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The Integumentary System

The integumentary organ system is the largest organ of the human body and this system serves 3 vital functions:

1. Protection from microbes

2. Sensation

3. Temperature regulation

The integumentary system inlvolves skin as well as its appendages: hair, nails, and glands.

Anatomy of the Dermis & Epidermis

In 1 square inch, there are 500 sweat glands, 1000+ nerve endings, 100 sebaceous (oil) glands, & millions of cells.

Epidermal Layer

Stratum Corneum = Tough, top layer of skin cells. What toughens these skin cells is keratin. Keratin is a waterproof protein that replaces the cytoplasm inside of these cells. Scars are visible because of the strongly keratinized tissue.

Melanin = This is the pigment (paint) that gives our skin color. Melanocytes are the cells that create melanin. How do you think the sun's radiation affects melanocytes?

Stratum Germinativum = The layer of cells which are actively undergoing mitosis. They create cells which will become the stratum corneum, they line glands and follicles.

Dermal Layer

Dermal papillae = Grooves that connect the 2 layers and also make fingerprints.

Meissner's corpsucle = Receptors that feel light touch.

Pacinian Corpsucle = Receptors that feels deep pressure.

Arrector pili muscle = Tiny muscles that contract when cold, frightened, or when given goosebumps.

The Subcutaneous Layer is below the skin. It consists of adipose tissue and blood vessels. Injections are administered in this section.

How do you think temperature affects the integumentary system and homeostasis?

Body Membranes

2 major categories:
1. Epithelial membrane = Made of epithelial tissue and connective tissue

2. Connective tissue membrane = Specialized connective tissue without any epithelial tissue.

Types of Epithelial Membranes

1. Cutaneous membrane = Skin

2. Serous membrane = Found on the surface of cavities inside of the body

A. Parietal = Lines body cavities.
B. Visceral = Covers organs
C. Pleura = Lines the thoracic cavity
D. Peritoneum = Lines the abdominal cavity

3. Mucous membrane = Line openings of the body. Found in the pharnyx, larynx, lungs, anus, urinary tract, and reproductive organs. The sticky fluid that is secreted is mucus.

Connective Tissue Membrane

1. Synovial membrane = Lines the space between joints. Synovial fluid is a substance that lubricates between joints.

Nail Anatomy

Skin Disorders


is caused by bacteria on your skin which gets into your pores. Your face secretes sebum, an oil which the bacteria feed on. Whiteheads are an accumulation of oil inside of a clogged pore. Ways to treat acne is to prevent the bacteria from overgrowing. Wash with soap frequently, do not touch your face with hands that may have bacteria on them, use face scrubs to unclog pores, and there are many over the counter (OTC) products on the market such as benzoyl peroxide.

Skin Cancer

The sun's ultra violet rays (UV) contains radiation.

This radiation can mutate DNA causing skin cancer. 99% of skin cancer causes the epidermal skin cells to divide out of control. They form odd-shaped moles. These are treatable if caught early. 1% of skin cancers is called Melanoma. This is cancer in the melanin cells of the skin. This type of cancer is very dangerous.

There are 4 warning signs of skin cancer called the ABCD:

A = Assymmetry which means the growth will expand in a lopsided or uneven shape

B = Border which means that benign tumors are lined with a distinct border; though malignant tumors tumors are often irregular.

C = Color meaning that benign tumors are often one even color. Malignant tumors will be 2 or more colors.

D = Diameter meaning that by the time a malignant tumor is showing the above symptoms, it will be larger than 6mm or 1/4 inch.

And a little humor...

Injuries to the Integumentary System

Body Art