Witchcraft Destroys Minds and Reaps Souls
                	            Satanic Mass
Interview with Oz Osbourne (not to be confused with Ozzy Osbourne of Black Sabbath) 
Descent Magazine, Issue Number III:

On your album it stated that, as far as you were aware, your recording of the Black
Mass was the first. Were you aware of the Church of Satan?

Oh sure.

Did you know that LaVey had done a Satanic Mass LP?

Yeah, but I don't think....

I just found a copy and it says '68.

That's when we recorded ours and I'm not sure. I'm familiar with Anton LaVey and I
think ours might have been prior to his but I can't be exactly sure. It seems to me,
although I can't remember if LaVey's recording actually had the Satanic Mass on it.
I mean ours was actually left in complete. That was done really, as far as the Black
Mass went, it was written by Bill Trout, who was our producer at that time. This
was just a project he'd always wanted to do. He was like ex-communicated from the
Catholic Church when he was 14. He was extremely bright and he just had always
wanted to do one of those.  [End of quotation from Descent Magazine]

(Note: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Black Mass to be recorded, 
either in written words or in audio.  It is as authentic as hundreds of hours of 
research in every known source can make it. We do not recommend its use by 
anyone who has not thoroughly studied Black Magic and is aware of the risks and 
dangers involved. For further information and source material, write : Coven, in 
care of Dunwich Productions, 25 East Chestnut, Chicago, Illinois 60611)

Altar Bell   (Rung nine times to invoke the spirit of Satan.)
Coven   (Chanting Invocation in ancient language to conjure Satan from the 
infernal abyss)
"Bagabi laca bachabe              Lamac lamec bachalyas
 Lamac cahi achababe              Cabahagy sabalyos
       Karrelyos                       Baryolos
                     Lagoz atha cabyolas
                     Samahac et famyolas
High Priest   (Enters to center of the altar and chants, while crossing himself in a 
counterclockwise direction with his left hand)
“In nomine de nostre               “In the name of our
  Satanas: Lucifere                 Satan; the glorious
  excelsis!”                        Lucifer!”
High Priest (chants)
“Introibo ad altare                “I will go up to the 
  Satanas.”                         Altar of Satan.”
Coven (chants)
“Ad Satanas, qui                   “To Satan, the giver of
  laetificat gloria                 youth and glory.”
Coven   (chants ancient conjuration to yield their souls to the devil)
“Palas aron ozinomas                    Geheamel cla orlay
  Baske bano tudan donas               Berec he pantaras tay.”
High Priest  “In the name of Satan, ruler of Earth, the King of the world, the Chief 
of the Serfs, I command the forces of  darkness to bestow their infernal power 
upon us.  Save us, Lord Satan, from the  treacherous and the violent. Oh Satan, 
Spirit of the Earth, God of Liberty, open wide the gates of Hell, and come forth 
from the abyss by these names:”
High Priest and Coven   “Satan!  Beelzebub!  Leviathon!  Asmodeus!  Abaddon!”
High Priest (chants) 
“Gloria Satanas, et              “Glory be to Satan 
  Belial et Spiritui              and Belial, and  
  maloso.”                        to the evil spirits” 
Coven (responds) 
“Sicut erat in                   “As it was in the be- 
  principio, et nunc,             ginning, is now, and 
  et simper, et in                ever shall be, world 
  saecula saeculorum.             without end.  Amen” 
High Priest  (chants) 
“Satanas vobiscum.”            “Satan be with you.” 
Coven (responds) 
“Et cum spiritu tuo.”          “And with thy spirit.” 
High Priest   (Calling the coven to prayer) 
“Let us pray . . . Urged by our Lord Satan’s bidding, and schooled by his infernal 
ordinance, we  make bold to say:”
High Priest and Coven   (Recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, backwards) 
“Amen . . . Evil from us deliver but . . . Temptation into not us lead and . . . Us 
against trespass who  those forgive we as . . . Trespasses our us forgive and . . . 
Bread daily our day this us give  . . . Heaven in is it as earth on . . . Done be will 
thy . . . Come kingdom thy . . . Name thy be  hallowed . . . Heaven in art who . . . 
Father our.”
High Priest   (Removes his headdress and approaches the coven, congregated a 
few feet in front of the  altar)
     “Children of my office.  From high matters I spare the time to preside over this 
gathering.  By the favor of our Lord Satan, I have the power to grant your wishes, 
should it please me to do so.  Waste no moment in unnecessary babbling or you 
will incur my anger.  Now, lift up your heads, and  tell me your desires.”
     (After a loud knock at the side door of the Altar Chamber) 
     “Who seeks entry here?” 
Assistant Priestess   “One who repents her past heresies and craves to be accepted 
into the grace  of our Master, Satan . . . designated by the Creator.  Lord of this 
World from its beginning without  end.”
High Priest   “Enter, penitent, that you may abase yourself before the only true 
     (The side door opens, revealing a scared young girl, who has been persuaded 
to join the coven.  She enters, hesitantly, wearing a long white muslin garment, 
tied at the waist with a cord.  Her  ankles are bound in shackles) 
     “Penitent, the opportunity is offered you to redeem your past . . . Do you desire 
to take it?” 
Probationer   “Yes.” 
High Priest   “Are you prepared to serve our Lord Satan with your whole mind, 
body, and soul,  permitting nothing to deter you from the furtherance of his work?
Probationer   “Yes.”
High Priest   “As proof that you have purged your mind of all false teaching, you 
will now break  this crucifix and throw the pieces from you.”
High Priest   “Stand up, and raise your left hand!  Repeat after me, sentence by 
sentence, the words  I am about to say:
High Priest and Probationer   “I deny Jesus Christ the deceiver . . . and I abjure 
the Christian  faith, holding in contempt all of its works.  By the symbol of the 
Creator, I swear henceforth to  be . . . a faithful servant of his most puissant Arch-
Angel, the Prince Lucifer . . . whom the  Creator designated as His Regent and 
Lord of this World.  As a being now possessed of a human body  in this world.  I 
swear to give my full allegiance to its lawful Master: to worship Him, our Lord 
Satan and no other; to despise all manmade religions, and to bring contempt to 
them whenever  possible; to undermine the faith of others in such false religions 
whenever possible; and  bring them to the true faith when desirable.  I swear to 
give my mind, body, and soul unreservedly  . . . to the furtherance of the designs 
of our Lord Satan.  If I betray my oath, I do now decree  to have my throat cut, 
my tongue and heart torn out . . . and to be buried in the sand of the  ocean that the 
waves of it may carry me away into an eternity of oblivion.”
High Priest   “If you ever break this oath, we shall pronounce sentence upon you 
in the name of our Lord Satan . . . that you shall fall into dangerous disease and 
leprosy, and that, in the sign of  his vengeance, you shall perish by a terrifying 
and horrible death, and that a fire shall consume  and devour you on every side 
and utterly crush you . . . and that by the power of Satan, a flame shall  go forth 
from His Mouth which shall burn you up and reduce you to nothing in Hell … ”
High Priest   (Removing from the altar, a bag containing the shavings of a clock)
“Now take these shavings in your hand and face the Goat of Mendes . . . repeat 
after me:
High Priest and Probationer   “I deny God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and I 
adhere to thee, and  believe in thee.”
High Priest   (Leads the girl to the right side of the altar to a black throne, upon 
which is  seated Satan in the materialization of a huge black goat with a human 
body, but with the hooves  and head of a goat.  The goat has three horns, the 
middle one being a lighted torch)
     “Kiss the Goat!!”
     (As the girl kisses the posterior of the goat from behind the throne, the 
ceremony of  fidelity to Satan known as the Pax, the High Priest intones . . . )
     “As the shavings of the clock do never return to the clock from which they are 
taken, so may  your soul never return to Heaven.”
     ( . . . leading the girl back to the altar)
     “Now . . . remove your garment and lie down at full length upon the altar.”
     (As the girl drops her garment and lies naked on the altar, the High Priest 
stretches out  her arms and places a lighted black candle in each outstretched hand.  
She is now a human altar  in the shape of a crucifix; her ankles still being bound 
by the shackles.  Some members of the  assemblage, looking ahead to the 
ceremony where she must submit to the sexual desires of the  coven, are 
beginning to express their emotions.)
     “Brothers and sisters of the Left-Hand Path . . . the penitent has proved a 
worthy  neophyte in our high order.  It is now my happy duty to free her from the 
bonds of ignorance and superstition.”
     (The High Priest removes the shackles from the ankles of the young 
probationer/neophyte and  proceeds with the rite symbolic of copulation with the 
devil.  If the Lord Satan or one of his  demons is present at this portion of the 
Mass, the High Priest will step aside and lead conjurations of lust while the 
ceremony is actually performed.  After this rite, the neophyte, still serving as the 
altar, has the Chalice containing the host and a skull  filled with blood placed 
upon her prone body.  The host is generally stolen from a Catholic church, dyed 
black, and cut into a triangular shape.  The blood is generally from a previously  
sacrificed animal of bird; although for a major high Sabbath, the most effective 
sacrifice  is an unbaptised baby)
High Priest   (chants)
“Satanas gratias.”              “Thanks be to Satan”
“Satanas vobiscum.”          “Satan be with you.”
Coven   (responds)
“Et cum spiritu tuo”           “And with thy spirit.”
High priest and Coven   (Walks to left of human altar to begin the Offeratory.  He 
holds up the  Paten containing the consecrated host)
“Lucifer, Save us!          Master, Save us!
  Astaroth, Save us!        Master, Save us!
  Shaiton, Save us!         Master, Save us!
  Zabulon, Save us!         Master, Save us!
  Maloch, Save us!          Master, Save us!”
(High Priest walks to the right of human altar, and holds up the skull or other 
Chalice containing the blood)
“Satan, Have mercy!         Master, Have mercy!
 Baal, Have mercy!          Master, Have mercy!
 Azazel, Have mercy!        Master, Have mercy!
 Dagon, Have mercy!         Master, Have mercy!
 Mammon, Have mercy!        Master, Have mercy!”
High Priest   (Taking Communion, consecrates the Paten and the Chalice with the 
blessing of Death)
     “Blessed be the bread and wine of death . . . blessed a thousand times more 
than the flesh and  blood of life, for you have not been harvested by human hands 
nor did any human creature mill  and grind you.  It was our Lord Satan who took 
you to the mill of the grave, so that you should  thus become the bread and blood 
of revelation and revulsion.  I spit upon you! and I cast you  down!  in the 
memory of Satan, because you preach punishment and shame to those who would  
emancipate themselves and repudiate the slavery of the church!”
     (He casts the consecrated host and blood on the floor in front of the altar and 
spits on them.   At this sign, the entire congregation rushes up amidst screams of 
hate and tramples upon the  mixture.  They also scramble and fight for remnants 
to be used in casting private spells)
     (High Priest – tearing off his vestments and trampling them on the ground . . . )
     “These ornaments, badges of authority, serve only to conceal the nakedness 
which is alone  acceptable to our Lord Satan!”
     (Entire coven rips off their cloaks and any other garments amidst bestial 
shrieks and growls.   This is silenced by the High Priest who rings a gong, causing 
the reaction of a thunder clap.  The  High Priest holds his left hand aloft helping 
the unsteady, and seemingly drugged, young neophyte  off the altar to stand naked 
before the now naked coven)
     “Neophyte, you have served me well!  Stand up and join these assembled here 
so that they may  look upon you, and do with you as they desire …”
     (The neophyte is pushed into the midst of the assemblage, who stare at her and 
gesture and  whisper among themselves.  Later, at the end of the Mass, she will be 
submitted to the carnal  desires of any member or members of the coven who 
request her.  She will also assist in mass  perversions)
High Priest   (Announcing the dismissal from the formal Mass, proclaiming the 
Benediction for  increased virility, and calling for the homage to Satan through 
feasting, dancing, and a general  orgy till dawn)
     “I, Joel, Prince of the Bats and High Priest of the Lord Satan, by this act do 
dismiss  you from this service . . . Prepare to receive through me the Benediction 
of Our Lord Satan, that  you may honour the Creator by the rite symbolical of his 
work …”
     (As the altar bell is again rung nine times, the High Priest wanders among the 
assemblage,  touching the genitals of each member of the coven with a special 
Satanic blessing to insure the  success of the orgy to follow)
     “Eva, Ave Satanas!  Vade Lilith, vade retro Pan!  Deus maledictus est!!  Gloria 
tibi!  Domine  Lucifere, per omnia saecula saeculorum.  Amen!!”
     “Do What Thou Wilt, Shall Be the Whole of the Law!”
“Rege Satanas!              Hail Satan!
  Ave Satanas!              Hail Satan!
  Hail Satan!!              Hail Satan!”

                	            Missa Solemnis

[Note: 	This Missa Solemnis (Black Mass) was first published by Michael Aquino (in his “The 
Church of Satan” book – available electronically on the Internet) in 1983, “from an exceedingly 
rare 1970 ritual booklet”.  There, Aquino explains that it was initially written for Anton LaVey 
by Wayne Forest West, from Detroit Michigan (West was a former Roman Catholic Priest, in his 
50s at the time of writing his Missa Solemnis).  According to Aquino, Anton LaVey had the 
manuscript of this Missa Solemnis in June 1970, and asked Aquino to officiate as priest and 
perform the ritual at the Church of Satan in San Francisco.  Aquino writes that this was the only 
time that an authentic Black Mass was ever performed at the Black House in San Francisco, and 
that he was the priest performing it (assisted by two additional male priests and a female for the 
altar).  He writes that Anton LaVey was present as an observer (as well as a number of other inside 
members of the Church of Satan ).  He also writes that they had difficulty in obtaining a 
consecrated host from a Roman Catholic Communion, as required by the ritual, so a cracker 
from the kitchen was used instead.  The Church of Satan, however, claims that LaVey himself 
does not recall such a “Missa Solemnis” as West created ever taking place in his house, and said 
he certainly would have remembered it due to elements in it that he considered humorous.  West 
was excommunicated from the Church of Satan on September 26, 1971, and had no influence on 
later Church of Satan rituals.]

***1983 Publically Available***

Missa Solemnis (The Black Mass)
- by Wayne F. West III*

	The Missa Solemnis is performed with great pageantry and solemn dignity and is very 
precise in every detail. Every act, every movement must be deliberate and done with great 
majesty. Above all it must be done with absolute conviction.
	Requirements for the performance of the Missa Solemnis – consecrated vestments from 
the Roman Catholic Church:

*	Chasuble (over-garment worn by Priest during mass).
*	Stole (a long, narrow stole worn around the neck).
*	Maniple (worn over left arm).
*	Girdle (A long, braided, rope-like cincture worn over alb around the mid-section).
*	Nun’s habit with wimple.
*	Large cross or crucifix to be hung, inverted, on wall over altar.  If the Sigil of 
	Baphomet already occupies that area, the cross is to be hung directly over its face, the 
	eyes of the goat peering forth on either side.
*	Font for holy water (chamber pot recommended).
*	Small wooden bowl, rough-hewn in the interior and with a rough-hewn pestle for 
	grinding the host into a pulverized state. The use of rough-hewn wood is suggested 
	since this is symbolic of the cross upon which the pig purportedly died.
*	Thurible (censer, usually on a long chain, used for censing the altar and the 
*	Purification bell.
*	Chalice of Ecstasy (with veil).
*	Gong.
*	Incense burner for altar and desecration.
*	Phallic aspergillum.
*	Sword.
*	Cruet of wine (wine is specified because of its use in the Roman Rite).
*	As many black candles as desired.
*	One white candle for the burning of the host.
*	Container for incense (placed upon the altar) and spoon for incense.
*	Powdered incense (Jasmine recommended since it is reputed for its erotic effects).
*	Round silver spoon for the Consecratio.
*	Clean white towel.
*	Altar stand for the Missale.
*	Other accouterments as traditional for the Satanic Mass.

  The “Missale” referred to in the text is the bound copy of the Missa Solemnis which is 
used on the altar.  The Satanic Bible is also placed on the altar.
	The altar should represent a lewd woman, lying or sitting facing the participants, her 
legs spread wide exposing her genitals and her outstretched arms terminating in the candle 
holders which she grasps with each hand.  She should be ornamented with heavy, gaudy 
jewelry, heavily made-up, possibly wearing shoes with spiked heels, and generally giving 
the appearance of a harlot.  Across her breasts is painted or drawn the number of the Beast, 
	The ceremony is begun in the established manner with the ringing of the bell, 
conjuration of the four names, drinking from the Chalice, etc.  The Priest places the 
Chalice between the thighs of the altar, where it rests until again required.  The Priest, 
Deacon, and Sub-Deacon all face the altar, then bow low once.  Then, standing upright, the 
Priest will begin the Introitus.


Priest:		In nomine dei nostri Satanas Luciferi.  Introibo ad altare dei nostri.

Deacons:	Ad dei nostri, Satanas Luciferi, qui laetificat juventutem meam.

Priest:		(Ps. 42, 1-5) Judica me. Deus meus.  Et discerne causam meam de gente sancta. 

Deacons:	Quia tu es Diabolus, fortitudo mea.

Priest:		Emitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam: Ipsa me deduxerunt, et adduxerunt in 
		Infernum tuum.

Deacons:	Et introibo ad altare dei nostri, ad Satanas Luciferi qui laetificat juventutem 

Priest:		Quia tu es deus meus.

Deacons:	Spera in Diabolo, quoniam adhuc confitebor illi: salutare vultus mei, et deus 

Priest:		Gloria tibi, Satanas Luciferi.

Deacons:	Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.

Priest:		Introibo ad altare dei.

Deacons:	Ad dei nostri, Satanas Luciferi, qui laetificat juventutem meam.

Priest:		Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Diaboli.

Deacons:	Qui fecit Infernum et terram.

The Priest bows low before the altar and, remaining in that position, begins the Confiteor.


Priest:		I confess to almighty Satan, highest and ineffable King of Hell; to Ishtar, ever 
		fertile; to Amon, god of life and reproduction; to Pan, whose lust does cause 
		the sperm of life to flow; to Asmodeus, Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan, to all the 
		Daemons of the Pit, and to you, Brethren, that I have lived in fullness and in 
		lust and have tortured much in though, word, and deed that naked dog who 
		hangs upon the cross in mockery of man.  Therefore I beseech thee, Satan, 
		highest and ineffable King of Hell; Ishtar, ever fertile; Amon, god of life and 
		reproduction; Pan, whose lust does cause the sperm of life to flow; Asmodeus, 
		Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan, all the Daemons of the Pit, and you, Brethren, to 
		grant me lewd, licentious, lustful pleasures for all the days and nights to come.

Deacons:	May the almighty Satan shower his blessing upon you and fill your fiery rod 
		with endless streams of sperm.

The Priest stands erect.

Priest:		Gratia tibi, fratres.

The Deacon and Sub-Deacon bow low.

Deacons:	I confess to almighty Satan, highest and ineffable King of Hell; to Ishtar, ever 
		fertile; to Amon, god of life and reproduction; to Pan, whose lust does cause 
		the sperm of life to flow; to Asmodeus, Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan, to all the 
		Daemons of the Pit, and to you, Reverend, that I have lived in fullness and in 
		lust and have tortured much in though, word, and deed that naked dog who 
		hangs upon the cross in mockery of man.  Therefore I beseech thee, Satan, 
		highest and ineffable King of Hell; Ishtar, ever fertile; Amon, god of life and 
		reproduction; Pan, whose lust does cause the sperm of life to flow; Asmodeus, 
		Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan, all the Daemons of the Pit, and you, Reverend, to 
		grant me lewd, licentious, lustful pleasures for all the days and nights to come.

Reverend:	May the almighty Satan shower his blessing upon you and fill your fiery rods 
		with endless streams of sperm.

The Deacon and Sub-Deacon stand erect.

Deacons:	Gratia, Reverende.

Now the entire congregation bow low as the Priest turns toward them for the benediction.

Priest:		May the almighty and ineffable King of Hell grant you fullness of life and lead 
		you to attainment in all your desires.

The Priest approaches the altar and prepares for the purification of the ritual chamber.

Priest:		Take away from us, almighty Satan, the iniquities of that foul imposter who 
		would deny the pleasures of thy realm and curse us with a life of piety and 
		want.  Make us to live that we may be made worthy of thy Infernal kingdom no 
		and for all time to come.

Deacons:	Gratia tibi, dei nostri, Satanas Luciferi.

The Priest takes the phallic aspergillum from the altar and, turning to the Deacon, proffers 
it to him.

Priest:		Beloved brother, we ask a blessing.

The chamber pot is brought forth and presented to the nun, who lifts her habit and urinates 
into it, smiling beatifically.

Deacon:		In the name of Mary she maketh the font resound with the waters of mercy.  
		She giveth the showers of blessing and poureth forth the tears of her shame.  
		She suffereth long, and her humiliation is great, and she doth pour upon the 
		earth with the joy of her mortification.  Her cup runneth over, and her water is 
		sublime.  Ave Maria ad micturiendum festinant.

When the nun has finished filling the font, the Sub-Deacon takes it from her and holds it 
before the Deacon, who takes the phallus and dips it into the urine.  The Deacon then takes 
the phallic aspergillum and, holding it tightly to his own genital area, turns to the four 
corners and gives the Satanic blessing, shaking the phallus twice (vigorously) at each of 
the cardinal points.

Deacon:		In the name of Satan, we bless thee with this, the symbol of the seed of life.
		In the name of Lucifer, we bless thee with this, the symbol of the seed of life.
		In the name of Belial, we bless thee with this, the symbol of the seed of life.
		In the name of Leviathan, we bless thee with this, the symbol of the seed of life.

The Deacon kisses the phallus and then passes it to the Sub-Deacon, who also kisses it.  
The Sub-Deacon then hands it to the Priest, who raises it to the Baphomet, kisses it, and 
then places it on the altar.

Priest:		Shemhamforash!

Deacons:	Shemhamforash!

Priest:		Hail, Satan!

Deacons:	Hail, Satan!

Priest:		We ask thee, mighty Prince of Darkness, by the merits of these symbols here 
		assembled that thou wilt deign to assist us in our wants and needs.

The Deacon takes the thurible, and the two Deacons kneel.  The Priest places incense in the 
thurible.  The Deacons remain kneeling.

Deacon:		Benedicte, Pater Reverende.

Priest:		Ab illo benedicaris, in cujus honore cremaberis.

The Priest takes the thurible from the Deacon.  The Deacons remain kneeling.  The Priest 
censes the altar, first the front and then both sides.

Priest:		Purificabo altare dei nostri, Satanas Luciferi, in cujus honore cremaberis.

The Priest repeats this several times as he censes the entire altar.  He turns and censes the 
Deacon and Sub-Deacon separately.

Deacon:		Purificabo gorde [corde] tuo et labiis tuis, Pater Reverende, in nomine dei 
		nostri, Satanas Luciferi, in cujus honore cremaberis.

The Deacon and Sub-Deacon stand, and the Deacon puts the thurible aside.


Priest:		Glory be to thee, almighty Satan, highest and ineffable King of Hell; and on 
		Earth joy to the follower of the Left-Hand Path.  We praise thee; we bless thee; 
		we adore thee; we give thee thanks for thy great glory.  O mighty Prince of 
		Darkness, King of the Infernal Realm, thou art the true god, who replenisheth 
		the world with pleasure and who maketh us whole.  Thou alone art lord.  Thou 
		alone, O mighty Satan, art the most high.  Thou alone art ruler of the Earth.

The Priest seats himself on the throne.  The Deacon and Sub-Deacon chant the Gloria.  
The Priest returns to the altar and turns to face the congregation.

Priest:		Diabolus vobiscum.

Deacons:	Et cum spiritu tuo.

The Sub-Deacon removes the Missale from its stand, raises it high before the Baphomet, 
and transfers it to the Epistle (right) side of the altar.  As he does so, the Deacon moves to 
the left side of the altar.  The Priest then reads the Epistle, which is taken from 2 
Corinthians 4, 1-6 and 15-18.


Priest:		Brethren, being entrusted, then by Satan’s pleasure with this ministry, we do 
		not play the coward:  We renounce all shame-faced concealment; there must be 
		no crooked ways nor falsifying of Satan’s word.  It is by making the truth 
		publicly known that we recommend ourselves to the judgment of mankind, as 
		we do in Satan’s sight.  Our gospel is a mystery, yes, but it is only a mystery to 
		those who are on the road to empty heavens: those whose unbelieving minds 
		have been blinded by that nefarious, foul-mouthed Jew whom they worship, so 
		that the glorious gospel of the almighty Satan cannot reach them with the rays 
		of its illumination.  After all, it is ourselves we proclaim:  We proclaim Satan 
		as lord and ourselves as his servants.  The god of darkness has kindled the 
		Light of Lucifer in our hearts, whose shining is to make known his glory.  It is 
		all for your sakes, so that his pleasures may be made manifest in many lives 
		and may increase the lust which is offered to Satan’s glory.  No, we do not 
		play the coward, for the outer part of our nature is like that of our inner nature 
		and is being refreshed from day to day.  This light brings with it a reward 
		multiplied every way, leading us to everlasting fulfillment.  For the lies of that 
		Nazarene king of fools shall last but shortly; what is of Satan is eternal.

The Sub-Deacon returns the Missale to its stand.  The Priest continues with the Oratio, 
which is inverted from the Feast of the Kingship of Jesus Christ.


Priest:		Almighty and ever-living Prince of Darkness, who has willed that all the 
		pleasures of the flesh shall be made manifest, grant that all the peoples of the 
		Earth, now torn asunder by the lies of that Judean pig, may be awakened to the 
		truth of him who is Satan.

The Priest continues with the Gradual, which is taken from Leviticus 21.10, 21,8, and 
Hebrews 2.17.


Priest:		(Leviticus 21.10) The High Priest, that one who is chief among his brethren, 
		who is consecrated for the Priestly office and who wears the sacred vestments, 
		is altogether like his brethren.

		(Hebrews 2.17) He would be a High Priest who could feel for us and be our 
		true representative before Satan, to make our pleasures manifest and rid us of 
		the stench of hypocrisy.
		(Leviticus 21.8) The Priest must be set apart, as I am set apart, the Lord of Hell 
		who fulfills you.

The Deacon raises the Missale on high before the Baphomet, then moves it to the Left-
Hand side (the Gospel side) of the altar.

Priest:		Sequentia sancti evangelii secundum sancta biblia nostrae.

The gong is struck.  The Priest reads the Gospel of the Fifth Enochian Key.

Deacons:	Jube domine, bendicere.

Priest:		Diabolus sit in corde tuo, et in labiis tuis, ut digne et competenter annunties 
		evangelium suum.

The Priest sits upon the throne.  The Deacons chant the Fifth Enochian Key together.  The 
Priest returns to the altar and recites the Key in English.

The Priest now begins the most solemn part of the Missa Solemnis, the Desecration.  This 
requires a consecrated host, which must be obtained from a Roman Catholic Communion.


Priest:		(Luke 1, 46-49) I have found joy in Satan who is my saviour: Because he who 
		is might, he who is the highest and ineffable King of Hell, has wrought for me 
		his wonder.

The Priest faces the congregation.

Priest:		Diabolus vobiscum.

Deacons:	Et cum spiritu tuo.

The Priest takes the host and begins the Desecration.  This must be done with anger, 
vehemence, wrath, and hatred.  He raises the host to the Baphomet and says:

Priest: 	Thou, thou whom, in my quality of Priest, I force, whether thou wilt or no, to 
		descend into this host, to incarnate thyself into this bread, Jesus, artisan of 
		hoaxes, bandit of homages, robber of affection, hear! 

		Since the day when thou didst issue from the complaisant bowels of a virgin, 
		thou hast failed all thy engagements, belied all thy promises. Centuries have 
		wept, awaiting thee, fugitive god, mute god! Thou wast to redeem man, and 
		thou has not. Thou wast to appear in thy glory, and thou sleepest. 

		Go, lie, say to the wretch who appeals to thee, “Hope, be patient, suffer; the 
		hospital of souls will receive thee; the angels will assist thee; Heaven opens to 
		thee”. Imposter! Thou knowest well that the angels, disgusted at thy inertia, 
		abandon thee! Thou wast to be the interpreter of our plaints, the chamberlain of 
		our tears; thou wast to convey them to the cosmos, and thou hast not done so, 
		for this intercession would disturb thy eternal sleep of happy satiety.

		Thou has forgotten the poverty thou didst preach, vassal enamoured of 
		banquets! Thou hast seen the weak crushed beneath the press of profit while 
		standing by and preaching servility! Oh, the hypocrisy! That man should 
		accept such woe unto himself is testimony to his blindness, that very affliction 
		thou didst credit thyself to cure.

		Satan is my beloved master, whose inconceivable magic engenders life and 
		bestows it on the innocent whom the vicious Jesus darest damn - in the name 
		of what original sin? O lasting foulness of Bethlehem, whom darest thou 
		punish? By the virtue of what covenants? We would have thee confess thy 
		impudent cheats, thy inexpiable crimes! We would drive deeper the nails
		into thy hands, press down the crown of thorns upon thy brow, bring blood and 
		water from the dry wounds of thy sides. And that we can and will do by 
		violating the quietude of thy body, profaner of ample vices, abstractor of stupid 
		purities, cursed Nazarene, do-nothing king, coward god!

		Behold, Lord Satan, this symbol of putrid flesh which is of him who would 
		purge the Earth of pleasure and who, in the name of Christian “justice”, did 
		cause the death of millions of our beloved brethren. We curse him and defile 
		his name.
		O mighty King of Hell, condemn him to the slimy pits, evermore to suffer in 
		unrelenting anguish. Shower thy wrath upon him, O Prince of Darkness, and 
		rend him full asunder that he may know thy glorious might. O god of gods, 
		King of the Infernal Realm, Lord of the Earth, call forth thy legions that they 
		may witness what we do in thy most glorious name.  Send forth  thy 
		messengers to herald this deed and send the Christian minions reeling to their 
		doom. Smite him, O king of kings, that his angels and archangels, cherubim 
		and seraphim, may cower and tremble with fear and prostrate themselves 
		before thee in honor of they greatness. Send crashing down the gates of 
		Heaven, O true and only god, that the murders of our beloved forebears may be 
		avenged. Vent thy full wrath upon him, O highest and ineffable King of Hell, 
		that he will know that thou art truly god on high.
The Priest thrusts the host into the labia of the altar, who, removing her hands from the 
candle holders, proceeds to masturbate herself to climax or else, maintaining her original 
position, allows the Priest to masturbate her, employing the host as a device.  As the Priest 
finishes the desecration, the Deacon lights the white candle and prepares the small incense 
burner on the altar with charcoal and incense.  He does not light the mixture.  Then the 
Deacon begins a rhythmic beating of the gong while the Priest drops the host into the small 
bowl and, using the pestle, proceeds to grind it into a completely pulverized state, swearing 
blasphemies as he does so.  The Deacon and Sub-Deacon also swear the most vile 
obscenities while the Priest is grinding the host.

When the host has been completely pulverized, the Priest adds it to the mixture of charcoal 
and incense and sets it aflame using the white candle.

Priest:		Vanish into nothingness, thou fool of fools, thou vile and rotten pretender to 
		the throne of almighty Satan, the true god of gods. Vanish into the void of they 
		empty Heaven, for thou wert never, nor shalt thou ever be.

When the mixture is completely burnt, the Priest extinguishes the white candle and, turning 
to the congregation, utters the purported last words of that miserable swine upon the cross:

Priest:		Consummatum est.  Shemhamforash!

Deacons:	Shemhamforash!

Priest:		Hail, Satan!

Deacons:	Hail, Satan!

The Priest takes the sword and calls forth the Four Princes of Hell in the manner set forth 
in the Satanic Bible, that they may bear witness to the Consecratio.

Priest:		Satan!  Come forth from thy realm, Satan, and appear.  Be friendly unto me, 
		for I am the same: the true worshipper of the highest and ineffable King of Hell.

		Lucifer!  Come forth from thy realm, Lucifer, and appear.  Be friendly unto me, 
		for I am the same: the true worshipper of the highest and ineffable King of Hell.

		Belial!  Come forth from they realm, Belial, and appear.  Be friendly unto me, 
		for I am the same: the true worshipper of the highest and ineffable King of Hell.

		Leviathan!  Come forth from thy realm, Leviathan, and appear.  Be friendly 
		unto me, for I am the same: the true worshipper of the highest and ineffable 
		King of Hell.

		Shemhamforash!  Hail Satan!


The Deacon begins to disrobe the Priest with great ceremony.  As each vestment is 
removed, the Sub-Deacon says:

Sub-Deacon:	We remove this chasuble from thee, O servant of the Prince of Darkness, and 
		cast it in a heap, that thou mayest be freed from this symbol of Christian 
		infamy which bears the blood of murdered millions of our brethren.

		We remove this stole from thee, O servant of the Prince of Darkness, as it is a 
		symbol of the immortality of that heinous, blood-stained dog who dares 
		pretend to thy throne, that thou mayest be freed from this symbol of Christian 
		infamy which bears the blood of murdered millions of our brethren.

		We remove this maniple from thee, O servant of the Prince of Darkness, as it is 
		a symbol of the tears shed for that foul fiend who dares to pretend to Satan’s 
		throne, that thou mayst be freed from this symbol of Christian infamy which 
		bears the blood of murdered millions of our brethren.

		We remove this girdle from thee, O servant of the Prince of Darkness, as it is a 
		symbol of the purity of him who was born of the lustful passion of the 
		maniacal Joseph and the sex-crazed Mary who did fornicate, even as you and I, 
		and whose seeds became as one to form the putrid body of him who dares to 
		pretend to Satan’s throne, that thou mayst be freed from this symbol of 
		Christian infamy which bears the blood of murdered millions of our brethren.

		We remove this alb from thee, O servant of the Prince of Darkness, as it is a 
		symbol of the cleansing of the souls of Christian minions yet serves as naught 
		but a cover for a body better used in lust, that thou mayst be freed from this 
		symbol of Christian infamy which bears the blood of murdered millions of our 

Now completely disrobed, the Priest stands naked before the altar, arms raised in triumph.

Priest:		Glory be to thee, O lord of lords, true god of gods, highest and ineffable King 
		of Hell.  I give thee thanks for thy great glory and refresh myself in nakedness 
		before thy sight.  Boldly I beseech thee: Shower thy bounties upon this, thy 
		servant, and fill my rod with the fire of passion, evermore to serve thee in all 
		thou dost command.  Forsake me not, O mighty Prince of Darkness, for I am of 
		thee and by thee, forsaking all other gods: for thou art my god, the true giver of 

The Deacon brings forth the Mantle of Darkness, a hooded black robe, which he places 
upon the Priest with great ceremony, covering his head with the hood.

Sub-Deacon: 	O mighty Prince of Darkness, recognize this, thy servant, upon whose 
		shoulders we place this sacred robe, and through whom we offer up this 
		sacrifice to thy great glory.

Priest:		Gratia tibi, fratres.

The Priest masturbates in the darkness of his cloak until he reaches an ejaculation.  The semen is
caught in a deep silver spoon and placed upon the altar.  The Deacon offers the Priest a towel to
cleanse himself, after which he begins the second Offertorium.


Priest:		(Eccl. 24,25,39) In me gratia omnis viae et veritatis. In me omnis spes vitae et 
		virtutis: Ego quasi rosa plantata super rivos aquarum fructificavi.

The Priest calls upon Satan to come forth and bless the sacrificial offering by reciting the 


Priest:		Veni sanctificator, omnipotens, aeterne Diabolus, et benedic hoc sacrificium, 
		tuo Inferno nomine praeparatum.

The Priest raises the spoon slightly before him.

Priest:		O mighty Satan, highest and ineffable King of Hell, accept this sacrificial 
		offering of the living flesh which I, thy devoted servant, make to thee and 
		which from my own lustful rod did come.

The Priest raises the spoon on high to the Baphomet, and the Deacon strikes the gong.

Priest:		Hic est enim corpus meum.

Taking the Chalice from the altar, the Priest goes to the Epistle side of the altar.  The 
Deacon pours wine from the cruet into the Chalice of Ecstasy.  The Priest returns to the 
center of the altar and raises the Chalice slightly before him.

Priest:		We offer thee, O lord of lords, this Chalice of Ecstasy which contains the elixir 
		of life and does stir the desires of the flesh, and which brings forth the lustful 
		bounties of thy Infernal kingdom.  Unto thy wisdom do we commend 
		ourselves.  Unto thy mercies are we forever bound.

The Priest raises the Chalice on high to the Baphomet, and the Deacon strikes the gong.

Priest:		Hic est enim Calix Ecstaticus.

The Priest sets the Chalice upon the altar.

Priest:		It is through thee that all these good gifts, created so by thee, are by thee 
		sanctified, endowed with life, and bestowed upon us.  Let us praise our lord.  
		Urged by Satan’s bidding and schooled by his ordinance, we make bold to say:

		Our father, which art in Hell, glory to thy name.  Thy kingdom is come.  Thy 
		will is done, on Earth as it is in thy Infernal realm.  Grant us this day the 
		bounties of thy kingdom, and give us our trespasses lest others trespass against 
		us, and lead us into temptation.

Deacons:	But deliver us not from evil.

The Priest takes the spoon in his hand.

Priest:		Deliver us, we pray thee, Lord Satan, unto every evil, past, present, and yet to 
		come; and at the intercessions of all the Daemons of the Pit, and of Pan and 
		Ishtar, be pleased to grant us fulfillment of all our desires; so that with the 
		manifold blessing of thy compassion, we may be ever free to sin.

The Priest pours the semen into the Chalice of Ecstasy.

Priest:		Through thee, O god of gods, thou, who are my god, do we find unity and 
		comfort with our Satanic brothers.  Per omnia saecula saeculorum.

Deacons:	Alleluja! Alleluja!

Priest:		Pax Diaboli sit semper vobiscum.

Deacons:	Et cum spiritu tuo.

The Priest turns to face the altar.

Priest:		May this mingling of the living seed of life with the contents of this Chalice of 
		Ecstasy be for us who receive it a source of eternal strength.

The Priest turns to the Deacon and gives him the kiss of brotherhood.

Priest:		Pax tecum.

Deacon:		Et cum spiritu tuo.

The Deacon turns to the Sub-Deacon and gives him the kiss of brotherhood.

Deacon:		Pax tecum.

Sub-Deacon:	Et cum spiritu tuo.

The Priest takes the Chalice in his hands.

Priest:		O mighty Satan, this living seed and Elixir of Life be ever as a tribute to thy 
		most glorious name.

The Priest drinks the entire contents of the Chalice.  He then returns to the Epistle side of 
the altar, where the Deacon refills the Chalice with wine.  The Priest returns to the center 
of the altar, where, after offering the Chalice to the Baphomet, offers it first to the Deacon 
and then to the Sub-Deacon, who drain the contents.  The Communion thus completed, the 
Priest raises his arms to the Sigil of Baphomet in the Sign of the Horns.

Priest:		That which our mouths have taken, lord god of gods, highest and ineffable 
		King of Hell, may we possess in lustfulness of mind and purpose; and may the 
		gift of the moment become for us an everlasting remedy.

The Priest places the veil over the Chalice of Ecstasy.  He turns to face the congregation.

Priest:		Diabolus vobiscum.

Deacons:	Et cum spiritu tuo.

The Priest reads the invocation for lust from the Satanic Bible, concluding with –

Priest:		Shemhamforash!

Deacons:	Shemhamforash!

Priest:		Hail, Satan!

Deacons:	Hail, Satan!

The Priest blesses the altar to indicate the closing of the Missa Solemnis.  He turns to the 
congregation for the final blessing.  He raises his arms in the Sign of the Horns, and all 

Priest:		Benedicat vos omnipotens Diabolus et pax suam sit semper vobiscum.

The Deacon takes the Missale from the center of the altar, raises it to the Baphomet, and 
then moves it to the Gospel side for the Last Gospel, the Fifteenth Enochian Key.

The Last Gospel

Priest:		Sequentia sancti evangelii secundum sancta biblia nostrae.

The Priest recites the Enochian and then the English versions of the Fifteenth Enochian 
Kay.  The Priest then rings the bell the prescribed nine times as a pollutionary.

Priest:		So it is done.

The Deacon takes the sword from the altar and leads the procession out of the ritual 
chamber, followed by the Priest carrying the Chalice and the Sub-Deacon carrying the 

                	              Messe Noir

[Note:  It is has been said that this Messe Noir of LaVey was a reworking of the Missa 
Solemnis of Wayne West (1970).  There are some similiarities, mostly noticeable in the 
identical French sections (some from La-Bas), which are found in the Missa Solemnis 
only in English translation.  However, it is evident that the actual Latin portions of the 
ceremony are completely different – clearly coming from a different source (they are not 
reworkings of West’s Latin material).  Additionally, the Messe Noir of LaVey leans more 
towards its original French background, and towards a traditional Roman Catholic Black 
Mass.  It is lacking in some of the modern English innovations and qualities, which seem 
more distant from a traditional Black Mass , and which are found in the Missa Solemnis 
of West. 

The first portion of the French section is a word-for-word quotation from Huysmas’ “La-
Bas”.  The second part (beginning with “Vois, grand Satan”), is from another French 
source.  In the reworking of the Latin text to create a Black Mass, there are a limited 
number of typographic and grammatical errors.  Nevertheless, the Latin sections follow 
the Roman Missal very closely, with the addition of verses from the Latin Vulgate.  The 
Messe Noir ends with “Ave Satanas”, a satanic rewording of Jesus’s “Vade Satanas” 
(Matthew 4:10) from the Latin Vulgate.]



Requirements for Performance 

Participants consist of a priest (celebrant), his immediate assistant (deacon), a secondary 
assistant (subdeacon), a nun, an altar, an illuminator who holds a lighted candle where 
needed for reading, a thurifer, a gong-striker, an additional attendant and the 

Hooded black robes are worn by all participants except two: a woman dressed as a nun, 
wearing the customary habit and wimple, and the woman who serves as the altar, who is 
nude. The priest conducting the mass is known as the celebrant. Over his robe he wears a 
chasuble bearing a symbol of Satanism - the Sigil of Baphomet, inverted pentagram, 
inverted cross, symbol of brimstone or black pine cones. Though some versions of the 
Black Mass were performed in vestments consecrated by the Roman Catholic Church, 
records indicate that such garments were the exception rather than the rule. The 
authenticity of a consecrated host seems to have been far more important. 

The woman who serves as the altar lies on the platform with her body at right angles to 
its length, her knees at its edge and widely parted. A pillow supports her head. Her arms 
are outstretched crosswise and each hand grasps a candleholder containing a black candle. 
When the celebrant is at the altar, he stands between the woman's knees. 

The wall over the altar should bear the Sigil of Baphomet or an inverted cross. If both are 
employed, the Sigil of Baphomet must take the uppermost or prominent position, the 
cross occupying the space between the lower halves of the altar's legs. 

The chamber should either be draped in black or in some way approximate the 
atmosphere of a medieval or gothic chapel. Emphasis should be placed on starkness and 
austerity, rather than finery and glitter. 

All implements standard to Satanic ritual are employed: bell, chalice, phallus, sword, 
gong, etc. (see Satanic Bible for descriptions and use). In addition a chamber pot, thurible 
(censer) and incense boat are used. 

The chalice containing wine or liquor is placed between the altar's thighs, and on it is a 
paten holding a round wafer of turnip or of coarse black bread. The chalice and paten 
should be shrouded with a square black veil, preferably of the same fabric as the 
celebrant's chasuble. Immediately in front of the chalice is placed an aspergeant or 

The ritual book is placed on a small stand or pillow so that to is on the celebrant's right 
when he faces the altar. The illuminator stands at the side of the altar near the ritual book. 
Opposite him, on the other side of the altar, stands the thurifer with a thurible that holds 
ignited charcoal. Next to him stands the attendant holding the boat of incense. 

Music should be liturgical in mood, preferably played on the organ. The works of Bach, 
de Grigny, Scarlatti, Palestrina, Couperin, Marchand, Clerambault, Buxtehude and 
Franck are most appropriate. 


[When all are assembled the gong is sounded and the celebrant, with the deacon and 
subdeacon preceding him, enters and approaches the altar. They halt somewhat short of 
the altar, the deacon placing himself at the celebrant's left, the subdeacon at his right. The 
three make a profound bow before the altar and commence the ritual with the following 
verses and responses.] 


In nomine Magni Dei Nostri Satanas. Introibo ad altare Domini Inferi. 


Ad eum qui laefificat meum. 


Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini Inferi. 


Qui regit terram. 


Before the mighty and ineffable Prince of Darkness, and in the presence of all the dread 
demons of the Pit, and this assembled company, I acknowledge and confess my past error. 
Renouncing all past allegiances, I proclaim that Satan-Lucifer rules the earth, and I ratify 
and renew my promise to recognize and honor Him in all things, without reservation, 
desiring in return His manifold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors 
and the fulfillment of my desires. 

I call upon you, my Brother, to bear witness and to do likewise. 


Before the mighty and ineffable Prince of Darkness, and in the presence of all the dread 
demons of the Pit, and this assembled company, we acknowledge and confess our past 
error. Renouncing all past allegiances, we proclaim that Satan-Lucifer rules the earth, and 
we ratify and renew our promise to recognize and honor Him in all things, without 
reservation, desiring in return His manifold assistance in the successful completion of our 
endeavors and the fulfillment of our desires. 

We call upon you, His liege-man and priest, to receive this pledge in His name. 


Domine Satanas, tu conversus vivificabis nos. 


Et plebs tua laetabitur in te. 


Ostende nobis, Domine Satanas, potentiam tuam. 


Et beneficium tuum da nobis. 


Domine Satanas, exaudi meam. 


Et clamor meus ad te veniat. 


Dominus Inferus vobiscum. 


Et cum tuo. 


Gloria Deo, Domino Inferi, et in terra vita hominibus fortibus. 

Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te, gratias agimus tibi propter 
magnam potentiam tuam: 

Domine Satanas, Rex Inferus, Imperator omnipotens. 


[The chalice and paten, on which rests the wafer of turnip or coarse black bread, are 
uncovered by the celebrant. He takes the paten into both hands, and raises it to about 
breast level in an attitude of offering, and recites the offertory words.] 


Suscipe, Domine Satanas, hanc hostiam, quam ego dignus famulus tuus offero tibi, Deo 
meo vivo et vero, pro omnibus circumstantibus, sed et pro omnibus fidelibus famulis tuis: 
ut mihi et illis proficiat ad felicitatem in hanc vitam. Amen. 

[Replacing the paten and wafer, and taking the chalice into his hands, he raises it in like 
manner, reciting:] 


Offerimus tibi, Domine Satanas, calicem voluptatis carnis, ut in conspectu majestatis tuae, 
pro nostra utilitate et felicitate, placeat tibi. Amen. 

[He replaces the chalice upon the altar and then, with hands extended, palms downward, 
recites the following:] 


Come, O Mighty Lord of Darkness, and look favorably on this sacrifice which we have 
prepared in thy name. 

[The thurible and incense boat are then brought forward and the celebrant thrice sprinkles 
incense upon the burning coals while reciting the following:] 


Incensum istud ascendat ad te, Domine Inferus, et descendat super nos beneficium tuum. 

[The celebrant then takes the thurible and proceeds to incense the altar and the gifts. First 
he incenses the chalice and wafer with three counterclockwise strokes, after which he 
makes a profound bow. Then he raises the thurible three times to the Baphomet (or to the 
inverted cross), and bows again. Then, assisted by the deacon and subdeacon, he incenses 
the top of the altar, then the sides of the platform, if possible by circumambulation. The 
thurible is returned to the thurifer.] 


Dominus Inferus vobiscum. 


Et cum tuo. 


Sursum corda. 


Habemus ad Dominum Inferum. 


Gratias agamus Domino Infero Deo nostro. 


Dignum et justum est. 

[The celebrant then raises his arms, palms downward, and says the following:] 


Vere clignum et justum est, nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere: Domine, Rex Inferus, 
Imerator Mundi. Omnes exercitus inferi te laudant cum quibus et nostras voces ut admitti 
jubeas deprecamur, dicentes: 

[celebrant bows and says:] 

Salve! Salve! Salve! 

[gong is struck thrice] 

Dominus Satanas Deus Potentiae. Pleni sunt terra et inferi gloria. Hosanna in excelsis. 

The Canon 


Therefore, O mighty and terrible Lord of Darkness, we entreat You that You receive and 
accept this sacrifice, which we offer to You on behalf of this assembled company, upon 
whom You have set Your mark, that You may make us prosper in fullness and length of 
life, under Thy protection, and may cause to go forth at our bidding Thy dreadful minions, 
for the fulfillment of our desires and the destruction of our enemies. In concert this night 
we ask Thy unfailing assistance in this particular need. (Here is mentioned the special 
purpose for which the mass is offered). 

In the unity of unholy fellowship we praise and honor first Thee, Lucifer, Morning Star, 
and Beelzebub, Lord of Regeneration; then Belial, Prince of the Earth and Angel of 
Destruction; Leviathan, Beast of Revelation; Abaddon, Angel of the Bottomless Pit; and 
Asmodeus, Demon of Lust. We call upon the mighty names of Astaroth, Nergal and 
Behemoth, of Belphegor, Adramelech, and Baalberith, and of all the nameless and 
formless ones, the mighty and innumerable hosts of Hell, by whose assistance may we be 
strengthened in mind, body and will. 

[The celebrant then extends his hands, palms downward, over the offerings on the altar 
and recites the following:] 

[The gong is sounded] 


Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis nostrae sed et cunctae familiae tuae, quaesumus, 
Domine Satanas, ut placatus accipias; diesque nostros in felicitate disponas, et in 
electorum tuorum jubeas grege numerari. Shemhamforash! 




Enlightened Brother, we ask a blessing. 

[The subdeacon brings forth the chamber pot and presents it to the nun, who has come 
forward. The nun lifts her habit and urinates into the font. As she passes water, the 
deacon addresses the congregation:] 


She maketh the font resound with the tears of her mortification. The waters of her shame 
become a shower of blessing in the tabernacle of Satan, for that which hath been withheld 
pourest forth, and with it, her piety. The great Baphomet, who is in the midst of the 
throne, shall sustain her, for she is a living fountain of water. 

[As the nun completes her urination, the deacon continues:] 


And the Dark Lord shall wipe all tears from her eyes, for He said unto me: It is done. I 
am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give freely unto him that is 
athirst of the fountain of the water of life. 

[The subdeacon removes the font from the nun and holds it before the deacon, who dips 
the aspergeant into the fluid. Then, holding the aspergeant against his own genitals, the 
deacon turns to each of the cardinal compass points, shaking the aspergeant twice at each 
point, and says:] 


(facing south) In the name of Satan, we bless thee with this, the symbol of the rod of life. 

(facing east) In the name of Satan, we bless thee with this, the symbol of the rod of life. 

(facing north) In the name of Satan, we bless thee with this, the symbol of the rod of life. 

(facing west) In the name of Satan, we bless thee with this, the symbol of the rod of life. 

The Consecration 

[The celebrant takes the wafer into his hands and, bending low over it, whispers the 
following words into it:] 


Hoc est corpus Jesu Christi. 

[He raises the wafer, placing it between the exposed breasts of the altar, and then 
touching it to the vaginal area. The gong is struck. He replaces the wafer on the paten 
which rests on the altar platform. Taking the chalice into his hands, he bends low over it, 
as with the wafer, and whispers the following words into it:] 


Hic est calix voluptatis carnis. 

[He then raises the chalice above his head, for all to see. The gong is struck, and the 
thurifer may incense it with three swings of the thurible. The chalice is then replaced, and 
the following is recited:] 


To us, Thy faithful children, O Infernal Lord, who glory in our iniquity and trust in Your 
boundless power and might, grant that we may be numbered among Thy chosen. It is 
ever through You that all gifts come to us; knowledge, power and wealth are Yours to 
bestow. Renouncing the spiritual paradise of the weak and lowly, we place our trust in 
Thee, the God of the Flesh, looking to the satisfaction of all our desires, and petitioning 
all fulfillment in the land of the living. 




Prompted by the precepts of the earth and the inclinations of the flesh, we make bold to 

Our Father which art in Hell, hallowed be Thy name. 

Thy kingdom is come, Thy will is done; on earth as it is in Hell! 

We take this night our rightful due, and trespass not on paths of pain. 

Lead us unto temptation, and deliver us from false piety, for 

Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever! 


And let reason rule the earth. 


Deliver us, O Mighty Satan, from all past error and delusion, that, having set our foot 
upon the Path of Darkness and vowed ourselves to Thy service, we may not weaken in 
our resolve, but with Thy assistance, grow in wisdom and strength. 



[Celebrant recites the Fifth Enochian Key from The Satanic Bible.] 

The Repudiation and Denunciation 

[The celebrant takes the wafer into his hands, extends it before him, and turns to face the 
assembled company, saying the following:] 


Ecce corpus Jesu Christi, Dominus Humilim et Rex Servorum. 

[The celebrant raises the wafer to the Baphomet. He continues in great anger ... ] 


Et toi, toi, qu'en ma qualité de prêtre, je force, que tu le veuilles ou non, à descendre dans 
cette hostie, à t'incarner dans ce pain, Jésus, artisan de supercheries, larron d'hommages, 
voleur d'affection, écoute! Depuis le jour où tu sortis des entrailles ambassadrices d'une 
Vierge, tu as f ailli à tes engagements, menti a tes promesses; des siècles ont sangloté, en 
t'attendant, Dieu fuyard, Dieu muer! Tu devais rédimer les hommes et tu n'as rien racheté; 
tu devais apparaitre dans ta gloire et tu t'endors! Va, mens, dis au misérable qui t'appelle: 
"Espère, patiente, souffre, 1'hôpital des âmes te recevra, les anges t'assisteront, le Ciél 
s'ouvre"-Imposteur! tu sais bien que les anges dégoûtés de ton inertie s éloignent!-Tu 
devais être le Truchement de nos plaintes, le Chambellan de nos pleurs, tu devais les 
introduire près du Père et tu ne 1'as point fait, parce que sans doute cette intercession 
dérangeait ton sommeil d'Eternité béate et repue! 

Tu as oublié cette pauvreté que tu prêchais, vassal énamouré des banques! Tu as vu sous 
le pressoir de 1'agio broyer les faibles, tu as entendu les râles des timides perclus par les 
famines, des fernmes éventrées pour un peu de pain et tu as fait répondre par la 
Chancellerie de tes Simoniaques, par tes représentants de commerce, par tes Papes, des 
excuses dilatoires, des promesses évasives, Basochien de sacristie, Dieu d'affaires! 

Monstre, dont 1'inconcevable férocité engendra la vie et 1'infliegea à des innocents que tu 
oses concamner, au nom d'on ne sail quel péché originel, que tu oses punir, en vertu d'on 
ne sait quelles clauses, nous voudrions pourtant bien te faire avouer enfin tes impudents 
mensonges, tes inexpiables crimes! 

Nous voudrions taper sur tes clous, appuyer sur tes épines, ramener le sang douloreux au 
bord de tes plaies séches! 

Et cela, nous le pouvons et nous allons le faire, en violant la quiétude de ton Corps, 
profanateur des amples vices, abstracteur des puretés stupides, Nazaréen maudit, roi 
fainéant, Dieu lâche! 

Vois, grand Satan, ce symbole de la chair de celui qui voulait purger la Terre de plaisir et 
qui, au nom de la "Justice" chrétienne, a causé la mort de millions de nos frères honorés. 
Nous plaçons sur toi notre malédiction et nous salissons ton nom. 

O Majesté Infernale, condamne-le à 1'Abîme, pour qu'il souffre éternellement une 
angoisse infinie. Frappe-le de ta colère, ô Prince des Ténêbres, et brise-le pour qu'il 
connaisse 1'etendue de ta colère. Appelle tes Légions, pour qu'elles observent ce que nous 
faisons en Ton Nom. Envoie tes messagers pour proclamer cette action, et fais fuir les 
sbires chrétiens, titubant vets leur perdition. Frappe-les à nouveau, ô Seigneur de Lumière, 
pour faire trembler d'horreur ses Anges, ses Chérubins et ses Séraphins, qui se 
prosterneront devant toi et respecteront ton Pouvoir. Fais que s'écroulent les portes du 
Paradis, pour venger le meurtre de nos ancêtres! 

Thou, thou whom, in my capacity of Priest, I force, whether thou wilt or no, to descend 
into this host, to incarnate thyself into this bread, Jesus, artisan of hoaxes, bandit of 
homages, robber of affection - hear! Since the day when thou didst issue from the 
complaisant bowels of a false virgin, thou hast failed all thy engagements, belied all thy 
promises. Centuries have wept awaiting thee, fugitive god, mute god! Thou wast to 
redeem man and thou hast not; thou wast to appear in thy glory, and thou steepest. Go, lie, 
say to the wretch who appeals to thee, "Hope, be patient, suffer; the hospital of souls will 
receive thee; angels will succour thee; Heaven opens to thee." Imposter! Thou knowest 
well that the Angels, disgusted at thy inertness, abandon thee! Thou wast to be the 
interpreter of our plaints, the chamberlain of our tears; thou was to convey them to the 
cosmos and thou hast not done so, for this intercession would disturb thy eternal sleep of 
happy satiety. Thou has forgotten the poverty thou didst preach, vassal enamoured of 
banquets! Thou hast seen the weak crushed beneath the press of profit while standing by 
and preaching servility! Oh, the hypocrisy! 

That man should accept such woe unto himself is testimony to his blindness - that very 
affliction thou didst credit thyself to cure. O lasting foulness of Bethlehem, we would 
have thee confess thy impudent cheats, thy inexpiable crimes! We would drive deeper the 
nails into thy hands, press down the crown of thorns upon thy brow, and bring blood from 
the dry wounds of thy sides. 

And this we can and will do by violating the quietude of thy body, profaner of the ample 
vices, abstractor of stupid purities, cursed Nazarene, impotent king, fugitive god! Behold, 
great Satan, this symbol of the flesh of him who would purge the Earth of pleasure and 
who, in the name of Christian "justice" has caused the death of millions of our honored 
Brothers. We curse him and defile his name. 

O Infernal Majesty, condemn him to the Pit, evermore to suffer in perpetual anguish. 
Bring Thy wrath upon him, O Prince of Darkness, and rend him that he may know the 
extent of Thy anger. Call forth Thy legions that they may witness what we do in Thy 
name. Send forth thy messengers to proclaim this deed, and send the Christian minions 
staggering to their doom. Smite him anew, O Lord of Light, that his angels, cherubim, 
and seraphim may cower and tremble with fear, prostrating themselves before Thee in 
respect of Thy power. Send crashing down the gates of Heaven, that the murders of our 
ancestors may be avenged! 

[The celebrant inserts the wafer into the vagina of the altar, removes it, holds it aloft to 
the Baphomet and says] 


Disparais dans le Néant, toi le sot parmi les sots, toi le vil et détesté, prétendant à la 
majesté de Satan! Disparais dans le Néant du del vide, car tu n'as jamais existé, et tu 
n'ezisteras jamais. 

Vanish into nothingness, thou fool of fools, thou vile and abhorred pretender to the 
majesty of Satan! Vanish into the void of thy empty Heaven, for thou wert never, not 
shalt thou ever be. 

[The celebrant then raises the wafer and dashes it to the floor, where it is trampled by 
himself and the deacon and subdeacon, while the gong is struck continually. The 
celebrant then takes the chalice into his hands, faces the altar, and before drinking recites 
the following:] 


Calicem voluptatis carnis accipiam, et nomen Domini Inferi invocabo. 

[He drinks from the chalice, then turns toward the assembled company, the chalice 
extended before him. He presents the chalice with the following words:] 


Ecce calix voluptatis carnis, qui laetitiam vitae donat. 

[The celebrant then presents the cup to each of the members of the assemblage, first to 
the deacon, followed by the subdeacon, then the others in order of rank and/or seniority 
in the Order. In administering the cup to each, he uses the following words:] 


Accipe calicem voluptatis carnis in nomine Domini Inferi.

[When all have drunk, the drained chalice is replaced on the altar, the paten placed on top 
of it, and the veil placed over both. The celebrant then extends his hands, palms 
downward, and recites the concluding statement:] 


Placeat tibi, Domine Satanas, obsequium servitutis meae; et praesta ut sacrificuum quod 
occulis tuae majestatis indignus obtuli, tibi sit acceptabile, mihique et omnibus pro quibus 
illud obtuli.

[He then bows before the. altar and turns to give the blessing of Satan to the assemblage, 
extending his left hand in the Cornu (Sign of the Horns) and says:] 


Ego vos benedictio in nomine Magni Dei Nostri Satanas. 

[All assembled company rise, face altar and raise arms in the Cornu.] 


Ave, Satanas! 


Ave, Satanas! 


Let us depart; it is done. 


So it is done. 

[The celebrant, deacon, and subdeacon bow toward the altar, turn and depart. The candles 
are snuffed and all leave the chamber.] 

                	              Missa Niger

[Note:  The Missa Niger of Aubrey Melech, created at least by 1985, is the only example of a 
Black Mass completely in Latin, and thus, it succeeds where others have failed, in reworking the 
traditional Roman Mass into a Satanic version.  In most cases, the Latin of the Missa Niger 
matches the Latin portions of LaVey’s Messe Noir word for word.  If the LaVey version has one 
third of a Latin Black Mass, Melech’s version has the remaining two thirds, producing the final, 
complete Latin Black Mass.  LaVey’s long French quotations from La-Bas are gone, as well as 
are the rational appeals to Satan, reminiscent of Baudelaire (whom LaVey refers to as one of his 
sources).  Melech’s Black Mass is entirely a reworking of authentic Church Latin sources, 
mostly from the Roman Missale and the Vulgate.

Melech complains about LaVey’s use of “Le Messe Noir”, which he says should be feminine 
“La Messe Noire”.  He then goes on to discuss the incense used in the Black Mass in La-Bas, but 
apparently he can’t read the French original, so he uses Keene Wallace’s 1924 translation:  
“Asphalt from the streets, leaves of henbane, datura, dried nightshade and myrrh”.  He 
additionally says that the resinous odor of the incense would “undoubtedly have been due to  
hashish”, which apparently was Mr. Melech’s favorite drug at the time he was writing.  
Huysmans’ original French is:  “De la rue, des feuilles de jusquiame et de datura des solanées 
sèches et de la myrrhe; ce sont des parfums agréables à Satan, notre maître!”, which is certainly 
translated as:  ““Rue [i.e. Syrian rue], the dried leaves of henbane and thornapple from the 
nightshade family, and myrrh, all fragrances pleasing to Satan, our master.”  Keene Wallace’s 
preposterous translation of “de la rue” as “asphalt from the streets” instead of as “from rue [the 
plant]”, is just as preposterous as Mr. Melech’s claiming that Huysmans’ “resinous odor” is 
something other than the odor of myrrh (which is a resin).

Melech also mentions Latin errors in LaVey’s published text, but there are just as many, if not 
more, errors, in the Latin text Melech publishes.  These errors, it should be noted, are in most 
cases typographical errors, that can be explained by someone not copying the original correctly.  
There are also some errors in the English translation.]


Missa Niger:
La Messe Noire

A true and factual account of the principal ritual of Satanic Worship

The Black Mass

Sut Anubis Books
Copyright Aubrey Melech 1985.

First Edition 30th April 1986
Walpurgis Night

73, Kettering Road,

Daemon est Deus Inversus.
The Devil is the other side of God.

Hobsley, Gloucs.
Hallowe’en 1985.

The Ritual Itself


The Black Mass is divided into five segments which, for the sake of clarity, are given separately 
with a brief commentary upon each one. The first segment is the INTROIT and consists of a 
preparatory dialogue between the celebrant and his server(s) which helps to set the tone for what 
is to follow. This segment closely follows the form of the Christian Mass, yet the dedication has 
been reversed, with the name of Satan substituted for that of Jehovah or Christ. This part of the 
mass is brief and private, with no rubric to define the actions of the priest or his server(s) during 
its recital, and no call upon the assembled worshippers to assist in any way with its performance.  
The very first words of the Introit may well signal what is to follow, but without any rubric must 
be regarded as merely a conjecture as to the actual actions of the celebrant. The woman who is to 
serve as altar for the mass, it must be assumed, has by this time been conducted to her place. The 
acolytes have ignited the censers and candles and made all ready for the rite blaspheming Jesus 
Christ which is about to be performed. The celebrant and those who are to assist him, in the case 
of this ritual a boy child and a girl child, traditionally past the age of seven, which is regarded as 
the philosophical age of reason, approach the tabernacle. The priest, if such we may call him, 
may well make a brief initial penetration of the altar at this point, as suggested by the formula 
here given. The remainder of the Introit may well be taken up with a ritual surveyal of the items 
disposed for the celebration of this unhallowed rite. (12)

* * *

V: In nomine Magni Dei Nostri Satanus introibo ad altare Domini Inferi.  

In the Name of our Great God Satan I will go in to the altar of the Infernal Lord. 

R: Ad Eum Qui laetificat meum.  

To Him Who gives joy unto me. 

V: Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini Inferi.  

Our help is the Name of the Infernal Lord. 

R: Qui regit terram.  

Who reigns on earth. 

V: Domine Satanus, Tua est terra. Orbem terrarum et plenitudinem ejus Tu fundasti. Justitia et 
luxuria praeparatio sedis Tuae. Sederunt principes et adversum me loquebantur, et iniqui 
persecuti sunt me. Adjura me, Domine Satanus meus.  

Thine is the earth, Lord Satan. Thou hast founded the earth & the fullness thereof. Justice and 
luxury are the preparation of Thy Throne. Princes sat & spoke against me, & the wicked 
persecuted me. Help me, Lord Satan. 

Custodi me, Domine Satanus, de manu peccatoris.  

Keep me, Lord Satan, from the hands of the wicked. 

R: Et ab hominibus iniquis eripe me.  

And from unjust men deliver me. 

V: Domine Satanus Tu conversus virificabis nos.  

Lord Satan, Thou shalt turn again & quicken us. 

R: Et plebs Tua laetabitur in te.  

And Thy people shall rejoice in Thee. 

V: Ostende nobis, Domine Satanus, potentiam Tuam.  

Lord Satan, show us Thy power. 

R: Et beneficium Tuum da nobis.  

And grant us of Thy bounty. 

V: Domine Satanus exaudi meam.  

Lord Satan, hear me. 

R: Et clamor meus ad Te veniat.  

And let my cry come unto Thee. 

V: Dominus Inferus vobiscum.  

The Infernal Lord be with you. 

R: Et cum tuo.  

And with you also. 

V: Gloria Deo Domino Inferi, et in terra vita hominibus fortibus. Laudamus Te, benedicamus Te, 
adoramus Te, glorificamus Te, gratias agimus tibi propter magnam potentiam Tuam: Domine 
Satanus, Rex Inferus, Imperator omnipotens.  

Glory to God the Infernal Lord, & on earth life & strength to man. We praise Thee, we bless 
Thee, we adore Thee, we glorify Thee, we give thanks to Thee for Thy great power; Lord Satan, 
Infernal King, Almighty Emperor. 


The first segment of the Black Mass to involve both the celebrant and the assembled worshippers 
is the Offertory, in which the kinds relevant to the black communion to follow are exposed and 
tacitly accepted by the congregation. The black priest shows the wine and the wafer, the latter 
traditionally a consecrated host stolen from a church or concealed during the hypocritical 
communion of a false Christian. He then censes the altar and all upon the table the altar rests 
upon. During a series of versicles and responses he involves the congregation in the rite, thus 
assuring himself of their loyalty to his infernal master and their fitness to participate in what is to 
follow. The Offertory culminates in a hosanna which is offered, as might be expected, to the 
depths and not to the heights as custom demands.

* * * 

The chalice & paten, upon which rests the wafer, are uncovered by the Celebrant. He takes the 
paten in both hands & raises it breast-high in an attitude of offering, then speaks the following 

V: Suscipe, Domine Satanus, hanc hostiam, quam ego dignus famulus Tuus offero Tibi, Deo 
Meo Vivo et Vero, pro omnibus circumstantibus, sed ut pro omnibus fidelibus famulis Tuis: ut 
mihi et illis proficiat ad felicitatem in hanc vitam. Amen.  

Lord Satan, receive this host which I, They worthy servant, offer to Thee, my True and Living 
God, for all here present, as also for all Thy faithful servants, that it may avail for my own & 
their rejoicing in this life. Amen. 

Replacing the paten and the wafer he raises the chalice in like manner, saying: 

V: Offerimus Tibi, Domine Satanus, calix carnis stimulos ut in conspectu majestatis Tuae, pro 
nostra utilitate et felicitate, paceat Tibi. Amen.  

Lord Satan, we offer to Thee the chalice of fleshly lust, that it may arise in the sight of Thy 
majesty for our use & gratification & be pleasing unto Thee. Amen. 

He replaces the chalice upon the altar, then extends his hands, the palms turned downwards, and 

V: Veni Satanus, Imperator Mundi, ut animabus famulorum famularumque Tuarum haec prosit 

Come Satan, Emperor of the World, that the souls of Thy servants & handmaids may profit by 
this sacrifice. 

The thurible & incense boat are brought forward & the Celebrant thrice sprinkles incense upon 
the burning coals, saying: 

V: Incensum istud ascendat ad Te, Dominus Inferus, et descendat super nos beneficium Tuum.  

May this incense rise before Thee, Infernal Lord, & may Thy blessing descend upon us. 

He then takes the thurible & censes the altar & gifts. First he censes the chalice & wafer with 
three swings widdershins and bows. Then he raises the censer three times towards the Image of 
Satan, then bows again. Lastly he censes the top & sides of the altar three times, by 
circumnambulation if the appointments of the temple be convenient. 

V: Dominus Inferus vobiscum.  

The Infernal Lord be with you. 

R: Et cum tuo.  

And with you also. 

V: Sursum corda.  

Lift up your hearts. 

R: Habemus ad Dominum Inferum.  

We lift them up to the Infernal Lord. 

V: Gratias agamus Domino Infero Deo Nostro.  

Let us give thanks to the Infernal Lord our God. 

R: Dignum et justum est.  

It is meet & just so to do. 

The celebrant raises his hands, palms downward, and continues: 

V: Vere dignum et justum est, nos Tibi semper et ubique gratias agere: Domine, Rex Inferus, 
Imperator Mundi. Omnes exercitus inferi Te laudant cum quibus et nostras voces ut admitti 
juberas deprecamur, dicentes:  

It is truly meet & just that we should at all times & in all places give Thee thanks: Lord, Infernal 
King, Emperor of the World, Jubilantly all the infernals praise Thee, & with them we join our 
own voices, saying: 

The Celebrant bows & says: 

V: Salve, Salve, Salve.  

Hail, Hail, Hail. 

The bell is rung three times at this point. 

V: Dominus Satanus Deus Potentiae, pleni sunt terra et inferi gloria Tua. Hosanna in profundis.  

Lord Satan, God of Power, Earth & Infernus are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the depths. 


The third segment of the five comprising the present recension of the Black Mass is the Canon. 
Up to this point the mass has been blasphemous in language and accoutrements but has refrained 
from any abnormal or deviant behaviour on the part of the worshippers. In the Canon, however, 
we begin to appreciate the abandon required not only of the celebrant but of the participating 
congregation as well.  

The asexual and, in its relegation of the role of woman to that of participant but never priest, 
male dominated nature of Christianity is noted and openly challenged by the words of the 
celebrant and the actions of the congregation in exposing themselves as the saying `let the 
sighing of the prisoners come before thee' is uttered. Thus is the tone set for all that may follow 
and the worshippers prepared to take their part in whatever may be required of them. The contact 
of the priest with the genitalia of the altar is both an extension and a confirmation of the action 
noted above.  

Aspersion with the urine of an acolyte is traditional to the Black Mass, dating back to the 
undefined and ill-understood practices of the sabbat of the witches performed in ages long gone. 
That the acolyte should be female is appropriate, according to the anonymous French author 
previously cited, who regarded the foul rites of the sabbat in part as the revenge of woman upon 
her male persecutors.

 * * * 

V: Domine Satanus, gentes christianorum, quae in sua feritate confidunt, sinisterae tuae potentia 
conterantur. Pone illos ut rotam, et sicut stipulam ante faciem venti. Excite, Domine Satanus, 
potentiam tuam et veni. Vindica sanguinem servorum tuorum, qui effusus est; intret in conspectu 
tuo gemitus compeditorum.  

Lord Satan, the christians, who trust in their own fierceness, may be crushed by the power of Thy 
left hand. Make them like a wheel, & as stubble before the face of the wind. Stir up Thy might, 
Lord Satan & come. Avenge the blood of Thy servants which has been shed; let the sighing of 
the prisoners come in before Thee. 

Here the Celebrant and the congregation expose their genitalia to the image of Satan, standing 
naked before Him as Adam before Lilith. The Celebrant then says: 

Credo in Satanus, qui laetificat juventum meam. Oramus te,  

I believe in Satan, Who gives joy to my youth. We praise Thee. 

Here the Celebrant kisses the Altar upon her genitals. 

Dominus Inferus, miserere nobis. In spiritu humilitatis, et in animo contrito suscipiamur a Te, 
Domine Satanus; et sic fiat sacrificium nostrum in conspectu tuo hodie, ut placeat tibi. Veni a 
porta inferi, redime me at miserere mei. Veni, Magister Templi. Veni, Magister Mundi. Pleni 
sunt terra majestatis gloriae tuae.  

Infernal Lord, have mercy upon us. In a humble spirit, & with contrite heart, may we be received 
by Thee, Lord Satan; & may our sacrifice be so offered as to be pleasing in Thy sight. Come 
from the Gate of Hell; save me & have mercy upon me. Come, Lord of the Temple. Come, Lord 
of the World. Earth is full of the majesty of Thy glory. 

The Celebrant extends his hands, palms downwards, over the offerings on the Altar. The bell is 
then sounded. The Celebrant continues: 

Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis nostrae sed et cunctae familiae tuae, quaesumus, Dominus 
Satanus, ut placatus occipias; diesque nostros in felicitate disponas, et in electorum tuorum 
jubeas grege numerari.  

We therefore beseech Thee, Lord Satan, to be appeased & to accept this offering of our bounden 
duty as also of Thine whole household; order our days in joy & count us within the fold of Thine 

R: Ave Satanus.  

Hail Satan. 

The girl acolyte presents herself and raises her robe to reveal her genitals. The boy acolyte holds 
a small cauldron beneath her whilst she urinates into it. 

V: Ecce sponsa Satanus. Domino Inferi in medio ejus est. Fluminis impetus laetificat vivos et 

Behold Satan's bride. The Infernal Lord is in the midst of her. The stream of the river makes 
joyful the living & the dead. 

She completes her urination and the cauldron is handed to the Celebrant, who raises it high to 
the image of Satan above the Altar. 

V: Domine Satanus, torrente voluptatis Tuae potabis eos. Quoniam apud te est fons vitae; et in 
lumine tuo videbimus lumen.  

Lord Satan, they shall drink of the torrent of Thy pleasure. For with Thee is the well of life, & in 
Thy light shall we see light. 

Domine Satanus corda nostra mundet infusio; et sui roris intima aspersione foecundet.  

May our hearts be cleansed by the inpouring of our Lord Satan; & may he make them fruitful by 
sprinkling them with the dew of His grace. 

The Celebrant hands the cauldron back to the girl acolyte, who holds it out for him to dip the 
aspergillus into her urine. 

V: Qui stitit, veniat; et qui vult, accipiat aquam vitae.  

He that thirsteth, let him come; & he that will, let him take of the water of life. 

He asperges the congregation, saying: 

V: Ego vos benedictio in nomine Satanus.  

I bless you in the Name of Satan. 

R: Ave Satanus.  

Hail Satan. 


Here, with the fourth segment of the Black Mass, the Consecration, we are arrived at the very 
stuff of blasphemy itself. All that has gone before, however foul it may have been adjudged, was 
simply a prelude to the actions which here occur.  

The wafer, the consecrated Host stolen from the tabernacle of a nearby church, is here subjected 
to such shameful infamy as would cause any Christian to cry out in horror. The purpose of the 
naked women serving as an altar is made all too clear by the actions of the priest during the 
Consecration. The congregation, together with the celebrant, recites a parody of the Lord's Prayer 
which, in its context, is both orison and creed of the Satanic rite.  

In this segment, the penultimate division of the Black Mass, the genitalia of the altar and the 
Body of Our Lord are brought into contact for the first time. It is by now a foregone conclusion 
that worse is soon to follow, and a mounting excitement, encouraged both by the actions of the 
celebrant and the intoxicants and stimulants ingested prior to and during the ritual, is the lot of 
each and every worshipper preset as the climax of the rite approaches.

* * * 

The Celebrant takes the wafer in his hands & bows low over it, saying: 

V: Hic est corpus Jesu Christi.  

Here is the body of Jesus Christ. (13)

He then elevates the wafer, places it between the breasts of the altar, then touches it to the altar's 
vagina. The bell is rung. The Celebrant replaces the wafer on the paten & picks up the chalice, 
bending low over it and saying: 

V: Hic est calix carnis stimulos.  

Here is the chalice of fleshly lust. 

He raises the chalice above his head, showing it to the assembled worshippers. The bell is rung. 
The thurifier gives three swings, then the chalice is replaced. 

V: Oremus. Infera institutione formati, audemus dicere:  

Let us pray. Taught by infernal example we may presume to say: 

V/R: Pater Noster, Qui es in Inferis, Sanctificetur nomen Tuum; Adveniat regnum Tuum; Fiat 
voluntas Tua, sicut in Infero et in Terra; Lucem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie; Emitte 
spiritum Tuum et renovabis faciem terrae; Libera nos ad luxuria; Libera nos ad ubertate domus 
Tuae; Sicut in die ambulemus; Comedite pinguia et bibite mulsum; Fornicemur; Adquae ut 
ferventius corda nostra praeparentur, Flammis adure Tuae caritatis, Domine Satanus.  

Our Father, Who art in Hell, Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on 
earth as it is in Hell; Give us this day our daily light; Send forth Thy spirit & renew the face of 
the earth; Deliver us unto luxury; Deliver us unto the plenteousness of Thy house; Let us walk as 
in the day; Eat fat meats & drink sweet wines; Let us fornicate; And, that our hearts may be 
prepared for it, Inflame them with the fire of Thy love, Lord Satan.

V: Ego sum radix et genus Lucifer, stella splendida et matutina. Transite ad me, omnes qui 
concupiscitas me, et a generationibus meis implemini. Tenebrae conculcabunt me, et nox 
illuminatio mea in deliciis meis.  

I am the root & stock of Lucifer, the bright and morning star. Come over to me all ye that desire 
me and be filled with my fruits. Darkness shall cover me, & night shall be my light in my 

R: Quia tenebrae non obscurabuntur, et nox sicut dies illuminabitur.  

But the darkness shall not be dark, & night shall be as the light of day. 

V: Gratias agamus Domino Infero Deo Nostro  

Let us give thanks to the Infernal Lord, our God. 

R: Dignum et justum est.  

It is meet & just so to do. 

The Celebrant raises his hands palms down & says: 

V: Vere dignum et justum est, nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere: Domine, Rex Inferus, 
Imperator Mundi. Omnes exercitus inferi te laudant cum quibus et nostras voces ut admitti 
juberas deprecamur, dicentes:  

It is truly meet and just that we should at times and in all places give thanks to Thee, Lord, 
Infernal King, Emperor of the World. Jubilantly all the infernals praise Thee, & with these we 
join our own voices to say: 

The Celebrant bows and says: 

V: Salve, Salve, Salve.  

Hail, Hail, Hail. 

The bell is rung three times. 

V: Dominus Satanus Deus Potentiae, pleni sunt terra et inferi gloria Tua. Hosanna in profundis.  

Lord Satan, God of Power, earth and Infernus are filled with Thy Glory. Hosanna in the depths. 


In this final segment, the Repudiation, all that has gone before approaches and reaches its terrible 
and incredible climax. Here the machinations of the priest and the perverse worship of the 
congregants are both fulfilled in a manner as difficult of description as it is of Christian 
approbation. Now is the culmination of the Black Mass. Now is both the ultimate blasphemy and 
the dismissal to whatever recreations they may desire of the assembled worshippers. The 
Repudiation is both the final consecration and the ultimate form of Satanic rebellion, if the 
historical practice of a vile and depraved human sacrifice be not incorporated.  

The actions of the celebrant regarding the host have already been intimated, and are now 
blatantly to be described in the rubric of the Black Mass recension here published. The orgy 
indulged in by the Satanists present has been described by our anonymous French writer in 
speaking of the culmination of the witches' sabbat. `They couple monstrously' he says. `The god 
of incest weds a son to his mother, a brother to his sister, a young bitch and an old greybeard or, 
conversely, a stripling and some toothless old woman.' And these, it must be remembered, are 
simply the heterosexual manifestations of the orgy. Our Frenchman continues his catalogue with 
pederastic and even more refined examples of sexual behaviour.  

There may well be some error in the text which has come down to us in so far as the fornicemur 
precedes the ecce calix. It is both more logical and more in keeping with the abandoned spirit of 
the rite for the order to be reversed, with the fornicemur being in a closer proximity to the ite, 
missa est. 

* * * 

V: Ecce corpus Jesu Christi, dominus humilim et rex servorum.  

Behold the body of Jesus Christ, lord of the humble & king of the slaves. 

The celebrant elevates the wafer to the Image of Satan, then touches it to the altar's breasts & 
briefly into her vagina, saying: 

V: Beatus venter qui te portavit et ubera quae suxisti.  

Blessed is the womb that bore thee and the paps that gave thee suck. 

He then continues the Repudiation, holding the wafer aloft once again: 

V: Jesu Christi, dominus humilim et rex servorum, universi qui te exspectant confundentur. 
Absque synagogis facient vos et timebis a timore nocturno. Non dormietis et gladius transebit 
terminos vestros. Filii hominum in tegmine alarum tuarum, Domine Satanus, sperabunt.  

Jesus Christ, lord of the humble and king of the slaves, them that wait upon thee shall be 
confounded. They will put you out of the temples & you shall be afraid of the terror by night. 
You shall not sleep and the sword shall pass through your quarters. The children of men put their 
trust under Thy wings, Lord Satan. 

R: Domine Satanus, salvos fac servot tuos.  

Lord Satan, save Thy servants. 

He sets the wafer on the end of his penis, saying: 

V: Liberabo eum ad aspidem basiliscum, ad leonem et draconem, ad omni peccato, ad subitanea 
et improvisa morte, ad fulgure et tempestate, ad flagello terraemotus, ad peste, fame et bello, ad 
morte perpetua, ad ira Satanus.  

I shall deliver him unto the asp & the basilisk, to the lion & the dragon, to all sin, to sudden & 
unprovided death, to lightning and tempest, to the scourge of earthquakes, to plague, famine, & 
war, everlasting death, to the wrath of Satan. 

The celebrant inserts his penis, with the wafer attached, into the vagina of the altar, saying as he 
does so: 

V: Domine Satanus dicit: In comessationibus et ebrietatibus resurgam. Desideria carnis 
perficietis. Manifesta sunt autem opera carnis, quae sunt fornicatio, impudicitia, luxuria, 
veneficia, ebrietates et comessationes. Caro mea vere est cibus.  

Lord Satan saith: In rioting & drunkenness I rise again. You shall fulfil the lusts of the flesh. The 
works of the flesh are manifest, which are fornication, immodesty, luxury, witchcraft, 
drunkenness and revelling. My flesh is meat indeed. 

R: Caro mea vere est cibus.  

My flesh is meat indeed. 

V: Adoremus Te, Domine Satanus, et benedicimus tibi; quia per spermem tuam redemisti mundi.  

We adore Thee, Lord Satan, and bless Thee; for by Thy sperm Thou hast redeemed the world. 

R: Revelabitur gloria Domini; et videbit omnia caro salutare Dei nostri Satanus.  

The glory of the Lord shall be revealed; and all flesh shall see the salvation of our God Satan. 

V: Fornicemur ad gloria Domine Satanus.  

Fornicate to the glory of Our Lord Satan. 

The worshippers now fornicate indiscriminately, without regard to privacy, sex or relationship 
with their partners. As their efforts terminate the Celebrant takes the chalice and says: 

V: Calicem voluptatis carnis accipiam et nomen Domini Inferi invocabo.  

Accept the chalice of voluptuous flesh and call upon the name of the Infernal Lord.
The Celebrant drinks first, then presents the chalice to each worshipper in turn, refilling it as 
required and saying: 

V: Ecce calix voluptatis carnis qui laetitiam vitae donat. Accipe calicem voluptatis carnis in 
nomine Domini Inferi  

Behold the chalice of voluptuous flesh which gives joy to our life. Accept the chalice of 
voluptuous flesh in the Name of the Infernal Lord. 

When all have taken their fill he returns the chalice to the altar with paten & veil in place. The 
celebrant then extends his hands, palms downwards, and says: 

V: Pleni sunt terra majestatis gloriae Tuae.  

Earth is full of the Majesty of Thy Glory 

R: Tuere nos, Domine Satanus.  

Shield us, Lord Satan. 

V: Protege nos, Domine Satanus, Tuis mysteriis servientes.  

Protect us, Lord Satan, who assist at Thy mysteries. 

R: Domine Satanus dabit benignitatem et terra nostra dabit fructum suum.  

Lord Satan will give goodness and the earth shall yield her fruits. 

V: Placeat tibi, Domine Satanus, obsequium servitutis meae; et praesta ut sacrificuum quod 
occulis Tuae majestatis obtuli, tibi sit acceptabile, mihique et omnibus pro quibus illud obtuli.  

May the homage of my service be pleasing unto Thee, Lord Satan, and grant that the sacrifice I 
have offered in the sight of Thy Majesty may be acceptable to Thee & win forgiveness for me & 
for all those for whom I have offered it. 

The Celebrant bows to the altar, then turns to the congregation with his left hand extended in 
cornu, saying: 

V: Fratres et sorores, debitores sumus carni et secundum carnem vivamus.  

Brothers and sisters, we are debtors to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. 

Ego vos benedictio in Nomine Magni Dei Nostri Satanus.  

I bless you all in the Name of our Great God, Satan. 

R: Ave, Satanus!  

Hail Satan! 

V: Ite, missa est.  

Go, you are dismissed. 


1.  For more precise details of these carvings and illustrations see The Green Man, Grotesques 
and Gargoyles, The Witch on the Wall, Two Essays on the Worship of Priapus and Love Locked 
Out, all of which are listed in the bibliography.

2.  Nugent:  Masks of Satan p. 53.

3.  This mingling of sacred and profane substances is typical of later Satanic practices, as we 
shall see later.

4.  Rhodes’ masterly study The Satanic Mass is still the best work available on perversions of the 
rite which, above all others, is central to the Christian religion, now as it was then.

5.  Ericson provides one of the most succinct accounts of Catherine de Medici’s magical 
practices I have so far come across.

6.  Whilst Rhodes is the primary authority for the perverted accoutrements of the Guibourg Mass, 
we must not ignore Zacharias’ valuable work, which is perhaps the most thorough examination 
of historical Satanism ever undertaken.

7.  The History of Witchcraft and Demonology p. 151.

8.  Some translations of this, the classic novel of Satanism, have been doctored to conceal the 
grosser details of the Black Mass witnessed by Huysmans’ hero Durtal.  A full version may be 
found in the Keene Wallis translation published by Dover.

9.  As an anarchic faith it is not illogical for Satanism to make something of a sacrament of mind 
and mood-altering substances.  Baudelaire, whose Satanic Litany has proven the inspiration for 
many later and inferior ritual ingredients, was himself a member of the Hashish Club formed by 
a variety of French artists and writers in the years preceding the Second Republic.  A full and 
accurate translation of the Litany is given by Zacharias.

10.  L’Amour et La Magie pp. 296-319.

11.  See note 9.

12.  The altar-boy is a byword in Catholicism. It is therefore most appropriate that a Satanic 
Mass makes use of both a boy and a girl for its servers, with the girl, as appears later, taking the 
most active part. That there should be no overtly sexual usage attached to her presence is perhaps 
more due to the restraint of C19th Satanic ritual than to anything else. In view of the copulation 
to come later and the rubric attaching to it we may not be wholly mistaken in regarding the girl 
server's role as somewhat sublimated.  

The paraphernalia of the Satanic Mass, conveniently set to hand within the sanctuary, if we may 
use such a term, will, from an examination of the extant rubric, be as follows: 

i) A consecrated Host, either sanctified by the renegade priest who traditionally performs Satan's 
Mass or stolen from a church tabernacle. It was on occasions obtained by a communicant of the 
Catholic faith coating his or her mouth with alum, so that the wafer did not spoil from contact 
with saliva, or else by rapid removal and secretion in a small bag usually worn around the neck 
expressly for this purpose.  
ii) A supply of wine. Traditionally red wine, which better maintains the analogy with the Blood 
of Christ, is used for both black and white masses. The strong red wine of Tarragona in eastern 
Spain is one of the prime constituents of both the vino sacro and the vinum sabbati. It has been 
known, though for the wine used for black masses to be adulterated with a variety of both 
noxious and hallucinogenic sundries.  
iii) A chalice to contain the wine. Customarily this is a silver or any metal or substance but gold, 
as is a requirement for all the altar furnishings used in Satanism. As LaVey rightly points out, 
gold was the preferred metal of Christianity and other good religions, and thus anathema to the 
Satanist. That the analogies, and therefore blasphemies, with the Christian religion might be 
maintained, the chalice will be equipped with a paten and veil, though the decorations will be 
pagan or Satanic rather than overtly Christian in their symbolism.  
iv) A thurible and incense boat. Charcoal and some combustible fluid, such as methylated spirits, 
will be required to ignite the incense and liberate its fumes. 

The incense may be anything from the finest church incense to that which was described by 
Huysmans, who gave its ingredients, though not their relevant proportions, as follows: 
Asphalt from the streets
Leaves of henbane, datura and dried nightshade
Although he does not include it in his list of prime ingredients, Huysmans also mentions a 
resinous odour which would undoubtedly have been due to hashish. The list is interesting in 
containing myrrh, one of the gifts of the Three Kings to the Christ-Child, yet traditionally bitter 
and unacceptable, and three poisonous and, in the literature of witchcraft, well-known herbs. 
These are best examined separately: 
a) Henbane, hyoscyamus niger, has been regarded as poisonous since the days of 
Dioscorides. Both seeds and capsules have been smoked to relieve toothache, and its 
poisonous alkaloids withstand both drying and boiling, making it an ideal constituent for 
any incense. Ingested it is fatal to man and animal. 

b) Thorn Apple, datura stramonium, has very similar properties with regard to drying and 
storage. It is a notorious poison and regarded as a dangerous psychedelic deleriant, as is 
Henbane, as is 

c) Deadly Nightshade, atropa belladonna. Atropos, in Greek myth, was the third fate, the 
one who used her shears to cut the threads of men's lives. Its poisonous alkaloids, like 
those of Henbane and Thorn Apple, withstand boiling and drying and, like them, it was a 
traditional ingredient of witches' flying ointment and a psychedelic, creating excitement 
and delirium.

See Hansen for examinations of the role in the traditions of witchcraft of all these plants.  
v) An image of Satan. Obviously the nature and form of such an image will be up to the 
individual interpretation of whatever cult of Satanists is performing the mass. C19th Luciferans 
would possibly employ the image of a beautiful youth, equating Lucifer with the morning and 
evening stars as a male form of Venus. A more blatantly pagan and sexual image of Satan which 
might possibly also have been used as an alternative would be the Sabbatic Goat depicted by 
Eliphaz Levi and in plate 4 of this present work.. 

vi) A bell. 

vii) Candles and candle-holders. Huysmans' candles were black, as demanded by tradition, and 
contained coal-tar and pitch for their colouring. Today, with black candles available from most 
department stores for dinner-party entertaining, less dramatic colouring is used. Stearin has also 
replaced baby's fat which used to be a staple ingredient of sabbatic lighting.

The number and design of the candelabrum is not stipulated by the rubric. The author possesses a 
pair of candelabra, made for a C19th Scottish occultist, which are two-branched and, at the union 
of the branches, bear a double-horned head with a typically Luciferan expression. 

viii) A small cauldron. 

ix) An aspergillus. LaVey insists that this should be phallic in shape. Such insistence is at least in 
accord with the spirit of Satanic ritual.

By tradition only the altar is naked at the outset of the celebration of the Black Mass. The 
celebrant, the servers and the congregation at least wear token clothing. Indeed, throughout 
history elaborate and full descriptions of the robes worn by the alternative priest have been given 
by a variety of sources. These range from a simple smock to full Satanic canonicals, embroidered 
with anything from acorns and phalli to rams, goats and other Satanic beasts.

It would seem logical from the present rubric that the congregants should wear robes which they 
will find easy to remove at the appropriate juncture.

13.  This is, of course, a straight parallel or parody of the Christian mass.


This is not the first time that a version of the Black Mass has been published in English. At least 
one other edition is known to the author, though it has never seen print in Great Britain. It was 
one of the rites given by the modern American Satanist Anton LaVey in his book THE 
SATANIC RITUALS, and an examination shows that it was culled from a similar source to that 
used herein. There are, however, significant problems for anyone who attempts to study it.

LaVey's recension is flawed in certain respects. To begin with it may have suffered some 
mistranslation from the French. Its title is given as Le Messe Noir, a mistake a French scholar 
would not make. All French nouns have a gender. Messe is feminine, and so the definite article 
and adjective would be la and noire respectively, their own gender deriving from that of the noun 
they accompany. Additionally. The Latin of the text is not translated, and also contains misprints. 
Long passages in English with no Latin or French text equating are given. The rite requires the 
use of three different languages, Latin, French and, of course, our own English. And last but by 
no means least, both the rubric and content of LaVey's Black Mass differ at certain crucial points. 
It is thus confusing and difficult to study. 

There can be little doubt that this small work will have its critics from both directions, that some 
will offer opprobrium because such blasphemous matters have been made public, whilst others 
may well know sufficient from sources of their own to believe that they can criticize either its 
text or its authenticity. To all these we can respond by saying that exposure to the public gaze is 
one of the best ways of destroying the appeal and novelty of a thing. That there are different 
sects of Satan's worshippers is as true that there are many forms of Christian worship. There 
must be several other forms of the Black Mass in both Christian hands and those of the diversity 
of Satanists. Let some of these also be published. Let those that should have knowledge of these 
things have that knowledge so that they may work in the interests of us all. Only then will the 
cloak of secrecy be pulled away and the true nature of Satanism revealed.

Et vespere autem facto...


Jorgen Andersen, "The Witch on the Wall", Copenhagen 1977. 
Anon, L'Amour et la Magie, Paris 1926. 
Kathleen Basford, The Green Man, Ipswitch 1978. 
James Cleugh, Love Locked Out, London 1963. 
Eric Ericson, The World, The Flesh, The Devil, New York 1981. 
Robert Goldston, Satan's Disciples, New York 1962. 
Harold Hansen, The Witch's Garden, Maine 1983. 
H.M.S.O., British Poisonous Plants, London 1968. 
Joris-Karl Huysmans, La Bas, New York 1972. 
Richard Payne Knight and Thomas Wright, Two Essays on the Worship of Priapus, London 
Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible, New York 1969. 
Anton LaVey, The Satanic Rituals, New York 1972. 
Jules Michelet, Satanism and Witchcraft, New York 1939. 
Pamela North, Poisonous Plants and Fungi, London 1967. 
Christopher Nugent, Masks of Satan, London 1983. 
H.T.F. Rhodes, The Satanic Mass, London 1954. 
Ronald Sheridan and Anne Ross, Grotesques and Gargoyles, Newton Abbott 1975. 
Peter Stafford, Psychedelics Encyclopedia, Berkeley 1977. 
Montague Summers, Witchcraft & Black Magic, London 1946. 
Montague Summers, The History of Witchcraft and Demonology, London 1926. 
Gerhard Zacharias, The Satanic Cult, London 1980.

[The following is from earlier in the book:]

C19th Satanism.

In order to produce as full and complete a version of the Black Mass as is possible we have 
found it necessary to bypass many of its less precise and accurate historical manifestations.  The 
rite which was practiced at the Sabbat of the Witches was by far a more nebulous and confusing, 
if those poor wretches who produced testimony under torture are to be believed, ritual than we 
may here concern ourselves with.  So also are the many forms of the Black Mass reported by 
tradition but to be regarded circumspectly by this present investigation.

For this reason we may be forgiven for making what in modern Physics might be termed a 
quantum leap from the days of the Guibourg Mass, denounced and first investigated in March 
1679, to that which was practiced during the nineteenth century.  The foregoing pages have 
substantially established the basic matter of our subject.  We may now make, as a result, the 
following observations upon the basic nature and character of the Black Mass:

1)	The Black Mass is performed by an apostate or otherwise renegade ecclesiastic.

2)	It closely follows, in its form, the structure and verbal form of the Catholic Mass as 
performed in countless churches throughout our land at the present time.

3)	It takes place in an ambiance appropriate to its nature, be it the blasted heath of the Sabbat or 
the carefully furnished and maintained chapel used by La Voisin and her creatures.

4)	Its culmination is some dreadful and foul act of blasphemy, be it murderous or sexual or both.

Synagoga Satanae