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~Church in the Wildwood~
Last updated 8/18/2002
Dearest Brothers & Sisters,
I pray that you all
have had a wonderful day, I
know I sure did! I want to thank
all of you, who have wanted me back
here, getting out the prayer requests,
for all your love and kind remarks.
However, please know that I am just
going to post urgent prayer needs
am just in too poor of health to
tackel a mailing list, so please
be prepaired & be sure to save
this so you can come back
here often for any up-dates
and/or new requests.
One more reminder, no matter how
bleek, times can seem... Gods wonderful
blessings can still shine through!
God bless you & yours always!
Your sister in Christ,
~ charlene ~


~ Praise the Lord,
for our wonderful families,
our wonderful friends, new & old.
Such wonderful blessings!
Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord...
my health is improving with the loving hand of the Lord! I praise you my precious Saviour and Friend, for being there with me... through all of the struggle with my health... for hold me up when I was weak... giving your loving comfort to my family and my friends.. how can I ever repay you... help me as I try my best...
Thank you for all your prayers..
Thank you Precious Jesus for hearing them!

~ Praise the Lord...
for all the wonderful loving
& supportive friends who are
ready to help you at a
moments notice.
Thank you Lord... for
blessing us with each other!

Prayer Requests

Davy has been in crisis, as
most of you know... he
had suffered a stroke and now is
having another battle to fight
in his journey back to health.
Please keep him and his entire
family in your continued prayers.

Precious Savior... be with our Davy
he means so much to us and his family.
Help him to breath freely.. to heal
rapidly... keep him always safe.
Hold his precious mother and give
her your loving comfort for her son.
In your Precious name Jesus, we ask
all things... Amen.

Up-date: Davy is doing better!
Jesus, we ask all things to your Glory ...Amen.
8/18/02 Davy is now on oxygen... the Lord has been good to us and Davy, we know he will overcome, but let us continue to keep him in our prayers...
we love you Davy!

Bac47.. Barbs mother
has had a severe stroke and is now paralyzed from the neck down and can not speak... Barb is just heart broken and worn out.

Precious Lord, hold this wonderful loving women in the comfort of your loving arms... hold Barb up and give her peace of mind that her mother is not suffering, that you will keep her safe and your will be done oh Lord. Help us to be strong and give Barb the comfort she needs... guide our words.. work through us. In the name of the Father.. the Son and
the Holy Ghost.. Amen.

Enternest... Becky, as most of
of you know has been having her share of problems too.. she is now in the hospital. Lord be with her and see that she gets the help she needs... hold her close and watch over her for us..
Precious Savior and Friend... hear our plea... Amen.

~ You have turned my mourning into dancing Psalms 30:11

Lord.. give me mercy not justice,
As I enter my guilty plea...
Look on your Son, not my sin Lord, Then give mercy, not justice to me.

~ Irishmist... is such a wonderful friend, that I cherish and she needs our prayer. Her health is in serious trouble, as most of you know and we need to lift her with our love, support and plenty of prayer! Blessed Savior, be with our Irish, hold her in your gentle arms and give her comfort and peace of mind... heal the weakness that dwells in her prison of flesh... calm her painful body and give her sweet rest... in your precious name we ask,
Lord Jesus ...Amen.

We have several loved ones facing more health issues... please join together to continue to lift them all up in spirit and love... Boog..(June), Whoahorsy.. (Penny), Teenfmly... has gone through surgery and is in so much pain... my daughter Angela LaJoy is having such a hard time and is now in the hospital again, so many of our loved ones are in dire need of prayer and uplifting...
Precious Lord and Savior,
Here we are on bended knee..
bringing before you all of our precious loved ones as they battle this flesh that can carry such pain.. help us to endure, give us not only guidence, but comfort...
In your precious name we ask... Amen.

~ We have several new
"unspoken" requests again
today. Most all are to do with
families! Oh Lord, you know
everything there is to know
about each and every one of
them... we are asking that you
be with these children & be
there with them through the
battle... Thank you precious
Lord and Savior, Jesus.

~ Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.
... Jeremiah 17:14

Continued...2nd page.

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Since March 27, 2002 

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