Arizona Chapter of Witches Against Religious Discrimination
Merry Meet and Welcome!
As of Samhain 2002 Chi-Kali will no longer be AZ Director of WARD. Chi-Kali is moving back to WI. Amchi Boda has stepped up as the new AZ Director of WARD and will soon have things up and running again. Please check back here after Samhain for more information.
Thomas Jefferson wrote:
"I never told my religion, nor wished to change another's creed. I have
judged of others' religion by their lives, for it is from our lives,
and not from our words that our religion must be read."
Witches Against Religious Discrimination
W.A.R.D. is an organization advocating the rights of Witches and Pagans as a religious minority. W.A.R.D. combats bigotry, religious discrimination, and harassment of practitioners of Witchcraft, also know as the Wiccan faith and Paganism, in a non-discuptive manner. As such, we actively work to educate the public and provide a preater understanding of what Witchcraft it. We deal with discrimination cases, promote non-violence, and provide assistance to Witches and Pagans in need.