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If you would like me to display your pathetic ass site here, contact me and ask me, politely. Rudeness will get you a nice long e-mail of insults and I wont display any highly inappropriate web sites here (I.E. Pornographic).



Hot Topic

T-Shirt Hell

Oh My Gods!



He Man Ate My Balls




Band and T-Shirts and more fun stuff.

Funny and offensive t-shirts

A funny little pagan comic strip.

A little place where you can look at funny flash movies and play flash games.

Don't worry, my dears. This isn't a pornographic site, just has some funny, disturbing, and disgusting things on it. But watch out what you click on... It.. has some pretty disturbing things... Does have some things that are funny. Nothing compares to how hilarious the size of your dick is, though.

This is a stupid little site my brother sent me. He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and the Search for Balls. Some stupid little crappy thing that's funny for a good laugh... chuckle... snorkle if you are Alice Cooper... You know. Thanks, bro.

This lil brown tongue said "hi!!! i think that you should put my website in your cool awesome site please:D cuz i know how much you LOVE me!!!!" I don't love you, hun. I lust you. It was all a sham! I just wanted to get into your pants for God's sake. Now go find someone else you dirty little whore. Anyways, here's her site. Just pics of her friends. I'm in there. "THE HOTT SEXY LOGAN!!WOOHOO!!" (Sharaya, don't worry... it's a joke... lol.. Love ya!)


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