'one'!
too much arrogance for me.....

india1nz (105)     9:09 pm, 29 Jan

122.   it was from that newbie
putting all the mods names down. No one we didnt already know about. Obviously daddys lurking huh...

sandybb (140)     9:09 pm, 29 Jan

123.   lol Sandy
"newbies" seem to be a common thing at the moment. I've worked out some but buggered if I can get em all lol. And Indi... the "newbie" stated who the camera shy mods were and like my post about a week ago it vanished *poof* even lol

scorps (155)     9:09 pm, 29 Jan

124.   lol
oh - ok - maybe the 'newbies' aint stupid and can see what's going on here!

india1nz (105)     9:12 pm, 29 Jan

I have to say that is the first time a post has disappeared before my eyes. (I have never been on when it all happens) so now I know what you lot mean when you get pi**ed off when it happens. I blinked ...... and it was gone..... magic.

sandybb (140)     9:12 pm, 29 Jan

126.   lol ally27
I for one am not surprised. What was that you wanted scratched? lol :-)

sojo (114)     9:18 pm, 29 Jan

127.   India1,G.P.
I support u Both in what u are fighting for and in "FACT" E-Mailed Trademe Admin to this Effect which to my Surprise i Got a Reply.. Plse don't ask me to post the Reply Here but it was a Very interesting Answer to my concerns re Mod's/Personal attacks/Lack of Professionalism etc.. I Do Think now Based on That reply that Things will change (Hopefully for The Better)

colinnicholls (460)     9:19 pm, 29 Jan

128.   seems like there were a few of us in contact
with Trade Me today then...hopefully, they will act appropriately.

india1nz (105)     9:20 pm, 29 Jan

Find your old school friends - OldFriends.co.nz
129.   what I really cant believe here....
Is the total lack of respect that some people show for other peoples privacy, there may be many reasons for a moderator to want to remain annonymous, how would any of us know those reasons. We are members of a site that happens to be a business, that business is not owned by the members, no matter how much income the members provide or create for the business. We are bound by the rules of the site, that we agree to adhere to on joining. The mods are doing a job, an unpaid job, with little thanks, do they really deserve constant abuse or nasty comments, they do not have to show themselves, or justify themselves to us, the members, if we dont like it, its our choice whether we continue to visit the site or not, or find somewhere with less restrictions to share our gripes or opinions.

lov2chatnz (281)     9:23 pm, 29 Jan

130.   Hi India..
Shud have said it took abt 3 day's or more for the Reply..However a response was received.. Do Beleive trademe admin are as concerned as Other's are re This Rather shambolic Situation..

colinnicholls (460)     9:25 pm, 29 Jan

131.   colin
Yep recieved same info myself

rimfiremineral (371)     9:26 pm, 29 Jan

how many of the mods are male or female??

daisygirl (118)     9:27 pm, 29 Jan

133.   collinnicolls
If I was to mention that the first site on my favorite websites is ours could you send me a copy of email.

coolnzmum (42)     9:29 pm, 29 Jan

134.   male dominated -
who knows...(no offense to the males out there of course!)

india1nz (105)     9:30 pm, 29 Jan

135.   2 of each
as far as I'm aware though if there have been more added then it's anyone guess. It was male dominated until Stan and Noodlez stepped down.

scorps (155)     9:30 pm, 29 Jan

136.   #137..
Sorry Answer is No.. Reason being it was a Professional Reply to Genuine Concern's I Had and as Trademe had the Decency to Reply in What i beleive to be an Honest up-Front response to my Concern's it is not for General debate..

colinnicholls (460)     9:40 pm, 29 Jan

137.   Fair enough

coolnzmum (42)     9:47 pm, 29 Jan

138.   It is the right of every NZ
citizen to be able to see who their accuser's are.We are given the right of freedom of speech.The moderators by accepting the Judgemental roles that they have over others are interferring with our rights to speak freely.I agree with the others and I will say it my way. Who the hell do the moderators think they are sitting in judgement over their fellow traders. They are not lawyers,judges,or by any legal defination in a posititon to judge yet they hide behind their screens sitting back and judging us...They do not have that right and I can not understand T.M's mentallity is pitting trader against trader.Some mods have jumped ship like rats leaving a sinking ship and now want to play in the row boat with the rest of us sharks that are circling well I say sorry no room. Nobody has the right to judge me and I strongly object to people that think they can unless they are the law which none of the mods are counting till this is removed..

pow (222)     9:53 pm, 29 Jan

139.   I think it is so funny
one particular traders comment, cant remember the exact words, but the moderator shouldnt bring personal issues into it. What a joke, when half the threads have been personal issues, but I have to agree leave your personal issues with a trader or moderator at home. I have been sticking up for the mods and a couple on here I have a lot of respect for, not knowing who the others are I cant say, but boy oh boy was I getting p...... off today when I went into to have a look around and buggar me, just about everythread I went into was closed and for the life of me I couldnt see why.

lyndav (123)     10:04 pm, 29 Jan

140.   I got to the point where
I just couldnt be darn well bothered. Come on Mods pull threads that slander another traders name not others that have a good old debate, hell I miss that. I want a debate gimmmme gimme gimme. Im another one NOW whose had enough of this darn boring threads. Not this one, well you know what I mean. i went into the thread the other day went to leave a message pushed view, and poooffff wooosh it was gone. I thought I was amaging it was there in the first place.

lyndav (123)     10:09 pm, 29 Jan

141.   You could also bet
your life they are slagging traders off in "THEIR OWN MODERATORS ONLY THREAD" and yet we don't get right of recourse with that thread oh nooooooooooo... Yet we are censored in every other thread by these Self appointed Judges.....

pow (222)     10:33 pm, 29 Jan

142.   I was just thinking the exact same thing
of course they are! Power to the people - or should that be power to 5?

india1nz (105)     10:35 pm, 29 Jan

143.   well
blow me down I didnt even know there was a moderators only thread, oh well Im sure its all nice about ME. lol. (tongue in cheek) Well i have to say i give nijo his dues at least he came in and I have a lot of respect for helen, she stillis one isnt she? so come on you other 3 show yourself...... were waiting. And poofff this thread is gone. Yes....No.....

lyndav (123)     10:39 pm, 29 Jan

144.   Yep they do
It's hidden from us little people ..Only the gods are allowed to see it.

pow (222)     10:41 pm, 29 Jan

145.   I think -
if we MUST have mods, why not have it so that there are around say 20-30 and it is done on a rotational roster. Say one week there are 5 and the next another 5 and so on. For one, it would take the heat off (because no-one would know who was pulling), and another, it would keep personalities from clashing so much as it would be alot more fair in the respect that it would not be the same 5 mods all the time. Also, it would give the 'other' mods a break from having to 'police' the MB all the time - they could post like you and me, and possibly experience having their own thread or post pulled!! - now I like that idea! lol. That's only if admin don't see sense and insist on keeping mods in place or should I say 'in their place'??

india1nz (105)     10:47 pm, 29 Jan

146.   I don't think
t.m would like that idea as to many conflicting gods would turn the paddling pool into a spa pool...It would be exactly what's happened here.. I can't work out whos moderating the moderators as some of their post's should be removed for deliberately picking fights,slagging members off,and generally stirring the pot.Yet their post's remain...... So who mod's the mod's....

pow (222)     10:54 pm, 29 Jan

147.   Actually india
You make some good points. Only problem is we will end up having heaps of threads with the heading: OK which one of you 20 + mods pulled my thread? I believe as you do that there is much to be looked into as far as this moderating system is concerned. And IMO TM put this system in place so they should be the ones taking the responsibility for it and making the revelant changes/improvements (Whatever those changes/improvements may be)and sooner rather than later. :-)

sojo (114)     10:56 pm, 29 Jan

148.   hey, I'm grasping at straws here! lol
anythings gotta be better then the present system.

india1nz (105)     10:59 pm, 29 Jan

149.   Yep
I hear ya india. I'm off to bed shortly, you have a good nights rest and a great day tommorrow. :-)

sojo (114)     11:02 pm, 29 Jan

150.   Thanks sojo :) - you too!!
It has taken me all damn night to cover the kids books!! lol, between that and refreshing...arghhhh...my daughter is a horse lover so I bought some plain duraseal (much thinner and harder to put on then last year!) and have been cutting up a horse calender - so she will be wrapt when she sees it in the morning!

india1nz (105)     11:09 pm, 29 Jan

151.   Awwwww
Shucks, she is one lucky little girl. I'm sure she'll love it india! Nite nite all! :-)

sojo (114)     11:15 pm, 29 Jan

152.   Pow states in her post of #142
"Some mods have jumped ship like rats leaving a sinking ship and now want to play in the row boat with the rest of us sharks that are circling well I say sorry no room." After all of the blurb about freedom of speech & the accepting of judgmental roles (which I totally agree with), I find it incomprehensible that she is presuming to know the reasons why the mods that gave up their moderator status, in fact did. Surely it has occurred to her that it could be for the mere fact that they totally agree with the first part of her post & did not feel that it was their place to be in a position to supress peoples complaints & concerns. It appears now however, that the mods are not the only ones being judgmental!

debdent (120)     11:27 pm, 29 Jan

153.   Just posting to say hello
India you are a great Mom covering the books. I did it for years and still have to help teen son but daughter does her own now which is such a saving on time. My kids had a good start to school so I am pleased as it's stressful the first day back.

hodiah2 (53)     12:16 am, 30 Jan

154.   Hey there hodiah2
Well, all the way through covering them I kept saying to my husband 'I'm not doing this again!!' lol, I had sticky stuff for miles and he just kept laughing at me say I would proberly do it every year until the kids left school!! lol. Glad to hear your children had a good start back...does not take long to get back in the swing of things! Must admit, while the holidays are great, I do miss the routine of school (for me I mean, not the kids!), I get organised each day alot quicker but my 2 year old misses his sisters terribly!!

india1nz (105)     7:39 am, 30 Jan

155.   the way I see it...
is that the moderators are there to protect TM's interests. If people think they are there to edit what we say then I think you are looking at it from the wrong angle. I think threads about dodgy traders are deleted because TM don't want a defamation suit (however unlikely that is) and I think certain threads are closed (rightly or wrongly) for lots of reasons, competition, advertising, etc but also because some of them criticise TM. I don't see the point in anyone knowing who the moderators are as it will just create more of these threads, I do think however the moderators should mellow a bit.

kat2nz (280)     8:56 am, 30 Jan

156.   # 152
when this situation with moderators first raised it's ugly head you leapt on me and others,like a rabid dog on a bone,you abused,insulted, and generally just stirred the pot and you as I understood it were not even a mod but seeing one.(thats your buisness) However.. now you expect me and others to think you have changed your mind about the moderators....Well sorry that's gonna take some getting used to..Not all those that are annoyed about your abuse to us are going to post on the msg board... Just a few do post their disgust at this and now you have the cheek to say what you have above and expect us to swallow it...

pow (222)     2:03 pm, 30 Jan

157.   POW
yes agree with you re 152-it is clear that hyprocosy is some peoples strengths

rimfiremineral (371)     2:09 pm, 30 Jan

158.   I just hate the
way some run with the wolves then try to hunt with the hounds...makes me sick....at least the majority have been consistent with their disgust at this whole mess....T.M must have a dam good laugh over these threads.....

pow (222)     2:42 pm, 30 Jan

159.   #156 & #158
I really do think you have somewhere along the way missed a thread…. or 10. At the start I protested at the way the mods were implemented, and in fact was one of the first to post my protest at the way EVERYTHING was being handled. Obviously you have missed another 30something threads that I've posted to in the interim….or possibly just have serious issues with regard to one of the (now ex ) moderators, which is certainly how it came across at the beginning. If having the ability to be able to see both side’s of a story is a character fault, then I’m pretty much stuffed aren’t I? Personally I find selective memory (or is that selective reading) a far more annoying as it only serves to make the poster look ill informed. I know for a fact why the moderator being referred to withdrew….but not for one minute do I feel I have to justify or explain the reasons to you. You can believe what you want, as your beliefs are of no interest to either of us, suffice to say there are many that know the reasons and admire th

debdent (120)     3:53 pm, 30 Jan

160.   .....
admire the fact that someone had the courage of his convictions enough to make them.

debdent (120)     3:54 pm, 30 Jan

161.   We wouldn't even be
having this debate if they hadnt set themselves up a judge and jury of their fellow traders.Therefore backing out after the event is of little consequence and does not make for an excuse of now said difference of opinion on the whole situation.You also set yourself up as judge and jury over others by your repeated attacks on others that disagreed with the moderators being set up in the first place now you expect us to accept that you have now jumped camps...I for one have read through 99.9% of the threads from start to finish on this subject I have not posted in them all but I refuse to sit back and be abused by somebody like you.hypocrisy is a funny thing to waatch when it happens so keep the laughs coming.Off to make a cuppa and get a cushion to watch the show.loll

pow (222)     4:06 pm, 30 Jan

162.   Certianly agree with
you there pow. And again agree with you to Rim. heck twice in a week already. I also was one that agreed and stuck up for the moderators at the beginning and still do think they are needed on this board. More for the milicious threads that get started, not for an apinion stated but the ones with the intent to hurt or try to ruin someones reputation. But some of the threads lately that have been removed is way beyond me to understand, why.

lyndav (123)     5:10 pm, 30 Jan

163.   What short term memories some have...
surely I am not the only one that read Nigels thread calling for members to submit their names if interested in being a moderator, only to watch as others submitted peoples names that they felt would make good mods. At the time it was just something that TM was thinking about. Is it just me that remembers the night that the moderators were implemented (by TM admin in blind panic), dropped in the deep end so to speak? It just might be of interest to others (that also missed it at the time) to know that they had no prior warning that they were in fact going to be put in this position. How can anyone with a conscience say that “they set themselves up as judge & jury”. Hypocrite….sorry to disappoint you but just because I haven’t been posting regularly & you obviously missed or ignored a lot of my early posts on the matter, it doesn’t mean I’m going quietly change to fit your perception of me. You call my posts ‘abuse’ when you are getting direct digs in at two ex mods in post #138 using little animal analogies

debdent (120)     5:16 pm, 30 Jan

164.   ....
now that is hypocritical, but they do say he who laughs last…. laughs loudest.

debdent (120)     5:17 pm, 30 Jan

165.   I was
one who didnt see the call up for moderators by Nigel. Missed it all. But on the same token if indeed as you say they were dropped in at the deep end, why didnt they just say no until some rules and regualtions for the moderators were in place. because at the time the fact was the title of Moderator was so exciting. You may know more than the rest of us regarding this but just because someones apinion is not the same as yours does not always make them wrong. Im not sure if anyone eles knows or not, i sure dont, how many names Nigel has for would be wannabes, as one leaves then another one no doubt will take that persons place. What then is the moderetors only thread all about I wonder, does it have rules for the mods, to follow. Do they infact discuss what threads are to be removed, Parhaps Stanley and blast forgotton who the other one was, can enlighten us all as to what rules they had to follow if any.

lyndav (123)     5:36 pm, 30 Jan

166.   I admit that I
orginally posted in the thread nigel put up about moderators and expressed and interest in this position my thoughts were that the mods were there to clean up the msg board on weekends when the crap threads were put up and t.m wasn't around.Then when the mods just appeared with no further contact to the members regarding it the thread disappeared and boom all of a sudden we have mods.When I expressed my opinon on the fact that there had been no further comumincation with members about it I was accused of having a case of sour grapes.Which was a load of crap.The moderators blasted onto the sceen setting themsleves up as judges by accepting with little or no thought to the ramifications of their actions and promplty started acting like bombastic a** holes. Cont:

pow (222)     5:50 pm, 30 Jan

167.   what the ?
what is going on here? deb is getting jumped on left right and centre! I have also been watching threads, including the one where Nigel proposed to have mods and invited names to be put forward. NO-ONE knew what the implications were, I know I was thinking it would be quiet, in the background moderation NOT the in your face power trippers that are among us. So, in saying that, how can anyone be judged on their previous views - not knowing how the moderators would affect the MB? I don't care whos jumping from the boat to the ship to the bloody island! Everyone is entitled to change their opinion, are they not? And in debs case I think it has been fairly obvious her opinion has never changed, she just had her partner to consider, who at the time, was a newly appointed moderator. And my opinion has never changed either - I never supported or agreed that moderators were needed.

india1nz (105)     5:53 pm, 30 Jan

168.   is this thread still
going???? lol

remington (241)     5:53 pm, 30 Jan

169.   yeah rem -
wanna join in? lol

india1nz (105)     5:55 pm, 30 Jan

170.   then we all get
accused of abosluetly ridiculous things by the mods and certain other members and now that it's time to pay the piper they jump ship.And expect us all to accept the fact that they now see that the system was floored and there are consequences to everything in life.A jury of one's peers and a court of law are the only ones that have the right to judge anybody and nobody I know in T.M members,or otherwise has the right to censor anybody on a public msg board.They put the msg board here they take the ramifications that come from it. Ref to little animals well for gods sake if that's all you can make of this situation then there is a a real problem out there. You rammed your opinion's down other peoples throats then expect us to accept this from you.Sorry it's a little hard to take. It's really funny to watch people trying to back pedal it doesn't get anybody very far.

pow (222)     5:55 pm, 30 Jan

171.   sorry to cut you off pow
did not realise you were in mid post!

india1nz (105)     5:56 pm, 30 Jan

172.   .
Food has replaced sex in my life, now I can't even get into my own pants.

marilynmonroe (396)     5:58 pm, 30 Jan

173.   India
that's fine no worries.

pow (222)     6:00 pm, 30 Jan

174.   lol
no i dont want to join in this thread lol, i have alot of opionions (sp!) but i would rather keep them to myself otherwize i would get disabled LOL.

remington (241)     6:02 pm, 30 Jan

175.   lol oh marilyn
I so wish food would replace sex in my husbands life so he wouldnt expect me to get into this pants (-0

lyndav (123)     6:04 pm, 30 Jan

176.   Anybody else notice
the msg board states 179 post's in this thread yet only 175 showing?? MM what you smoking girl you in the wrong thread or you trying to be funny..loll

pow (222)     6:09 pm, 30 Jan

177.   pow
trying to be funny.I havnt a clue what the thread is about.But if theres this many posts it must be dead boring as it still here and the moderators aren't interested in deleting it.lol

marilynmonroe (396)     7:50 pm, 30 Jan

178.   #166 & #170
Nigels thread disappeared 3 days after it went up, and then about 3 weeks later ‘wham’ we had moderators with no warning or discussion in the interim. The moderator that accused you of your posts being sour grapes is still a moderator, so what’s your point? One has to wonder why your post indicates that you feel your perceived ‘abdication’ by two of the moderators is a recent thing? One that I know of felt that the system was flawed from the start, which was his exact reason for asking that his mod status be removed in early December ….9 days after the mods were implemented. I’m not back peddling, it was not I that put myself forward in that very first thread. I do wonder how you’d feel if you were one of the ones selected, & whether you would have turned the post down immediately or given it a few days to see how it was going to work. The funniest thing I’m watching is someone that says she has read 99.9% of the threads relevant to this make it obvious that there are more than a few she has missed.

debdent (120)     7:53 pm, 30 Jan

179.   Well somebody has been busy
Perhaps its time to clarify a few facts. I believe Kat2nz is right, (*gasp* in a couple of points anyway) the mods ARE there to protect TM’s interest, they are NOT there to edit people’s opinion… HOWEVER, it appears that is exactly what some of them have been doing. Yes Kat, whoever it is needs to mellow… a LOT. My understanding of the role of a moderator was posted very soon after the mods started… to use a light touch to ensure that the message board was a pleasant place for all. I followed that philosophy as far as possible. It did not help the situation that a set of rather draconian rules were imposed at the same time, and that, compounded by the way the mods were introduced, caused significant tension in my personal life.

stanley1 (54)     8:15 pm, 30 Jan

180.   contd
Anyone to accusing Debdent of being a hypocrite, must have been reading with blinkers on… or not at all. Deb’s criticism on the message board was slightly more muted than customary at first, out of respect to me, but scathing nonetheless. I can assure you it was not so muted in private, and has been consistent from the time the mods were introduced. If anyone is accusing me of being a hypocrite by criticising after “setting myself up as a judge”, perhaps they should consider how they would react in the same situation. I was “appointed” out of the blue after stating in Nigel’s thread that I would NOT be considered because of my criticism of TM Admin in the past. I chose to go with the situation to see how it would pan out and, after just over a week, decided for a number of different reasons, that I could not continue in that role.

stanley1 (54)     8:15 pm, 30 Jan

181.   Mtcw
I have only ever made one post re mods and that was not to do with the aspect of them , that is the topic here.But I will say I have have read many and I haven't seen any ,that suggest debdent is being a hypocrite or that she has personally abused anyone on this matter . I have not always agreed with her posts on some matters over the time I have used this MB but have always found her posts to be consistent and well worded.And yes I go back to Nigel's original thread re nominations for mods.I even recall the critcisms she posted, mentioned by Stanley above and admired her for still choosing to do so under the circumstances .

kiwicarol (107)     8:29 pm, 30 Jan

182.   You accepted the post
did you not.You can't tell me that you signed in one day and found out that you were appointed a judge and jury over the msg board without your consent. You accepted the position thereby deeming yourself to be a judge over others.Simple and as far as missing half the threads or readin with blinkers on that is total and utter crap.As far as me having been offered or not as I stated in the very begining when Debent accused me of sour grapes that is not the case at all and wether the thread disappeared 1 day or 4 after it was put it it shouldn't of been removed so others had a better understanding about what it was about.Don't start implying that I am the only one disscusted at fellow traders for setting themselves up like they have.

pow (222)     8:32 pm, 30 Jan

183.   I assume pow
you have never accepted a job that you later found out wasn't quite what you expected.

kiwicarol (107)     8:36 pm, 30 Jan

184.   .
Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.

marilynmonroe (396)     8:39 pm, 30 Jan

185.   Actually
That is EXACTLY what happened... I turned on my computer, discovered and email from Nigel, signed in and found that my login had changed. I was NOT asked for consent, and in fact when Nigel replied to my resignation he admitted that they "could have done things better" As I have stated, I did NOT seek the postion (unlike some) and found it untenable after at least trying to make it work. As has been said before, look to yourself and think how you would have reacted if you HAD been appointed.

stanley1 (54)     8:44 pm, 30 Jan

186.   wow stanley...
you agree with something I said, thats a first.

kat2nz (280)     8:47 pm, 30 Jan

187.   stanley1
I found you, as a moderator, to be the fairest out of the lot. I don't see why you should have to explain yourself to anybody on here. This is getting way to personal and I think the real issue is the current mods - that are pulling for no good reason, and certainly not for any reasons trade me have listed!

india1nz (105)     8:50 pm, 30 Jan

188.   I think its obvious
that the moderators have mellowed a bit in the last day or 2 so it's gotta be time to move on & get over it ya reckon?

kat2nz (280)     8:56 pm, 30 Jan

189.   It is not a case of
whether I was appointed or not HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT'S NOT SOUR GRAPES GET IT.... Kiwicarol #183 Yes I have had jobs like that but I didnt and wouldn't set myself up as a censor over others the mods power trips are out of hand yet T.M have done nothing about it they continue to let their mods be abused I am sure they must think this the best comedy since laurel and hardy did the who's on first stunt..Stanley yeah right you all have the cheek to come down on me for being one of the few to actually express what a HELL of a LOT of people are thinking and won't post becuase they know they are going to get the crap thrown at them as I have..Well so be it keep it coming folks this is getting funnier by the minute. There have even been post in this thread removed.funny that huh now which mod was that I wonder.

pow (222)     8:56 pm, 30 Jan

190.   well
I like Stanley.He is a nice person.How do I know you may ask???Well I have seen him post and have talked to him in the cafe.Some of the other moderators are total prats.Oh for how the message board used to be,the stirrers and the people who used to rack each other up.It just aint the same anymore.Bring back the old days.

marilynmonroe (396)     8:58 pm, 30 Jan

191.   kat2nz
NO, I will not 'move on'. Have you had 7 of your threads deleted for no good reason? I will not roll over and wait for the next 7 to be deleted - period.

india1nz (105)     8:58 pm, 30 Jan

192.   but india1nz
whats your alternative?

kat2nz (280)     8:59 pm, 30 Jan

193.   Pow
My comments where made re your stating hypocrisy and abuse by another and nothing at all to do with my opinion of the good or evils of the mods.

kiwicarol (107)     9:00 pm, 30 Jan

194.   I wish
I had read all these posts cause I dont really know what this is all about.I nkow of about 6 different traders who wont post on here now.Rather sad really.

marilynmonroe (396)     9:01 pm, 30 Jan

195.   and if people don't like this thread -
don't come in! If anough people protest regarding the unjust pulling of threads, trade me have to sit up and take notice - surely. If not, I, for one, will keep on posting...and when one of your threads/posts is deleted for no good reason, I'm sure you will join me!

india1nz (105)     9:03 pm, 30 Jan

196.   ?
Have just noticed that the new trader posting last night - that had all her posts deleted - has been disabled - ally was the user name...wonder why? Did anyone know her? Or why she was disabled?

india1nz (105)     9:05 pm, 30 Jan

197.   I think I will
laugh it off & move on if my posts are deleted. There's more to life than the MB & it's not worth getting yourself worked up about. Have you seen any unjust pulling of threads in the past day or so? I haven't. I personally think the moderators have sorted it out, maybe all the complaints made TM establish whats on & what's not with the moderators. Why don't you give them a chance to get it right, they're human just like us.

kat2nz (280)     9:08 pm, 30 Jan

198.   Ummm, excuse me
But I don't consider I have "come down" on anyone. I have merely been pointing out that Debs comments have been consistent, and that I have issues about the way SOME of the current moderators have been acting. My comment about looking at yourself was an invitation to examine how you would have reacted if you HAD been appointed, especially under the circumstance that eventuated, and absolutely NOTHING to do with how you may or may not have felt when finding that you hadn't. And Kat, please stop saying things I have to agree with... its unnatural ROFL (It DOES appear that things may have settled, for now anyway :o))

stanley1 (54)     9:09 pm, 30 Jan

199.   just take a look at the
number of supposed post's in this thread it says 202 yet when you read the msg's there is only 197 soon to be 198.So this thread is even having posts pulled and I very much doubt it's a community voting it off. Maybe they should bring in the old system where is stated what post's were pulled.They could have two verison's one that stated it was a community vote and the other a moderators happy trigger finger.. Either way it's about time this siutation was sorted out once and for all.

pow (222)     9:12 pm, 30 Jan

200.   How can you judge
if a post has been taken off for the right reasons if you have not seen the post? From what very little I saw of the ally persons posts I think they were probably quite justifiably removed

kat2nz (280)     9:15 pm, 30 Jan

201.   200?

india1nz (105)     9:15 pm, 30 Jan

202.   but
I'm not getting into this arguement lol. this chicks all arguemented out, I'll go on my merry way & be mellow.

kat2nz (280)     9:19 pm, 30 Jan

203.   Oh for gawds sake Stanley
I don't need you or your friends help to take a look at myself or what I would or wouldn't of done.You keep going on about me not being a moderator well so ferking what.I don't lose sleep over that fact.What I object to is the holier than thou attitude that makes the mods think they have the right to sit in judgement i.e. censor another trader.Mother Teresa,God or the Pope they are not nor our mothers or fathers so they have no right to judge us.Yet they continue to do so Some more than others have a happy little finger that as has been said once before on the msg board they should sit on and rotate maybe that will keep them amused rather than sitting and removing threads for personallity reason's.India has had a number of threads removed yet there is the consitent waste of space with the rhymers,hogs and other childish threads remaining.So where is the dam logic...

pow (222)     9:20 pm, 30 Jan

204.   Some people
Enjoy those "childish threads". So is it safe to assume from your comment you would now like to decide what the topic of threads can be? Btw I am not one that particpates in those you named but have no problems with those who wish to do so.

kiwicarol (107)     9:24 pm, 30 Jan

205.   Oh dear
I have to agree with Stanley already, thats three Ive agreed with today now that is un natrual Stanley beleive me lol. But I also agree with Kat. India you state you will not stop, and I like kat wouldnt give a continintal if a post Id started was removed, beleive me theres more two life than this MB and it seems to have taken over yours. Imagine if you were to drop dead tomorrow, ( god willing it would never happen) but thered be the ususal oh no I am so sorry, with sincerity im sure then in a couple days later you and your threads would all be forgotton. TM may listen in time no doubt in a few months or so, but maybe just maybe youll be talking to yourself. Yes marilyn it would be nice to have the old days back as long as threads that needed to be pulled were done so immediately. Not this pick a number out of the hat that it is now.

lyndav (123)     9:25 pm, 30 Jan

206.   would you all rather I just go on my way
and leave you all to it? I so loved coming on here and joining in with the threads that were running. They were informative, funny, silly, sad and some just plain rude! But as an adult, I am in control of myself and choose whether or not I want to continue reading a thread if it 'offends' me. We are all different and enjoy different things, just like our opinions differ...so what's with making it so our opinions have to resemble those of the mod pulling the thread that we may actually be enjoying? Reminds me of cloning really, mould everyone the way you want them to be. 'Screen' what they read...we are adults for gods sake!

india1nz (105)     9:27 pm, 30 Jan

207.   204 No I simply said I
found them childish I don't post in them for that reason control over what threads are titled don't be dam stupid. India you hang in there girl don't let me beat you down or scare you off they are not worth it.Hang in there...

pow (222)     9:32 pm, 30 Jan

208.   And yes,
this MB is provided by Trade Me as an extension to their auction site (for the use of discussing trades I originaly thought), but Trade Me don't post here - we do. So should we not have some input in what we want to read, after all, we are the ones reading it. I have suggested many things right from the beginning when the mods were first introduced, an R18 MB aside from this one with un-moderated threads - similiar to the R18 side of the auctions (not R18 meaning sex though!) with a disclaimer etc popping up before entering, a rotational roster for 30 or so mods, having 5 on at a time, changing weekly so as to give a 'fresh' view on the moderation of the MB each week, thus providing a great deal of anonyminity (sp)...

india1nz (105)     9:34 pm, 30 Jan

209.   and yet
I do understand where you are comming from. I did not see your threads you started anyways, having been off the com for a couple of days, so Ive no idea what they were about. So i guess in actual fact I really cannot comment about them. What I was trying to get across is I would hate to see you get hurt by as you said a moderator who has it in for you. On reflection I would probably do exactly the same and fight back.

lyndav (123)     9:34 pm, 30 Jan

210.   you know what?
I would not be doing this if my threads were breaking any 'rules'...but they didn't, and that's why I am speaking out...it may happen to your thread/post one day, and THAT is what I am trying to prevent.

india1nz (105)     9:37 pm, 30 Jan

211.   I just got to learn to type faster
Well yoohoo I agree for the fouth time today, yes india an R18 thread would be tops. That is a good idea.

lyndav (123)     9:40 pm, 30 Jan

212.   YES AND
I am still waiting for an explanation from TM as to why my posts to india were pulled the other night. They just disappeared before our eyes and the other two threads were closed. How long does it take them to give an explanation????

daisygirl (118)     9:49 pm, 30 Jan

213.   Hitler's minions had a choice on whether to serve
him and enact his plans. Likewise the moderators also have a choice on whether they serve admin and enforce their "rules". Fortunately some of them had the intestinal fortitude to reject tyranny, and refuse to serve the "dark master"...

jjbc (45)     9:53 pm, 30 Jan

214.   jjbc
so does that make me jewish?? lol

india1nz (105)     9:58 pm, 30 Jan

215.   .
I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on it...so I said "Implants?"

marilynmonroe (396)     10:01 pm, 30 Jan

216.   India girl!
Don't you dear go anywhere! Yes there have been probs with the new system some I disagree with too and somethings I have no problem with. Fact is for me that TM it'self has to put it right, noone else can or should have to. Anyways India, don't you even think about leaving or anyone else for that matter, this place just wouldn't be the same again. P.S India, why would you want to girl? You'll just end up covering next years books! LOL. Hang in there, times may seem tough sometimes but you know what, it can only get better. And when all is said and done, regardless of the differing opinions and emotions that get thrown around here between traders we are still a great community! xxx :-)

sojo (114)     10:02 pm, 30 Jan

217.   sojo - thanks!
and yes I agree, all the crap that has been going on here aside, this is a great community and needs to stay that way! And your right again - I would probaly start wallpapering or doing something else 'constructive' at night if I didn't have the MB to come and 'time-out' on! lol

india1nz (105)     10:07 pm, 30 Jan

218.   india
go clean out ya wardrobe and find stuff to put up on the auctions...I am doing 3 things while im in here.And now I shall go vaccume.Yuck.

marilynmonroe (396)     10:11 pm, 30 Jan

219.   lol - mm
I have searched high and low for more things to sell on here...but to no avail!...hang on, there's always the fridge - we don't really need it do we? nahhhh...back in a tick!

india1nz (105)     10:16 pm, 30 Jan

220.   Childish threads.....
POW - you may call them childish but do you know why so many of us post on them? It's because we've posted on this sort of thread before, hoping to have coherent input and a valid discussion and been attacked by people like you - for saying no more than statements like: Post # xx - Well said. In fact YOU attacked me a couple of weeks for merely agreeing with someone in the aforementioned fashion. Is it any wonder we choose to have more innocent and less malicious fun elsewhere? And pardon us for taking up space (not). :P

kirinesha (70)     10:21 pm, 30 Jan

221.   I have no prob with any threads on the MB
- each to their own. I like VARIETY!. I used to come on and have a bit of fun in a 'silly' thread and then jump into a heated debate and when I had had enough of that go back to a 'silly' thread again. But now....the pickins are gettin' slim! (sort of - ya know what I mean!)

india1nz (105)     10:29 pm, 30 Jan

222.   Kirinesha I have
always made a point of staying out of those threads if that's the way you all want to go fine I don't have to post in them and don't your entitled to your opinion on them and you are entitiled post what the hell you want in them.Personally I think they are a waist of space time and energy that is my opinion each to there own I don't remember every attacking anybody for putting ** xxxx in a thread.You guys want to waist your time in those threads go for it it's your time to waste personally I have better things to do and far more intersting threads to read than those. so bring on the next attack I am saving all the post's in this thread so that will be interesting in the future.

pow (222)     10:33 pm, 30 Jan

223.   You...

kirinesha (70)     10:36 pm, 30 Jan

224.   kirinesha
who's getting pi$$ed off? you?

india1nz (105)     10:39 pm, 30 Jan

225.   kirisesha
pot calling kettles black aye....

marilynmonroe (396)     10:40 pm, 30 Jan

226.   oh stop shouting...
that is so rude and arrogant...not a lot of people post in those threads though do they..so what does that say to you kirinesha..that the majority of people see them for what they are...offensive and downright crude...there is a fine line you know and at a guess I venture to say that most people think the cat threads and very often the rhymers ones cross that line..just mtcw

grannypam (70)     10:41 pm, 30 Jan

227.   Like anyone else....
I get annoyed when people only read the bits they want to, and use selective memory to ignore or fail to absorb the rest. It makes debating with them tedious and pointless, so you just don't bother. It's easier to go away and play somewhere else.......and this whole thread is no less silly than any other one on the MB. IMHO ;-)

kirinesha (70)     10:42 pm, 30 Jan

228.   and are you meaning me or pow or just
everyone in general that posts on 'these types of threads'? Why does this always turn into a personal attack? This thread is here for one reason - to show my/our annoyance at the mods/admin for taking or allowing the taking of perfectly 'rule abiding' threads - not for personal attacks on anyone!

india1nz (105)     10:42 pm, 30 Jan

229.   Grannypam...
we see you posting there frequently enough.

kirinesha (70)     10:43 pm, 30 Jan

230.   Oh so those threads
are all my fault ok thats a bit rich isn't it. Even I am not vain enough to think I have power of what people post and I don't censor them as I said you all wanna post in those threads go for it.My opinion remains the same they are childish waste of time,energy and space.. attacks oh I see so I am not being and have not been attacked and now I am not allowed to defend myself well hows about this for you and your fellow msg board bullies..Get stuff.I will have my say whether you like it or not..Somebody has to keep the mods in buisness deleting threads and post's don't they and at least if they are picking on me then they will leave others alone...loll

pow (222)     10:43 pm, 30 Jan

231.   ok my 2 cents worth
there are some real snarky bitches on these message boards and some wanky guys too.I think for the women its hormones and post natal depression.The guys ..well they just aint getting enough.I aim to please noone on here but I tell you I have respect for quite a few and also some I really do particually like.They are the snarky witches.POW you are fine by me.Do NOT let the cows on here get up ya noce.Swivel around in ya chair and have a bloody good laugh.It aint worth getting het up on here.Really isnt .The sooner they get rid of the idiot power hungary MODS the better I say...Well a dollars worth now.

marilynmonroe (396)     10:44 pm, 30 Jan

232.   geeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
That felt gooooooood "sigh"

marilynmonroe (396)     10:44 pm, 30 Jan

233.   excuse me kirinesha..
please get your facts right before accusing..I have never posted in the cats threads..I wouldnt lower myself quite frankly..yes I did post in a few rhymers ones but only when someone else was absent...guess who...lol

grannypam (70)     10:45 pm, 30 Jan

234.   pow
don't get me wrong! I am stated in general and by all means DEFEND yourself after all - that's what I am doing regarding my lost threads!! lol

india1nz (105)     10:46 pm, 30 Jan

235.   oh granny
cat threads lol/ And is POW a moderator.Shit I think ive put me foot in it.Well thats just bloody tipical of the girl.lol

marilynmonroe (396)     10:46 pm, 30 Jan

236.   oh geez
that came out wrong didn't it!! lol

india1nz (105)     10:48 pm, 30 Jan

237.   I better go
put the jug on as im not making much sence and my spelling is expelladosish.I aint tiddly either.

marilynmonroe (396)     10:48 pm, 30 Jan

238.   Marilyn
NO and I don't want to be either loll As you can see I already have a lot of power on the msg board according to some, I am obviously reponsible for the threads that I mentioned that I found a waste of space..I would just like to see the mods doing there job and cleaning up the crap and not doing the selective stuff they are doing at the moment.I may argue with people or is that debate.eh what ever anyway I still wouldn't be blacklisting or anything childish like that but unfortunately personality difference's are a big thing for the mods as some have and do delete selective peoples post's for nothing more than spite and personality disputes... There is no logic at all. They sit behind there screens with there trigger fingers at the ready. and a lemon in their mouths to make them sour on certain traders...

pow (222)     11:04 pm, 30 Jan

239.   geez, talk about twisting things Pow...
just as well you're now saving threads, might serve to remind you what you've said that leads to the reactions you get. Just a pity you didnt save them in the past, I can assure you they make very interesting reading....and you're saying the mods are 'sour on certain traders' LMFAO

debdent (120)     11:07 pm, 30 Jan

240.   hey POW
I nkow for a fact that its a personality thing on here.Im sure certain ppl have blacklisted and I really dont give a toss and guess what I too know for a fact one scabby low class ignorant moderator deleted 3 threads I started as it was getting a bit too hot for them.Do moderatore actually get paid?????What suckers if they don't.....While trademe make 1000s a day some idiots are there pulling threads thinkng they are sooooo well you know hot s**t

marilynmonroe (396)     11:24 pm, 30 Jan

241.   As usual you leap on people
knowing two fifths of ferking all about the situation and assume so much knowledge on a subject you crack me up...lmfao twisting this I don't think so,I see you have started to run with the hounds again.. And of course your insults should just be ignored because they aren't insulting oh that's right your the only one around t.m that's consistent is what has been said about you above..Well good for you I hope that makes you feel good about yourself.I have no problems with what I have written and I stick by my words...Just need to be careful though as apparently I have a lot of power to start without my name being in the orginal poster of a number of threads so maybe I have loads more power...do-do-do-do lmfao Next??

pow (222)     11:28 pm, 30 Jan

242.   Evidence below read kireshna's posts..
totally missed the point didn't you? THE POINT IS: THAT YOU PISS PEOPLE OFF SO MUCH WITH YOUR ATTACKS THAT THEY WOULD RATHER POST IN THE SILLY THREADS THAN THESE ONES. Get it? She gave me the power...use the force deb it may help you to understand I twisted nothing...

pow (222)     11:31 pm, 30 Jan

243.   kirshara
I thought was a reasonable intelligent person and knew noone can piss anyone off with out their permission.POW why would you have pissed anyone off???What did you say?

marilynmonroe (396)     11:34 pm, 30 Jan

244.   BTW
I went swimming at Waihi Beach last week it was soooooooo nice.Had been up tramping thru the old mines.So verry cool up in the gorge.

marilynmonroe (396)     11:36 pm, 30 Jan

245.   MM
I was attacked for making comments about some jumping from the moderators ship onto our anti moderators ship and saying there was no room for them..So I am stuck up for my beliefs and backed India up and was attacked for it so I responded and it's continued from there...Hell I can take it no worries I won't lose sleep over it and stand by what I said as it hasn't changed at all.Yeah the beach is nice at this time of the year....

pow (222)     11:40 pm, 30 Jan

246.   ATTACKED????????/
you call having relevant facts pointed out to you in a polite and reasoned manner an attack? You respond by calling people rabid dogs and call that defending yourself? You have your statements clearly refuted and suddenly you start saying that you were not trying to get at anyone, but supporting India... oh and the comment about Deb being the only consistent one on the message board... please show me where it says that???? Your first two posts of more than "I agree" or "blink and you miss it" referred to rats jumping a sinking ship which, in context, would seem to refer to those moderators who have relinquished the role. Please tell me how THAT is in any way supporting the right of anyone to post whatever the wish on a message board?

stanley1 (54)     12:10 am, 31 Jan

247.   running with the hounds is fine.....
but the actual saying is " Running with the hare and hunting with the hounds" which means you want to have the best of both side....tsk tsk tsk. Perhaps that's why for one so staunchly defending India ....where were you when her threads were getting deleted two nights ago, not posting to them as were the rest of us that is for sure, all 5 of them must have been in that .1% of threads you dont see. Keep up the meds...I'm sure you will start making sense again soon.

debdent (120)     12:17 am, 31 Jan

248.   India1nz, you have *guts* that I don't have
I hadn't been posting on the boards long when the new rules came in as as I have beena moderator at some US based chat sites I expected too much. I expected the mods to be able to answer my questions - something TM didnt give them the abilty to do. I got quite annoyed with the mods even but I am not a rude person so I don't think I ever swore at them. Still some became very defensive and very anti me. I got accused of multiple logins, of using a friends login to abuse one of the mods. I don't have any friends who use TM except my kids and some new friends who I traded with and I certainly would not hide behind someone elses login anyway. Every attempt i made to sort things got it all worse and my attempt to chane my login from bradsmom to hodiah, to start over and also for reasons

hodiah2 (53)     12:40 am, 31 Jan

249.   cont..
of not wanting to be known as, someones mom, got me accused even more. I was crying and upset at being commented to on every attempt I made to even say hello to ladies i met at the kids playground. Eventually TM changed my login for me and I retained my feedbacks, not that I cared. I had put one mod on my bad trust list as a test and then could't get in to remove them and that started me getting more comments against me. I have just given up now but I still read these boards most days. I liked stanley and deb but deb, you did get onto me one day very defensively. I felt that no one believed me and even one of the outspoken anti-mods traders came back asking me to explain and didnt believe me. Who knows if this post will magically disappear even. I haven't the stickabilty that some of you have and I admire you a lot. I have some bad health and that's enough reason not to let myself get too upset about a message board.

hodiah2 (53)     12:47 am, 31 Jan

250.   LOL at post 214
India1nz you jewish? Well you certainly have the chutzpah. oops bad topic, guess it will be deleted..and yes, I am stirring but it is totally in fun.

hodiah2 (53)     12:54 am, 31 Jan

251.   Pow
it seems from posts you have made since I left last night, you are indeed twisting some posts or perhaps it is just that you are not comprehending what was posted.MY posts are all as a response to remarks you have made. If you didn't want a comment made why add these remarks and then say you are being attacked. I am not attacking you .Just because I may or may not agree with posts on a MB. I also don't see the need to resort to name calling and the language you have used in some cases.This also applies to some other posters on this thread and not just yourself.Your point would be better received without it.

kiwicarol (107)     8:50 am, 31 Jan

252.   seems I missed alot last night! -
that's what happens when you go to bed!! lol.

india1nz (105)     9:02 am, 31 Jan

253.   Ive just
one question, debdent why is it that everytime someone disagrees with you you asume they are on medication? Im on antidepressants right now and with bloody good reason, and I am sick and tired of you assuming anyone who takes medication has a mental problem. maybe you should try it it might mellow you abit instead of attacking everyone who states an apinion you dont agree with. I have been at the end of your firing line on many accassions and like marilyn and ho.... (sorry cant remember your name) I dont give a toss. Have a good day people and instead of attacking people continuously just remember your life could change in a blink of an eye, and its not worth the shit that gets posted on this MB half the time, to get upset about it.

lyndav (123)     9:05 am, 31 Jan

Find your old school friends - OldFriends.co.nz
254.   oh dear me
I think the whole thing has just got personal.Im sure if we were all in the same room we would get along fine.Ive voted to have the thread removed.Neg vibes and all that.

marilynmonroe (396)     10:23 am, 31 Jan

255.   With due respect for Helen,
down with the mod idea. Mature persons like herself & stanley1 endeavoured to assist in fixing a problem with [I imagine] no thoughts of becoming power-wielders. Don't know enough about some of the others to guess at their motivation. MM made a good point about TM using the unpaid mods & yet still raking in the profits. A complete revision of the rules & a page or two out of EBay's book might move TM onto a clearer path to more success. Have refrained from adding to this thread because some mod might delete it. Have only done so now because it's getting too long & recriminatory.

crackerjack (64)     11:48 am, 31 Jan

256.   Well MM...
I seem to recall you getting rather personal with your attacks, as per usual, on post #243 etc. If you go to www.dictionary.com and do a search on hypocrite you will find the definition. "a person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold", if the cap fits etc...

graemen (38)     12:09 pm, 31 Jan

257.   graemen
go back to england you winging pom.Rack off somewhere else.You get up my nose you twit.

marilynmonroe (396)     12:18 pm, 31 Jan

258.   time for an interlude
coffee.Yum That felt good.Graemen you are nothing but a bloody stirrer.

marilynmonroe (396)     12:19 pm, 31 Jan

259.   Oh nooooo MM
I'm kinda feeling that was bait MM and you took it full line and sinker hon. Enjoy your coffee, I'm off for one too. Have a great day. :-)

sojo (115)     12:24 pm, 31 Jan

260.   hodiah2
you have *guts* yourself! After all the crap you were fed on the MB when you changed your name for (what I thought were) valid reasons. It is a shame you don't post as much as you used to as bradsmum, but I am sure, you will eventually get back into it again and to hell with what other people think! That's the trouble here, too many bloody holy than thou attitudes! We all have our faults it's just a shame that there are so many here that are quick to point them out - does it make them feel better about themselves? Yes, I think it does. And everybody has the right to defend themselves, but mostly it can be a waste of time because those that really go all out and attack are like a dog with a bone - ruthless when challenged!

india1nz (105)     12:31 pm, 31 Jan

261.   MM
get back to cloud cuckoo land you ignoramus, you really are one of the most stupid people I've ever had the misfortune to meet, thankfully not IRL. You whinge about personal attacks and yet you start them, you post with swearing so the thread is removed and you think you can get away with it. No wonder you don't like the Mods, it slows your stupid, childish games down. Well I have some news for you Fiona, I'm here to stay so you can shove that up your arse you vacuous, dim witted piece of distended excreta.

graemen (38)     12:32 pm, 31 Jan

262.   yeah and you know
im person Im so damn nice and chearful to people .Quite nice to let off a bit of steam on here.lol.Im a sweety really.:)

marilynmonroe (396)     12:32 pm, 31 Jan

263.   hey Graemen
luv you too sweet pea....

marilynmonroe (396)     12:33 pm, 31 Jan

264.   graeme
did you come on here with the sole purpose of getting this thread removed?

india1nz (105)     12:34 pm, 31 Jan

265.   and
if im PMT ish too bloody bad.My priveledge.

marilynmonroe (396)     12:34 pm, 31 Jan

266.   oooh Fiona
You're so right; I feel so much better for that

graemen (38)     12:35 pm, 31 Jan

267.   Now now kiddies
keep the sandpit clean!

farwest (15)     12:35 pm, 31 Jan

268.   Ding Ding
Round #2

tickles (16)     12:35 pm, 31 Jan

269.   I know you are MM
as for the above response well said sweet pea. These personal attacks are ridiculous and nasty, enough already! Happy trading and great day to all! :-)

sojo (115)     12:36 pm, 31 Jan

270.   india what do you want me to say?
No, but I thought you believed in free speech?

graemen (38)     12:36 pm, 31 Jan

271.   India ...
Can you answer me one question.Why point the finger of blame towards one trader when it is quite clear that MM is yet again up to her usual tricks, albeit without any type of brain activity occurring before she types them.

vfr (60)     12:39 pm, 31 Jan

272.   of course free speech!
but it looked to me like you jumped in here (after not posting at all throughout the thread) to stir up some people...thats all...I'm not trying to oppress you, just wondering where you are coming from...have just come on though so will scroll up and catch up.

india1nz (105)     12:40 pm, 31 Jan

273.   who said I am blaming anyone?
I just wondered where all this was coming from - obviously history that I know nothing about - so will shut my mouth and keep out of what I don't know!

india1nz (105)     12:41 pm, 31 Jan

274.   because I haven't posted....
does that mean I haven't read? Unlike some people who jump in with frivolous comments and insults - I've actually followed the thread from the beginning. I just can't stand hypocrisy. MM as per usual started the childish attacks, then cries out about it as if she hadn't....

graemen (38)     12:43 pm, 31 Jan

275.   so apart from issues you have with mm
what thoughts did you have on the thread graemen?

india1nz (105)     12:46 pm, 31 Jan

276.   This thread
is getting way too personal, MODS will close it soon I bet.LOL

ally1 (31)     12:46 pm, 31 Jan

277.   apart from the fact that it is getting too damn
long for my slow computer to refresh!! lol

india1nz (105)     12:47 pm, 31 Jan

278.   actually
graemen and vfr are two of the same.If not it sure seems like they come out of the same box.me things they have personal issues with me they don't want to adress.I have don't nothing rong.But there are people out there thriving on putting others down.You fools do NOT know me from a bar or soap.Go pick on someone your own size.

marilynmonroe (396)     12:49 pm, 31 Jan

279.   well......
Mods are required in any community such as this. Free speech? Yes if this place was public domain, unfortunately it isn't, it is in effect a dictatorship - which is only correct as trademe are running a business. I do object, however, to the recent Mods who have taken it upon themselves to no longer be even handed and moderate - that is after all their purpose. Mods should be anonymous, but they should also be accountable. As per other traders, I have always had the greatest respect for Stanley1 and I admire him even more for taking the task on to begin with; that respect grew bigger when he resigned.

graemen (38)     12:50 pm, 31 Jan

280.   MM...
but all I was doing was blowing off steam, and you're right - it is so refreshing =)

graemen (38)     12:52 pm, 31 Jan

281.   lol
I give up!!

india1nz (105)     12:53 pm, 31 Jan

282.   see graemen
admitted it too.He's PMT ish.Its all true what they say about men/..

marilynmonroe (396)     12:55 pm, 31 Jan

Time for a new cell phone! Check out the latest in Mobile phones
283.   aye PMT
Post Marilyn Trauma

graemen (38)     12:57 pm, 31 Jan

284.   6 posts have disappeared
from this thread...interesting...wonder where they went and why?

india1nz (105)     12:59 pm, 31 Jan

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