1.   _______INDIA1NZ______
I am using my husbands trader name to inform the MB community that as of reasons unknown,under my user name 'india1nz', I am no longer able to post on the message board. When I try to it caomes up saying 'Sorry, you are unable to post on the message board'....I am at a loss as to why this is the case but will be ringing Trade Me in the morning to find out as I had NO email to inform me of their enforcement.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   7:32 pm, 5 Feb

2.   seems that the new rules
are kicking in and geez if I thought all that moderator hooha sucked then I would hate to think what this new plan is going to be like...

grannypam (70)     7:34 pm, 5 Feb

3.   oh thats so sucks Indy :(
what new rules are you referring to grannypam? Have I missed something? Let us know Indy if you get an answer, cheer up :)

gennelle (115)     7:40 pm, 5 Feb

4.   the new rules are:
There are no more moderators. BUT, if enough complaints are made about one trader they will no longer be able o post on the mb. Did the mods all put in for my disablement on the mb before being relieved of their status? At this stage, who knows.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   7:43 pm, 5 Feb

5.   omg when did these changes take place?
So now we cant express our opinions in case someone takes offence and complains about us? Hmmmm that stinks as well, IMO Did they announce these new changes?

gennelle (115)     7:47 pm, 5 Feb

6.   no as yet....
I got an email from them about the new changes when I complained about my threads being removed. About a week ago...they said they would inform everyone when they were put into effect...(india1nz)

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   7:50 pm, 5 Feb

7.   so if they not in effect yet
how come you are being singled out?

gennelle (115)     7:55 pm, 5 Feb

8.   WHAT
so that means that certain traders who have a gruge against another trader can get you riled up on the message board then get all there little friends to vote you off. and before you know it your gone. Great, looks like it goes from back to worse.

lyndav (124)     7:57 pm, 5 Feb

9.   I have no idea
I just went to post and it came up with that message. And, I have not sworn, abused anyone, advertised anything etc, I am really at a loss as to why this has been done. I will find out tommorrow though.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   7:58 pm, 5 Feb

10.   whats the bet
that there are a few more out there that are having the same problems but have no way of telling us...

grannypam (70)     7:58 pm, 5 Feb

11.   lyndav
thats exactly what will happen.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   7:59 pm, 5 Feb

12.   I was thinking the same thing gp
and hubbys name will probaly be disabled tommorrow because I used it to tell everyone on the mb.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   8:00 pm, 5 Feb

13.   Well India I guess
ill be joining you soon then. Hope you get it sorted out. This is getting rediculous.

lyndav (124)     8:05 pm, 5 Feb

14.   So if I decide I don't like grannypam
all I have to do is make up heaps of trader names and complain about her until trademe disable her ability to post on the message board. That just goes beyond belief.

coolnzmum (42)     8:15 pm, 5 Feb

15.   coolnzmum
yes, simple as that...apparently anyway. Obvioulsy this function is not in use by the mb YET, so who else would have that ability? Moderators or admin...although I see no reason for admin to disable my mb facility - at all, and without explanation I might add.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   8:19 pm, 5 Feb

16.   is there
still moderators in action on this board?

dizzylizzy (57)     8:20 pm, 5 Feb

17.   OMG India
Help this is sorted real soon!

sojo (117)     8:22 pm, 5 Feb

18.   Thanks sojo
and everyone else that has posted on this thread...I hope to get it sorted in the morning.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   8:23 pm, 5 Feb

19.   India This is disgusting
I can gaurantee you I did NOT complain about you Hell if this is the situation now then it's only a matter of time before it's gone completely.I guess my days are numbered as well. But there are a lot of traders that enjoy and agree with your posts I for one agree with most of your postings... There are way worse traders than you out there so I don't understand this at all. It will be interesting to see this sorted.Being waitangi day and public holiday tomorrow I doubt they will be there but good luck I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. This is really out of control now..

pow (225)     8:42 pm, 5 Feb

20.   Thanks pow
And your right, this was done knowing the long week-end was upon us. I will be interested to find out WHY and by WHOM. I have read posts on here that are far more offensive and attacking of others then any of mine have been.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   8:44 pm, 5 Feb

21.   say what?
well india1nz, although you're not afraid to express youself, I for one have never felt inclined to vote for any of your posts to be removed. I might disagree with you from time to time but if we all thought the same way then words like debate, contradict, argue etc. would not even be part of the language. Just when I thought everything was slowly getting back to normal...

soodanim (94)     8:47 pm, 5 Feb

22.   Well said soodanim
So do we know if this was a moderator thing or t.m themselves that have done this as has been asked do we still have mods? This is just amazing.

pow (225)     8:54 pm, 5 Feb

23.   Thanks soodanim

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   9:03 pm, 5 Feb

24.   I may not
agree with some on here either but I sure as heck wouldnt vote them off. I go away for a couple of days and everything changes. India are you still alowed to go into the cafe, or run auctions at all.? I dinno but I truely think it wont be long before the whole message board will disappear completly.

lyndav (124)     9:11 pm, 5 Feb

25.   Yes
I can still go in the cafe (not that I ever did) and I can still run auctions, well I think I can, I have a couple on the go now but have not tried listing since all this.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   9:15 pm, 5 Feb

26.   new rules....
wonder why these came in then. Oh yeah its because everyone was bitching about the moderators - and now its got worse. Well lets keep on bitching, then perhaps the MB will dissapear altogether. Sorry you got caught up in the new rules though India, didn't always agree with your posts but thats no reason to lose your right to post.

graemen (38)     9:24 pm, 5 Feb

27.   Has anyone heard anything about
traderpoint.co.nz? has anyone had any dealings with this site/company?

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   9:28 pm, 5 Feb

28.   LOL
Now THAT will get U tossed off :-)

morticia (0)    10:01 pm, 5 Feb

29.   nope
must have a looksie 1 day ............this is just DOWNRIGHT stupid ...what have thay disabled you from posting on the message board......OMG!!!!!!!!

baylee12 (130)     10:02 pm, 5 Feb

30.   like being back
at school......

baylee12 (130)     10:03 pm, 5 Feb

31.   why would that get me 'tossed off'?
Others talk about ebay etc? geez, what IS this?

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   10:03 pm, 5 Feb

32.   um er ,maybe kindy then!!!

baylee12 (130)     10:04 pm, 5 Feb

33.   wow
no warning nothing India.?

baylee12 (130)     10:06 pm, 5 Feb

34.   India
I saw a thread the other day with a member mentioning that site. Can't remember who it was or what exactly it was about....but I remember a poster/s saying it was a no no to even mention it, I have no idea why either.

sojo (117)     10:08 pm, 5 Feb

35.   hmmm
now I can't say I always agreed with your threads india but this is just plain weird! Can't wait to hear their explaination!

kat2nz (285)     10:09 pm, 5 Feb

36.   no, no warning baylee12
and the only reason I asked about that was someone messaged me before about it...and like others have done with ebay...thought I'd see what others thoughts were on the site - that's all. How about you all tell me, what I can discuss on here?

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   10:10 pm, 5 Feb

37.   um er ok.......
fetishes......bed wetting .......whacko jacko...,,... list goes on......lol

baylee12 (130)     10:12 pm, 5 Feb

38.   kat2nz
Of course we all don't agree with each others threads/opinions BUT is that any reason for me to be unable to post? I HAVE NOT sworn, abused others, advertised auctions, etc. What I have done is state my opinion regarding the fact that numerous threads of mine were removed by moderators (that broke no rules what-so-ever)...someone p l e a s e tell me what was wrong with that? I stepped on the wrong toes - obviously.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   10:13 pm, 5 Feb

39.   or
you could even pretend to be a .......wait for it!............cat.....no offence...

baylee12 (130)     10:14 pm, 5 Feb

40.   yes I suppose that might work...
...but then again, the cats get pretty 'hot' in the jacuzzi! lol

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   10:16 pm, 5 Feb

41.   read the bottom of the page when U post
"Advertising - You may NOT advertise any auction, product, or service." It's called "the competition"

morticia (0)    10:23 pm, 5 Feb

42.   Hey india
When was the last time you posted on your name? Just wondering because the last time I can remember that we actually spoke to each other was in the (((hello))) thread, remember? Had you posted since then? Grasping at straws here lol.... this does seem so strange and extreme.

sojo (117)     10:24 pm, 5 Feb

43.   RE No 27
It is not an auction site. Click on what you are interested in and it gives you the e mail address and the phone number of the seller. Then you make contact and do your business that way. Dont know who gets paid the commission, or if this any.

daisygirl (122)     10:24 pm, 5 Feb

44.   Is it?
another auction site then? ok...got ya! Thanks for that morticia.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   10:25 pm, 5 Feb

45.   sojo
yep, that would be it! lol. But re-read it and see what you can find - I have and found nothing wrong in it!! ( I don't think!!)....and thanks daisygirl, I did not think it was another auction site either.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   10:26 pm, 5 Feb

46.   I menshioned traderpoint the other day
and it was in my GRrrrrrrrrrr thread when the outage happened. Nigel posted in that thread after I menshioned it and well heck he runs the site and he didn't say it was a no-no. All I said was that I had gotten the chance to check it out seeing as TM had that big outtage and it's not really my cup of tea. I like the thrill of auctions, it's more like a T&E online.

scorps (155)     10:34 pm, 5 Feb

47.   ...
I'm with the others, you not being able to post does suck. But in saying that I also think it could work as it's quite a good way of keeping ppl inline. Some of the more abusive posters will have to hold their tounges or god forbid use their brains and think of a diffrent way to get their points accross. I don't think you could get ya mates to make up new ID's and complain, well ya could but i don't think admin would be so blind as to not see what was happening. I don't think it should have happened to you though Indi, you were mearly starting your opinion and venting your fustrations.

scorps (155)     10:35 pm, 5 Feb

48.   yup
Like I said india I didn't know much if anything regarding that site/name that daisy mentioned or the related thread either. Anyways not sure about the 'hello' thread... it just came to me that one minute we were talking and next minute this. I was just wondering if that particular thread was in fact your last port of call so to speak.(lol) May just be pure coincidence and have nothing to do with whats happened here. It seems only TM can tell you that india. I'm going to call it a night now so best of luck sorting this out and best wishes :-)

sojo (117)     10:36 pm, 5 Feb

49.   Thanks sojo
I have posted in other threads after that one though...who knows. Good night to you too...

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   10:41 pm, 5 Feb

50.   that site mentioned previously
isn't an auction site, true... but TM isn't solely an auction site either :-) and it is part of the biggie classified site. lol so, if I mention another, "sell on line", will I get booted off too? I am sure you can figure out the URL from that :-)

morticia (0)    10:46 pm, 5 Feb

51.   morticia
I never mentioned a 'sell on line' site before I was 'booted' off the mb. Were you around and did you see any of my threads? Because you obviously don't know what you are talking about.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   10:49 pm, 5 Feb

52.   A sad situation indeed
India1nz & I am sorry you are the first casualty of the new rules/changes. I never saw any postings of yours that justified the removal of your privilege to post on the MB. It is also interesting to note that there are other members who don’t trade on this site & probably never intend to, whose postings have been more contentious are still able to continue. At least you are a genuinely use this site as a trader.

gamefisher (124)     11:28 pm, 5 Feb

Check out the latest in Digital Cameras
53.   thanks gamefisher
Hopefully, I can get this sorted asap and a reason given as to why...

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   11:30 pm, 5 Feb

54.   This is Crap
pure and simple.

sonja2 (164)     11:36 pm, 5 Feb

55.   sonya2
where ya been, i thought ya wanted to get to the truth, with da scruffy, he has been waiting for ya in the chat room, are ya hiding from him, or is it ya just dont want to admit ya wrong :)....

p.lingham (75)     11:45 pm, 5 Feb

56.   India1nz
I sure hope you get this sorted out also.All the best..Di

hodiah2 (53)     11:47 pm, 5 Feb

57.   oh and
sowwy to hear about your probs India1nz, best of luck sorting it out..:)

p.lingham (75)     11:49 pm, 5 Feb

58.   Thanks Sonja & Di

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   11:50 pm, 5 Feb

59.   pls excuse me as this is off topic
but India can you tell me if babysitter books are too young for a (sweet) 14yr old? I think she has read some last year

hodiah2 (53)     11:55 pm, 5 Feb

60.   they would be fine for a 14 year old Di...
My 10 year old has just finished them! - She loved them, those and Harry Potter and anything to do with horses!! lol

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   11:58 pm, 5 Feb

61.   off topic but....
my 10 and 11 year olds have read them all...they liked them.

sonja2 (164)     11:58 pm, 5 Feb

62.   thanks ladies
she does read lots and lots of books but I was thinking those easy read ones are like a *desert*, sweet and soft after all the hard school reading.

hodiah2 (53)     12:01 am, 6 Feb

63.   lol - your welcome Di
I'm sure she would enjoy them!

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   12:03 am, 6 Feb

64.   Despicable
The TradeMe error message notifying india1nz of the arbitrary removal of her right to free speech, and the banning of her contributions to the TradeMe community can be viewed from the TrustWeb Resources Twilight Zone page. I just hope admin are open to reason in this matter, and that they haven't gone down the path of over-reaction.

jjbc (48)     12:45 am, 6 Feb

65.   It doesn't seem fair
that india was kicked off. I enjoy posting my views and reading others. When you are alone for nearly 14 hours a day MB is a great way of communicating with others.

jlc (14)     1:33 am, 6 Feb

66.   well I hate the constant bitching
about moderators, drives me nuts but I dont think that should allow TM to disable india1nz. As has been pointed out, none of the posts were defamatory or rude, no swearing etc. The only reason I would think they may have done it was the numerous times that india1nz made threads about Mods etc. One was pulled, another started. Perhaps they thought you were annoying? I found it annoying but I didnt reply as I didnt want to be hammered for my opinion. I dont feel tho it justifies you being banned from posting. What happened to "Freedom Of Speech"? India1nz, I hope it all gets sorted quickly and you can post again. As for me, I post on funnies and ones I can help with now. I cant be bothered being ignored in the rest! LOL.

talka (20)     8:20 am, 6 Feb

67.   fair enough talka,
and thanks for posting.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   8:22 am, 6 Feb

68.   Sorry to see this happen India1nz
I certainly wouldn't have thought of your behaviour as anything but persistant. I've never seen you being abusive or using obscene language - and those are the only two things that ever upset me. I hope this is resolved - and that as someone can be complained about enough to be barred from the MB, that they can also be reinstated by votes of confidence as well.

kirinesha (70)     8:48 am, 6 Feb

69.   Thanks kirinesha
Maybe they are using this as an example of what will happen to others that have an opinion? lol...That's how it feels at this end anyway...

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   9:28 am, 6 Feb

70.   morning india,..
or should that be mourning,..sorry about whats happened,..its the "Trademe way",..congrats on making jjbcs site,..

kevin16 (16)     9:35 am, 6 Feb

71.   My partner has allowed me
to use her nick to report that I, also, have been advised that I'm not allowed to use the MB. No email, no warning - just given the message when I went to write a post. Have sent an email to TM for an explanation. Although not as lily-white & pure as india1nz has been [in her postings & trading, I mean ;-)] I thought my MB behaviour had improved outta sight. Obviously TM don't think so. Am wondering, as so many others will, once they've read this thread, how long they will have the privilege. The irony is that I'm still allowed to trade. No further comment in case my partner is also disabled. crackerjack

maude2 (new) New Member   9:47 am, 6 Feb

72.   *crackerjack* - you too??
well, I wonder how many others? But, I have to agree with you - none of my posts were as extreme as yours cj!!! lol - The only one I can think of was the night all my threads disappeared and I started naming mods (other mb users had already done this - that's how I knew who they were!!)...and that did not last long as they were all pulled within secs (and yes as they should have been - the ones naming mods I mean - I agree) but that is the only time I have 'overstepped the mark' so-to speak.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   9:55 am, 6 Feb

73.   well
you cant say that this is surprising-as it was the logical next step for little people with little brains who fervently believe that they are contributing to the better good of society. Perhaps if more people were proactive when this censorship raised its ugly head-the power would not have been transferred to the zealots and bigots that are now commandeering your freedoms.

rsm (0)    10:11 am, 6 Feb

74.   The thing that gets me is -
I have just had a browse around current threads (top 100) and there are so many here where people are personaly attacking each other, using 'foul' language, starting 'debatable' subjects etc, as far as I'm concerned alot worse then I ever posted - and I'm disabled from the mb? You've gotta admit - this is too harsh - and there was no need for it what-so-ever. And the funny thing is (not) that I was speaking out about the non-consistant mods in the hope that other users threads/posts would not meet the same fate as mine. Ironic really. To all those that have posted here and have shown their support - I appreciate it and thank-you. And to every MB user out there - just remember - YOU could be next.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   10:11 am, 6 Feb

75.   TM please reconsider
Your chucking off the life of this message board. They may be contentious and perhaps CJ shouldn't have ripped into the moderators quite so much. As much as we hate each other and post abuse and tirades we are enjoying ourselves.

tammythunder (9)     10:13 am, 6 Feb

76.   Re: #36-37...Things you CAN discuss, continued.
Don't forget toilet paper and how you use it, and the more detailed and graphic the description the better!.

gsmtech (15)     10:15 am, 6 Feb

77.   Hey, come on TT.
I don't hate anyone on the MB & I enjoy your "lateral thinking". [You been reading that Maltese?] Can't say I even hate dubbya - just his policies. As for being the life of the MB - please, please, we are a community in which all contribute in their own way.

maude2 (new) New Member   10:28 am, 6 Feb

78.   rsm, I'd like to entirely agree with
you but am not as brave in the face of adversity. Am going to duck for cover until such time as my posting privileges are restored. Hell, they may never be. If you also get disabled maybe we should consider a rendezvous now? crackerjack

maude2 (new) New Member   10:35 am, 6 Feb

79.   hang in there
india1nz, this new ruling of theirs can only blow up in their face, all it's going to do is make people register 2,3, 4 or more times then it will get out of hand as if you dislike something you swear, moan and groan, get locked out - so what, start another user name. maybe we all should start using seperate usernames for auctions and MB. good luck

munchnz (11)     10:50 am, 6 Feb

80.   Well, if I sit on the fence long enough,
I shall probably get a paling up my, er, you know... but anyway - if it's my house, I can choose whether people smoke in it. If it's my house, I can choose what people come into it. If it's my message board, I can choose who can post to it. Having said that, I don't actually see why it has occurred to these 2 users in particular, at this particular time, and I have yet to read any posts from Admin advising the boards in general that this is likely to occur if you are bad lil posters :-)

morticia (0)    10:56 am, 6 Feb

81.   This is bad......
I enjoyed Crackerjacks and India's comments, i hope this does get fixed.

pipinz (159)     11:12 am, 6 Feb

82.   testing... testing...
hmmm can I still post?

graemen (38)     11:34 am, 6 Feb

83.   chin up CJ
I am quite sure that sanity will prevail-as it was the threat of the law that bought this about in first instance and I am quite sure that your rights will again be reinstated once TM has sought an legal opinion-as they are most definitely breaking your BOR under the legal statute- plus I am sure that it would not be difficult to prove harrasment/persecution as it would seem they are consistently selective.

rsm (0)    11:40 am, 6 Feb

84.   Geees CJ too
I had a bit of run in with him pointing out the need not to be personal in his posting & indeed greatly improved the way he posted & since enjoyed his debates. It seems to me that those that were most outspoken against having moderators are the first casualties of these draconian rules. I wait with bated breath to see if I become one. Unreal!.

gamefisher (124)     1:21 pm, 6 Feb

85.   let's face it though......
we are all individuals with different views/personalities, of course we will not always see eye to eye, but is that any reason to remove someones ability to post on the public MB? As far as I am concerned that is discrimination. I, crackerjack and no doubt others have been singled out and made examples of. Fair enough when there are MB users that are obviously abusing the system all the time by breaking the 'rules' continualy. There was not even a warning email to say we were out of line in a thread/post and what post/thread they were refering to. There seems to be a hell of a lot of accusations and insinuations on this message board - but no PROOF to back it up. I went into the cafe last night and an ex-mod in there starting accusing me of abusing people in my threads?? - anyone that read my threads (and there are alot of you out there) know damn well I NEVER abused anyone. As I said, alot of finger pointing with NO evidence behind it...

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   2:24 pm, 6 Feb

86.   Now we really DO need an alternative
auction site. This might only be a message board but once you get totally annoyed with the actions of management and mods on this board, you can easily get fed up with the whole deal, trading and etc. I cpuld easily set up an alternative message board site exactly like this one but that's not what's wanted. It's the ability to be able to text chat with people you have or might trade with now or in the future. Oh well, I have got back to regular reading and some posting on here but If this is how TM treat non violent MB participants it's not worth belonging.

hodiah2 (53)     2:26 pm, 6 Feb

87.   your right Di
this mb was great for keeping those communication channels open for past, present and future trades. Such a shame it has come to this. What were those awards this site won? What were the names of the net magazines? Net Guide was one...

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   2:38 pm, 6 Feb

88.   IF ONLY TM
put as much effort into enforcing their "your bid is a legal binding contract" as they have done in policing the MB the auction site would be a better place.good luck india1nz hope to see you back on here soon.

aussieo (32)     3:41 pm, 6 Feb

89.   Well said,..

kevin16 (16)     3:48 pm, 6 Feb

90.   Imagine how you would feel?
Not being able to post under your own user name? I really do feel like I am breaking a 'rule' now!! lol ((HELP))....I'm an outcast...I want a trial, with a judge and a jury of my peers!! (fellow MB users)....don't kill india1nz on the mb!!....*sob*... *wahhhhhhhhh*...sorry just going a little crazy here...

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   5:43 pm, 6 Feb

91.   well so far
I am still able to post and I have said way worse than india. Hope you get it sorted as this kinda things give you a gut wrenching feeling.

jezabell (320)     5:46 pm, 6 Feb

92.   me too
but I am feeling very insecure...like I am waiting for the guillotine to drop..a damn awful feeling wondering every time I push that button whether its gonna be the one that see me off......

grannypam (70)     5:50 pm, 6 Feb

93.   This is what I got when I tried to post:
Ooops! Sorry, you are not allowed to use the messageboard Please press the 'back' button and check your entry. Thanks. If the problem you have encountered just won't go away and has you stumped, please have a look in our online help or, failing that contact us for assistance.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   5:53 pm, 6 Feb

94.   .
ooops! - now that is what I say to my children over 'spilt milk', Not allowed - another thing I say to my children on a daily basis!, Stumped - yeah, well I am definately that!!!

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   5:56 pm, 6 Feb

95.   india1nz, there's a possibility
that the Human Rights Commission may give a ruling on what has happened to us. Before even approaching them, I'll wait for TM's reply to my email. Perish the thought of a class action because I dislike the being involved in suits.

maude2 (new) New Member   5:57 pm, 6 Feb

96.   Right beside you cj
my user name on here @ yahoo.

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   6:02 pm, 6 Feb

97.   my REAL user name ...

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   6:03 pm, 6 Feb

98.   India1nz, thx for that.
Strange that we seem to be the only ones singled out for this "special" treatment. I'm awaiting TM's reply before any other action. But....if it's unsatisfactory my hackles will immediately rise lol.

maude2 (new) New Member   6:09 pm, 6 Feb

99.   yes, I agree
I will be speaking to someone though - I have already emailed - but will ring as well (Holiday today!!)...I think more of a personal one-on-one discussion is needed rather than through an im-personal email - or an 'automated' email!

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   6:12 pm, 6 Feb

100.   oh ok - I'll do it!

_hsv_holden_ (new) New Member   9:32 pm, 6 Feb

101.   bumpity

baylee12 (130)     11:23 pm, 6 Feb

102.   Your case for persecution and discrimination
looks stronger and stronger with each passing minute at the moment, india1nz - "straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel" could describe the treatment you have received in light of recent posts by others...

jjbc (48)     11:57 pm, 6 Feb

Check out the latest in Digital Cameras
103.   Just
finished reading this thread, totally amazing - Best of luck to you both :O)

countrybumpkinz (141)     12:28 am, 7 Feb

104.   To india and CJ
I was going to stay out of this issue, not because I feel whats has happened is right, just for sanities sake.I was staying away so the baggage that lurks beneath the muddy waters wouldnt try and turn this into another scrapping venue.However much I dislike or disagree or agree as the case may be from time to time with either of your opinions on the TM mb I still feel like alot of the other posters before me that this is very unjust treatment.Good luck to getting it sorted post mortem.

vfr (61)     1:03 am, 7 Feb

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