Soon after Joan and I were married, we emigrated to Ontario, Canada
We lived in St Thomas, Toronto, Windsor, Pain Court, Bothwell, and Wallaceburg. We now have made Chatham, our home, and we love it.
I made a Cursillo in 1980 and was Lay leader in the Kent Cursillo movement for a couple of years and on team for several years.
I was on the Wallaceburg Public Library Committe and on the Drug Awareness Council for Chatham-Kent
To find out about the city of Chatham, which as of January 1, 1998 is part of the Municipality of Chatham Kent, please click here, for an overview of our Municipality, where you can see aerial views of it.
Chatham has a daily paper, THE CHATHAM DAILY NEWS, a Community Weekly Paper, "Chatham This Week", a Free Daily Chatham Sun, a Cable Station, three Radio Stations, etc.
Where on earth is Chatham, I hear you ask. Open your Atlases or check your World Globe. The location is 42o24"N, 82o11"W. Did you find it?