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The Fighters

Web page conversion-
You will notice the pictures on this page and those of the sample are a little (wiggley) or blurry. This is caused by the web page conversion, as to make nice crisp pictures in the trading cards I had to format the pictures to a bitmap format. When converting the bitmap sometimes we get some odd shadows or wiggles or blurs. No worries these will not be on the actual cards.

To send me information please use the fighter book at the bottom of this page.
To send me new pictures and pictures of your devices, please send them to the e-mail listed at the bottom of this page.
Thank you all so much again for your participation.

1. Please send me your information

2. Baron Sir William Flanagan ~ please send me your stats and check my spelling.

3. Lord Dante Mcgavin ~ please send me your stats and check my spelling

4. Duncan ~ please send me your name, stats

5. Please send me your information

6. Gunthar ~ please send me your name, stats

7. HRM Sir Jonathon von Trotha ~ please send me your name, stats and check my spelling

8. Lord Kharra Unegen

9. HE Sir Mathias ~ please send me your name, stats

10. Lord Michael of Marbrau ~ please send me your name, stats

11. Sir Faelon ~ please send me your name, stats

12. Conlin ~ please send me your name, stats

13.Conor ~ please send me your name, stats

14. Master Sylvanus ~ please send me your name, stats

15. Tom ~ please send me your name, stats

16. Tom ~ please send me your name, stats

17. Wess ~ please send me your name, stats

18. please send me your name, stats

19. Zephyr ~ please send me your name, stats

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