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Here you can ask me questions and I can give you my answers. There is no guarantee it will be sane, but isn't the purpose of asking me crap just to get crap as an answer? You can make comments, ask question, whatever. If it is appropriate enough for my insanity and I can think of something stupid I will post it below and also post my reply. Ain't that dandy? E-Mail me to get my insanity! Woo Hoo! Also give me what you want to be called by when I post your comment. If the name you want is already taken I'll just throw some number after it...or something... yeah... sure...


January 11, 2003

Ultra Pack writes:

I am an insane maniac and I need help

Shadow's Response:

Well there is only one good way to rid yourself of your insanity and that is to satisfy it. You must first drench a homeless man with gasoline. Second you light a match. Then you toss it onto the hopeless, helpless, screaming, whimpering, crying man. Don't worry, he wont be missed. Also be sure to look for any witnesses before performing the act. If one happens to pass by, remember.... destroy the evidence...... Good luck and God's speed.


Remember to send me your insanity so I can give you mine! E-mail Me!


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