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Welcome to Jon's CKy Page! Join us every night between 6:00 and 6:30(eastern) in the chatroom.

Quote of the week: "I was just hangin' out back there eatin' a meat pie and next thing you know some guy is freakin' out about nothin." Bam Margera - BMX Joust
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March 26 2003 - Hey...I havent updated since summer, but i still get emails everyday. I appreciate the fanbase...stay true to cky. I been talkin to Chuck(my friend) and he said he wants to redo the site with me. As soon as i get my computer back, we will work on a newpage.

June 26 2002 - Yo guys...its been like a year since i updated. i kinda just drifted away from my cKy page. BUT Monday the 24th, i was in Philly getting on a plane to fly to Texas(where i am now) and guess who was getting on a plane to go to the Jackass Movie premiere?! Jess Margera. I talked to him for a bit and it got me recharged and "pumped" to re do the site. I got some local cKy followers to help me out and all. Im gonna be switching like web hosts and redesign the whole site. It will probably still be Look for further updates soon. Peace - Jon

February 3 - "CKY fans!!!! 98 rock radio in sacramento hates cky!!!!!!! call them and request us now...disengage the 916-766-5000...they refuse to play us...let me know how it goes! let it ring and ring until they answer" ~ Deron Miller.

November 13 - Yo. I found a skill Punk and Ska site. Click Here to see it.

October 26 - Hey! I got some pictures from the cKy show at the X-games, now they aren't good because I had to take a digital picture of a regular picture, and it turned out bad, but here is a pic of me and cky(From left to right) Vern, Me(Jon), Chad and Jess. Deron didn't come out.
- I just put a new tab for Sink Into The Underground
October 12 - Yo! What's up? I know I have done this before, but I stopped udating, and I think I am going to update like I used to. I am going to get some extra help from soe site fans. If you are interested in helping me, Mail Me and tell me you want to help.
- I got CKY3! It is sooooooooooooooo funny and good! You have to go get it!

Septemer 13 - Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't updated in a while! My birthday was September 5th, and then I had to get stitches from a dog bite, and I jammed my finger playing football, so I was out for a few weeks.
Mail Me if you have ANY html experience, and would like to help out with the webpage. I'm trying to put a team of web designers together, so it can be updated daily. Once again, mail me please.

August 31 - New logo! As you can see, I've made a new site logo. If you like it/don't like it, send me an e-mail and tell me. I mgiht change it back to the old logo if it doesn't come out right...

August 29 - People have been asking me for tabs, so here they are! Click here to go to the guitar/bass tabs!

August 27 - New Poll! take it!
The old poll results are in... Your favorite guy is Bam!
I added a Jon's cKy Page Mix Video on the CLips section! It is a mix of skating/jackass, set to the tune of cKy - Flesh into Gear

August 26 - I was on vaction for the last week, sorry!
I am looking all voer the net for some tabs. So, look in the music section later on and look for a guitar tabs section!

August 21 - I was just at the X-Games for the last two days, and on Sunday, cKy played a live show! I got there autographs and pictures, so look for pics of them later on in the future.

August 16 - Today, it was published in my local newspaper that Jack@$$ will have no new episodes! Click Here to read the article.

August 15 - 2 New sections! There is a brand spankin' new Jon's cKy section. It is Prank Phone Calls. There are 3 call so far. It is about cKy calls, and my calls.
- The other new ection is Video Clips. It has clips from many things
- In the skating section - You can download two videos - Rodney Mullen's Freestyle and Bam's Switch B/S Lipslide

August 14 - I put a few more lyrics in the music section
I put up my interveiw with Vern Zaborowski on vern's info page. And to the person's comment of " this sucks. Only 2 lyrics are on this page", I am trying to put more lyrics up, so look for more today and tomorrow

August 12 - Jack@$$ is on tonigt at 10:00 PM on MTV! All I know is Johnny Knoxville as a 90 year old man, haha!
- New poll, take it! And your favorite CKy song is (of course). . .96 Quite bitter Beings!(37/92)

August 11 - My friend and I are making a prank calls cd, so I might tey to put some calls up on the site. And maybe some people will wanna buy it :)
- Click here for a sample prank call.
- X Games start today in Philly. X games will air on ABC, ESPN and ESPN2 August 18-21(i think).
- Tony hakw's Pro Skater Tour is always on ESPN2 or ESPN. Keep an eye out for it, along with Bam.

August 7 - I got a new computer, so I am transfering a few pics to my new computer. I will try to host Lycos TalkRadio again sometime soon. Come back for updates!
- If you didn't see Jack@$$, Brad Pitt was on! Bam, Knoxville, Steve-o and I think Ehren(someone e-mail me and tell me) and Bradd Pitt dressed up for night monkey 2! It was so funny!

August 5 - I'm working left and right to get some more pics up. Skating and non-skating.
- My site gets over 130 People a day! Thanks!
- Jack@$$ is on tonight on MTV at 10:00!

August 4 - I added Rake Yohn to the Info Section. Please tell all your friends about Jon's CKy!

August 2 - I got an Interveiw with Deron Miller! Click Here or go to his Bio page to read it.
- I fixed the navigation, so you can click on home now. - I added Vern Zaborowski, Jess Margera, Chad Ginsburg, Steve-O and Chris Pontius to the Info section.
- I added some new skate pics
- New Quote of the week.
- Please sign the guestbook!!!

August 1 - I added some new pics on the skating section.

July 30 - Skating News: Colt Cannon has gone pro with Element, Steffan Atarrdo is now pro with Santa Cruz and Pig. An if you didn't know, the Slam City Jam street standings were:
3. Rick McCrank
2. Colt Cannon
1. Eric Koston!!
Site News: - I added Brandon DiCamillo and Ryan Dunn in the Info Section.
- I added some new pics to the skating section.
-Something is wrong with the Music section, so I am trying to figure out what it is.
- Look for my show, the bamcky Show, on Lycos Radio tonight. I will add the time of the show(s) later today. Also, check out my info page on Lycos radio,Here.
-Please send an e-mail to all your friends and tell them to come to Jon's CKy Site!

July 29 - I added 2 lyrics in the music section. Please go to Talk Radio on Lycos at 6:00PM(eastern) and 8:00PM(eastern) Tonight! I will be broadcasting my show about skating and CKy. To get the info on my show, click Here and also, click on join bamcky's mailing list. To listen to it, go to the site, and click on Listen, and then once the software is loaded, look under the section of Sports, and look for the bamcky Show. Also, Jack@$$ is on tonight! 10:00 on MTV.

July 28 - Yo! I am back. I am hopefully going to be working on this site a lot from now on. I know it's been a while, and I almost forgot how to make pages! If anyone who is reading this has some skill at HTML, or pics of the band or news or anything, please drop me a line, here and give me some info. Ok, now, for some news:
- CKY2K has been released on DVD, and so has CKy been re-released.
- CKY3 is in the making.
- Johnny Knoxville will be in the new movie Big Trouble, with Tim Allen and many others.
- The Margera family has moved and Tim Glomb built Bam a huge halfpipe in his backyard! Check out for more info on Bam's halfpipe.
- BAM, Tim Glomb and some other members of the Fairman's Team were at Fairman's skateshop in West Chester, PA today, along with Y·100(radio station).
- BAM is having a party! Tony Hawk and some others from the X-Games will be down in Philadelphia August 19. The party is at the 'Troc'. Call ticketmaster for tix and info. I think it is $15 or $18. A little bit of CKY3 will be showing at the party. I think you have to be atleast 16 to go to the party.
Site Addons
- GuestBook
- Poll. I will do a new poll like every other week or so. - Come back to the site later on, when I will have an update on my own radio show that will be about cky, jack@$$ and much more
- I uploaded an .avi clip of Bam. Check it out.

March 9 - Ok, it's been a while since I've been on my computer. My computer got it's hard drive erased, so I lost all my pics n stuff. Just to let ya know, I am still here, and trying as hard as I can to update the site that I love.
Feb. 10 - I made some Info pages on some of the guys and the skate pics page. I also made the me page, all about me! Enjoy!
Feb. 9 - Ok, it has been a really long time since I have made this site/updated it. I was talking to Tim Glomb, and he inspired me to finsih the site! Hey Tim! Ight, so I am going to try to update the site every chance I get!