1.   Fed-up with TM?
I'm fed up with their unhelpful, uncaring attitude and the number of stroppy traders around here lately. Trade Me will probably pull this thread for this but I'm finding traderpoint.co.nz much more satisfactory. I have yet to have a hassle there as the trades are upfront and quick. It's more of a classified thing but other than smaller items, that's the place to trade for me. Competition is a great thing. Might make TM pull up their socks.

heartathome (131)     9:49 am, 24 Feb

2.   ohh
I havent been to that site yet..might go have a look see now:-)

arcaic (172)     9:51 am, 24 Feb

3.   TM
is on a downhill side, everyone knows it except the admin (as they are still seeing the dollars roll in). Everyone needs to email TM and point out the disgust and lack of help being given here before it's to late.

munchnz (12)     10:32 am, 24 Feb

4.   yep what pi**es me off
is the no refund policy for under $1 and buy now. So we sellers have to be penalised for bad traders stupidity??

sandybb (149)     10:44 am, 24 Feb

5.   ...
re # 1...if you are fed up with tm then why bother coming back and starting a thread about an inferior site.if you dont like tm and the way its run then go and b*tch somewhere else.i along with most others dont want to hear it.

neilz (200)     10:48 am, 24 Feb

6.   #5
sometimes I wonder whether you have shares in Trademe. gees once upon a time you also had a opinion. something has definitely changed.........

sandybb (149)     10:57 am, 24 Feb

7.   So Sandy, lets get this straight.
When Neil agrees with you, that means he has an opinion. But when he doesn't, that means he's a TM stooge.

stan (47)     11:05 am, 24 Feb

8.   re #7
if that is the assumption you want to make then go for it. it is however untrue. if you have been following the mb for the last year you would know what I am talking about. i dont feel the need to explain it. others will know what I am talking about. oh I dont see any name calling in my post. however i see it in yours.

sandybb (149)     11:08 am, 24 Feb

9.   #5
If you don't like it, you are free to ignore the thread. Nothing wrong with expressing an opinion. It is the only way to effect change. I'd like to see TM be a great site for all but having done more trading here I'm becoming somewhat disillusioned with the place. There are actually many sites out there for trading - most are just under-patronised at this stage so I don't use them. Not interested in the thread - ignore it and go to one you are interested in. That's what I do.

heartathome (131)     11:09 am, 24 Feb

10.   #9
......exactly......... :)

sandybb (149)     11:11 am, 24 Feb

11.   ...
cheers stan hehe. sandybb...i have no interest at all in getting into any sort of discussion with you about anything on this mb or anywhere else so please dont put my name in your posts or refer to me either.i will say that im suprised this thread is still here as you have admitted to posting your opinion on something and then voting the thread off afterwards. *clicks ignore on*

neilz (200)     11:12 am, 24 Feb

12.   #.1.
We have this morning been looking at other sites in N.Z. 6 in Total and Have Joined up on 2 and placed Auctions on 2 of them as this was bought abt after discussions with Trademe admin that got me absolutely no-where.

colinnicholls (487)     11:13 am, 24 Feb

13.   ...
re # 9...Not interested in the site - ignore it and go to one you are interested in. That's what I do.

neilz (200)     11:14 am, 24 Feb

14.   Who said anything about not being interested ..
.. in this thread? I'm finding it quite fascinating.

stan (47)     11:17 am, 24 Feb

15.   neilz
Obviously you didn't do very well with comprehension when you were at school or you would have noted that I am interested in the site. You are obviously just interested in trolling and I can't be bothered with that so don't expect any more responses from me. I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

heartathome (131)     11:18 am, 24 Feb

16.   oh so now I
am getting accused of voting threads off just because I admitted to doing it ONCE. Get an effen life boy!! Unlike you i dont sit in front of my computer 'lurking' all day. And I would love to say a few things about YOU nielz but wont stoop to your level. AND i have no intention now or the future in corresponding with you in ANY way. yes you have changed and not in a nice way. I have watched for months & seen the change occur. Now that the person who painted you as a GOD no longer does it your personality has slipped. Time to find another worshipper.

sandybb (149)     11:24 am, 24 Feb

Looking for a better job? Thousands of vacancies on Seek.co.nz
17.   coer

arcaic (172)     11:26 am, 24 Feb

18.   Yeeooow!
Neil, I think you're in trouble!

stan (47)     11:26 am, 24 Feb

19.   neilz
you were one of my favourite traders... but I have been browsing the trademe message board again, and I do see a change in you too??? whats up? (this is Jyoti, not shane)... also heres a site that has ratings for the auction websites in NZ.. http://www.shophere.co.nz/browse.php?cat=11 trademe has the lowest rating, even though they have one of the biggest turnovers of 'sucessful' auctions.

spysboy (162)     11:31 am, 24 Feb

20.   gawd
why dont you people email him privately about his personality change?? Isnt it like...a personal thing?that shouldnt be *discussed* on a mb?

arcaic (172)     11:33 am, 24 Feb

21.   rotmfflmmfao
sandybb...i'd like to see it from your point of view but i doubt if i could get my head that far up your a*se.the person you are referring to will show her true colours to you soon enough. hope ya having a good morning stan hehe d;-) ®™

neilz (200)     11:35 am, 24 Feb

22.   ...
jyoti...what changed me is the actions of so called friends that i thought i had on the mb.when i became a mod i was attacked by these people for doing something that most of them wanted.also the actions of another trader that interferred in my personal life and made constant digs at me on the mb.why should i sit back and let these people bad mouth me when i have done nothing wrong.its not my problem its theirs and if others cant see who has really changed then thats the way it is.sh*t happens and you all will eventually see the light that is NEILZ !!! hehe d;-) ®™

neilz (200)     11:42 am, 24 Feb

23.   I have to agree
that T/M's rating has slipped and feel that they are now killing the goose that laid the golden egg by seemingly ignoring bad traders for too long. They need to be right there on the pulse and certainly not waiting for all the complaints to roll in about the baddies before acting ....and then it is a case of if they act!!! There is too much protection for the rights of the bad traders and damned all for the reliable ones. Instead of moderators watching the Message board they need these people scanning the sites feedbacks and picking up on multiple negative traders and doing something to stop their bidding until they clean up their act or get rid of them.

snippy (494)     11:42 am, 24 Feb

24.   continued...
There seems to me to be a gross imbalance....on the one hand we have had our freedom of speech curbed and I must say that my observations show that the message board is frequented more by the good traders looking to solve problems with the bad ones or T/M. That being the case why are T/M so quick to quell our freedom of speech when they allow all these "baddies" to continue. My feedback on my deal with trade me as it stands today would have to be a red face

snippy (494)     11:54 am, 24 Feb

25.   I don't think the change in Neilz
can be attributed to a lack of hero-worship... rather that copping as much abuse as he did when he was a mod is guaranteed to lessen any nice feelings toward a group of people... give the guy a beak.

jmiller (23)     12:07 pm, 24 Feb

26.   oops...
break I mean... lol

jmiller (23)     12:07 pm, 24 Feb

27.   LoL get your head up my a**??????
I have better taste than to let that happen. hmmmm nope I wont have a dig at your physicalness...(if thats a word)... as I said... I'M not stoopin to that level. oh by the way I WASN'T one of the ppl mentioned that had a go at you being a mod. I just read & laughed about it all (as did another personal friend that is a trader). It made for HILARIOUS reading...'specially the bits where you tried to defend yourself...over and OUT.

sandybb (149)     12:19 pm, 24 Feb

28.   lol
*watches with interest*

india1nz (115)     12:33 pm, 24 Feb

29.   ...
you just did you sad piece of sh*t...you had better be very careful what you say sandy because im sick of f*cking around on this mb with you losers.if you want to take this further then have the guts to email me and we can do this face to face.take a good long look at yourself before you start posting sh*t about me on here and think very hard about the sh*t you are starting for somebody else and if its going to be worth it.

neilz (200)     12:35 pm, 24 Feb

Looking for a better job? Thousands of vacancies on Seek.co.nz
30.   Okay I'll be personal
Neilz you were so disbelieving of me and anything I said in my defense seemed to make it worse. I felt like everyone believed you when you accused me of stuff and some comments by others did confirm that. A few others stood by me. For me, it spoilt my Trademe life and I rarely trade now and post on this board way less often. My choice of course! But as a very popular TM memebr and MB poster I think you could have been nicer to me. I never said anything personal against you - your accusations were wrong but you wouldnt ever back down. That shows the sort of person you are, sadly..and don't forget I am..on ignore.

hodiah2 (53)     12:36 pm, 24 Feb

31.   ...
for those of you that are wondering what sort of attack sandybb is about to make on me...i am a paraplegic and she obviously feels that by taking the p*ss out of that on here she will be a better person.i hope people get to see this before she and her msn/email network vote this off.

neilz (200)     12:38 pm, 24 Feb

32. hmmmm
I've never had a go at any moderator yet I'm getting to 'wear it' anyway. Perhaps the reason I posted this thread is that I was interested in whether others felt the same and discussing alternatives and what people are doing about it. If I was merely unhappy with the site I would just move on but it goes a bit deeper than that. My trading on TM used to be straight-forward and no hassle. Lately there've been more hassles than makes it worthwhile to be here. Having been ripped off and stung, I guess I'm less likely to just 'go quietly'. I certainly never wanted all this personal stuff to go on. Can we get back to what this thread is meant to be about?

heartathome (131)     12:42 pm, 24 Feb

33.   sandybb
You sad fdeletedg bdeletedh...even I said you wouldn't stoop that low...I hope what happened to neil never happens to any of your family members or friends. You lack compassion, you lack class and you're not even 1/4 of the person that he is. You just proved that. You are the lowest of the low.

ellea (244)     12:43 pm, 24 Feb

34. It does seem like one has to be more
careful, less trusting with trades now also. Might be just due to the large growth in members. My very first trade went wrong and I was "had" but I stayed and most trades have been great.Made some nice friends too.

hodiah2 (53)     12:46 pm, 24 Feb

35. Neilz!
what happened?!

jmiller (23)     12:49 pm, 24 Feb

36. ellea's
is the next to go.

jjbc (49)     12:51 pm, 24 Feb

37. ...
so you vote off my post when i say something you dont like sandy.cant you take what you like to give out sandy ????? you launched a personal attack on me that has nothing to do with the mb or trademe and i sure as hell aint going to let it go.

neilz (200)     12:51 pm, 24 Feb

38. F**K How Profane.
The use of profanity on these boards just goes to show the rest of us what Highly educated and articulate people we are dealing with.Instead of stooping to FOUL language get a dictionary and learn some NEW words...I for one do not enjoy seeing them used on these boards,they just lower things to the level of what we are all complaining about.

snojo3 (408)     12:54 pm, 24 Feb

39. geesh
Its a m/b peoples!! Obviously you know who your real friends are and who arent Dont even bother answering a person who you dont class as a friend...you all are just riling each other up. Always 3 sides to a story His Hers and the truth If you all want some sandpit fights..go into your msn/email and do it there.

arcaic (172)     12:58 pm, 24 Feb

40. Yeah vote it off
It doesn't change what you said or what you are. Hopefully enough people have read this. Of all the crap i've read on this message board your's sandybb is the lowest. You can delete what you like it doesn't change anything. I say it again. You lack compassion, you lack class, you are the lowest of the low. I hope you sleep well tonight. Everytime you get into a car the same thing could happen to you. I hope the people that you know and care about show a little more compassion than you just have.

ellea (244)     12:59 pm, 24 Feb

41. *BIG HUGS*
To Neilz and Ellea.

jmiller (23)     1:00 pm, 24 Feb

42. Time out guys :-(
Isn't everyone hurt enough? This is way beyond funny, and far too personal. These are real ppl with real feelings and real lives. Go have some coffee and get a hug from someone.....

kirinesha (76)     1:03 pm, 24 Feb

43. hmm...
"hmmmm nope I wont have a dig at your physicalness...(if thats a word)..." by even mentioning that, you've proved yourself to be hypocritical Sandy. I think you need to look to your own profile quote and meditate on it.

graemen (40)     1:03 pm, 24 Feb

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44. re 41
yeah got a couple of them coming from my way too.Chins up you guys,sticks and stones stuff, i think.

digger (115)     1:04 pm, 24 Feb

45. snojo3
Sorry for the language but when sandybb resorts to using my partners disability as an attack on him of course i'm going to get angry. I posted in the heat of the moment. I had no idea that someone could be so nasty. Thanks for the hugs jmiller...your comments have never gone unnoticed by either of us.

ellea (244)     1:07 pm, 24 Feb

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