The few times in my life when I lost my temper were always followed by illness. In a paper entitled "The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Compassion and Anger," Glen Rein, Mike Atkinson, and Rollin McCraty focused on salivary immunoglobin A (S-IgA), an antibody that is important in defending the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract from infection. They found that anger produced a significant inhibition of S-IgA from one to five hours after an outburst.. Positive emotions, on the other hand, produced a significant increase in S-IgA levels. Also Internist Redford B. Williams and Virginia Williams, in "Lifeskills" reveal how negative feelings like anger can increase levels of certain hormones in the body. One of these, adrenaline, can trigger abnormal heart rhythms. Another, norepinephrine, is the cause of several disorders, including high blood pressure and cholesterol. A third hormone, cortisol, can do all of the above and shut down your immune system. The following exercise has been found to be effective in short-circuiting the unhealthy expression of negative emotions such as anger and improve health.
Freeze Frame
Howard Mart and Deborah Rosman of the HeartMath Institute teach a biofeedback technique developed by Doc Lew Childre for controlling negative emotions called "Freeze Frame." This technique enables you to stop unconscious reactions to people, events and issues in the moment, resulting in clearer perception and the ability to adapt to a situation while it is happening. You can purchase a book or tape album on Freeze Frame and teach yourself, go to a weekend workshop, or buy a computer program called "Freeze Framer" and hook yourself up to your PC.
A part of HeartMath's mission is to help save the planet by assisting people to go from fear, the lower frequency of the heart, to love, the higher frequency of the heart, in the shortest time possible. Howard's presentation will shed new light on the heart. He will present exciting biomedical research findings, which illustrate that even at the biological level the heart is much more than just a cardiovascular organ. He will show that the electrical energy field produced by the heart changes with our perceptions and has a dramatic influence over our health, well-being and consciousness. He will talk about three-dimensional levels of perception and show how the heart is the key to accessing higher dimensions of intelligence and what this means to the planetary shift we are currently experiencing. In addition, Howard will teach us how to use a technique called Freeze-Frame. Freeze-Frame is an effective, scientifically designed tool for accessing the intuitive intelligence of the heart. Howard will also correlate HeartMath concepts with the Ascended Masters' teachings on the heart. The title of his talk is "Dimensions of the Heart--Actualizing and Applying the Power of Love." Please give a very warm, warm welcome to Mr. Howard Martin. [16-second applause] END CHURCH HEADQUARTERS HEARTMATH FEEDBACK January 2000 © Overall, the staff who attended felt they gained practical tools for accessing the wisdom of their hearts in both challenging and creative situations in the workplace. They were so grateful for this seminar. It was a great reminder for all of us that within our hearts is the omniscience, omnipotence, and the omnipresence of God that can be accessed and implemented in our daily lives moment by moment. Expressing from the heart is our primary teaching in order to access our Higher Self, the presence of God within us. The HeartMath technique in congruence with our Teachings is remarkable and the scientific backing supports everything we are doing. Neroli Duffy © I have known about HeartMath for some time but it wasn't until we had the training that the full impact of it's practical application became obvious to me. I have started using it regularly myself and we started using it in our team meeting yesterday. It really brought us to a whole new level of communication. I am very hopeful that it can assist us in getting to the next level of effectiveness in planning and decision- making for our church based on tapping into the mind of Christ. (This) was one of the greatest gifts I can think of because it is a tool for discernment. This is something we need very much in this time of transition from an organization that was focused around an embodied Messenger to one that is based on the rock of Christ in each individual. © We have completed the 2-day (HeartMath) IQM seminar, and everyone totally appreciated it. David McArthur was the perfect person to present to our staff. His examples and the information he presented were very much in alignment with our needs at this time. Also, the timing couldn't have been better. At this point the new teams are just forming, and having 2 days to get focused on heart based communication and work dynamics is just what we needed. I have heard many comments from staff about how helpful it was to their work group as well as to them personally, how they were able to solve some issues during the seminar that were taking huge amounts of time until they learned these techniques. One person commented on how clever the teaching is: they are getting people to connect with their Holy Christ self without ever mentioning the word or religious concepts. © I just wanted to express my heart’s gratitude for this wonderful HeartMath seminar. I was profoundly moved by David and by the tools he gave us. We’re all on the same page with these tools and I can’t wait to see what happens with us and our work for the Masters. I think I probably speak for everyone when I send gratitude, gratitude, gratitude… © Heart Math was truly wonderful. I was sick and had to listen via the phone patch in my room at the Ranch. But it was wonderful and made a big impact on the staff. (T)his (was a) fantastic seminar for our beloved staff and for those who were leaving too. © The HeartMath classes are wonderful, the timing of these seminars couldn't be better. © I benefited tremendously from the training with David McArthur but my husband, was out of town and missed it. I've gone over most of the exercises with him and we've read the book. It's definitely wonderful and I (am thankful) for … getting HeartMath to the staff. It was needed greatly. © I thank you from the bottom of my heart. … for endorsing all the great methods that complement the Ascended Masters' teachings! © The timing was superb, and everyone I spoke to who attended found it very helpful. I have been practicing and feel it is a great tool to help us thread the eye of the needle at this time.
The technique does not try to suppress the negative emotion, which is like trying to stop up a pressure cooker. Rather, it takes the pressure cooker off the burner and onto a block of ice. It is as follows: When you become aware of anger, fear or other negative emotion, shift your focus to the area around your heart and hold your attention there for 10 seconds as though you were breathing through your heart. Just watch your breathing and if your mind goes back to the situation causing the emotion, gently bring it back to the breathing. Then recall a positive feeling from a pleasant past event and re-experienced it. Use all your senses to mentally see, feel, hear, taste and smell your memory. Finally, ask your Christ Self (higher self described in Chapter 2) what would be a better response to the situation. The answer usually is obvious. Freeze frame is an effective way to calm your emotions. The trick is to catch yourself at the edge of the emotional precipice before you fall into the old patterns of reaction.
Mantra: A mantra that is used to charge food with healing qualities while it is being cooked is:
Om Sri Dhanvantre Namaha
"Salutations to the being and power of the celestial physician."
This mantra can also be chanted while focusing on any condition that needs to be allieviated or healed. It can be repeated 12,500 times or as much as you like over a period of 40 days. The appropriate healing method will be shown to you at some point during that period.
A mantra that charges water with God’s healing power is:
Ousadhim Jahnavi Toyam Vaidyo Narayana Harihi
"Water touched by the Spirit of God is the best medicine, because God is the best doctor."
Say this mantra while holding a glass of water in your left palm and placing your right palm over it. That way, the chi in your hand chakras will charge the water as well as the Light of God. As you drink the water slowly affirm mentally that it is the water of rejuvenation from the fountain of youth. Visualize it washing away all toxins and infusing your body with energy, vitality and beauty.
In astrology, each planet governs certain parts of the body. When a malefic planet in the sky is making a transit to one of your natal planets, it can adversely affect the related organs. For example, when Saturn, the planet of restrictions is squaring natal Saturn which governs the skeletal system, you may feel stiff and painful in your joints. To counteract this, recite the mantras for the two planets, in this case the same planet, for 40 days, 108 times or more each day. The parts of the body and mantras for each planet are as follows:
Sun Heart, spine, diaphragm, thymus, blood Om Sri Suryaya Namaha
and veins.
Moon Stomach, breasts, lymphatic system, Om Sri Chandraya Namaha
sympathetic nervous system.
Mercury Hands, arms, lungs, sensory organs, some Om Sri Budhaya Namaha
thyroid gland influence.
Venus Throat, neck, kidney, some thyroid gland Om Sri Shukraya Namaha
influence, sex organs and feet.
Mars Sex organs, adrenal glands, red blood cells Om Sri Angarakaya Namaha
Jupiter Liver, gall bladder, posterior lobe of the Om Sri Gurave Namaha
pituitary, thighs.
Saturn Spleen, skeletal system including cartilage, Om Sri Shanaishwaraya Namaha
skin, lower leg including knee, anterior
lobe of the pituitary.
Uranus The nervous system involved in paralysis Om Sri Shanaishwaraya Namaha
Neptune The nervous system involved in psychosis Om Sri Gurave Namaha
Pluto The body’s ability to regenerate cells Om Sri Angarakaya Namaha
One of the most powerful healing mantras is the Rama mantra. I first used this mantra 30 years ago when Baba Ram Dass (Richard Alpert) gave it out during one of his lectures. I chanted it for hours until my entire body was tingling with energy.
Om Ram Ramaya Namaha (or Swaha)
Thomas Ashley-Farrand in "Healing Mantras," writes that "Ram... is the seed sound for the manipura, or solar plexus chakra. Tremendous healing energy lies dormant at that chakra. Mantra can help you get at that energy. This mantra begins to awaken and activate the entire chakra. It specifically prepares the chakra to be able to handle the inflow of kundalini energy that gives the chakra its power." Ashley-Farrand breaks down Rama into it’s two syllables and describes their influence. "Ra is associated with the solar current that runs down the right side of our bodies. Ma is associated with the lunar current that runs down the left side of our bodies.... By repeating Rama... Rama... Rama over and over again, you begin to balance the two currents and their activity so that they can work with the higher stages of energy that will eventually come up the spine.... Om Ram Ramaya Namaha begins to clear the two currents with a slight emphasis on the right or solar side, which is needed in this age of darkness... After the age of twenty-nine, the ending of the mantra should be changed to Swaha."
Decrees: Protection decrees keep us from getting injured in accidents or infected with disease microbes. Archangel Michael is the being that is called upon for protection. The following simple decree can be said as you begin driving your car, as your jet begins accelerating down the runway, or whenever you feel the need for protection as in walking through a tough neighborhood or a hospital.
In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Archangel Michael, beloved Lanello, the entire spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life -- fire, air, water and earth! I decree:
Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind,
Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left,
Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below,
Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go!
I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here! (3x)
The violet flame can heal, balance and charge the seven chakras and the entire body with energy. The following can be used while visualizing the 7 chakras blazing first with violet fire then with their respective colored lights. Pink for the heart, blue for throat, purple for solar plexus, emerald green for third eye, violet for the seat of the soul, yellow for the crown and white for the base of the spine chakra.
My heart is a chakra of violet fire, my heart is the purity God desires!
My throat chakra is a wheel of violet fire, my throat chakra is the purity God desires!
My solar plexus is a sun of violet fire, my solar plexus is the purity God desires!
My third eye is a center of violet fire, my third eye is the purity God desires!
My soul chakra is a sphere of violet fire, my soul is the purity God desires!
My crown chakra is a lotus of violet fire, my crown chakra is the purity God desires!
My base chakra is a fount of violet fire, my base chakra is the purity God desires!
Affirmations: The following affirmations for improving health and appearance should be said before a mirror. A good time to say them is when you’re shaving, putting on make-up, combing your hair, etc.
In the name of my I AM Presence and Christ Self, I AM becoming more and more beautiful and healthy every day in every way.
In the name of my I AM Presence and Christ Self, I AM now slender, strong, and in perfect physical condition.
In the name of my I AM Presence and Christ Self, I AM becoming stronger and more energetic every day.
In the name of my I AM Presence and Christ Self, I AM now radiantly attractive and lovable.
In the name of my I AM Presence and Christ Self, I AM whole.
Another bathroom place to say healing affirmations is in the shower. You can visualize the water as healing Light from God as you say, "In the name of my I AM Presence and Christ Self, I AM purified and made whole by a shower of healing Light from God!" Say this also when you’re sunbathing.
The Healing Thoughtform: The following visualization is taken from pages 145-148 of The Science of the Spoken Word. It is a powerful healing visualization composed of concentric spheres of white, blue and green light that you mentally place over any injured or diseased part of your body or that of another. Begin the visualization with the following prayer:
"In the name of Jesus Christ and his presence with me in the person of my own Christ Self, I call to the heart of my own beloved I AM Presence and the angels of healing for the beautiful healing thoughtform to seal me in the perfect light of God’s own consciousness of my wholeness -- now made manifest! "
Then, in your mind’s eye, visualize a core of pure white light like freshly fallen snow. Then, beyond that a sphere of saphire-blue light. And, finally a globe of emerald-green light. Now, place this thoughtform first around your heart and then around any injured or diseased part of your body. According to macrobiotic healing principles, the heart is the key organ of the body which governs the health of the entire body. Thus it is important to first place the healing thoughtform around the heart. If the disease is systemic as in a spreading cancer, you can visualize your entire body enveloped in the healing thoughtform. You can also visualize the healing thoughtform around someone else who needs healing. The white-fire core is the pure white light of God that transmutes the physical, mental and emotional causes of the disease. The blue sphere is the action of the will of God which reforms the cells of the body into conformity with the perfect divine blueprint from which you were first made during your gestation. The green globe is the miracle power of God’s immortal life that restores the current of Spirit through Matter and makes it whole. Visualize the healing thoughtform begin to spin in a clockwise direction and as it does so, it throws off black specks of stress and toxins that are poisoning your cells and blocking the flow of chi. Now visualize your aura filled with the violet flame which consumes these impurities. Alternate the vision of the healing thoughtform with that of the violet flame as you give the following decree:
In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, beloved Jesus the Christ, Lord Maitreya, beloved Saint Germain, beloved El Morya, beloved Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, Kuthumi and the servant-sons of God in heaven, the healing Masters and Angels, by and through the sacred fire vested in the threefold flame burning within my heart, I decree:
1. I AM God’s perfection manifest
In body, mind and soul --
I Am God’s direction flowing
To heal and keep me whole!
Refrain: O atoms, cells, electrons
Within this form of mine,
Let heaven’s own perfection
Make me now divine!
The spirals of Christ wholeness
Enfold me by his might --
I AM the Master Presence
Commanding, "Be all light!"
2. I AM God’s perfect image:
My form is charged by love;
Let shadows now diminish,
Be blessed by Comfort’s Dove!
3. O blessed Jesus, Master dear,
Send thy ray of healing here;
Fill me with thy life above,
Raise me to thine arms of love!
4. I AM Christ’s healing Presence,
All shining like a mercy’s sum --
I AM that pure perfection,
My perfect healing won!
5. I charge and charge and charge myself
With radiant I AM light --
I feel the flow of purity
That now makes all things right!
And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!