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Deeper Than Blue's Tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan

Welcome to the band's tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan, the man who we feel enables us to play the way we do! Stevie's agressive style and un-imaginable technique, gave much of our early inspiration to press on and keep playing, and shredding those fingers. We hope that you can enjoy the pictures we have posted, we will try our best to rotate them from our extensive library often, so keep checking back!

Here is a picture of Stevie that we found to be really cool, for a reason unknown to us. He has a certain sense of serenity and relief in his face, and we don't usually see him wear red!

Here's a picture of Stevie Ray and Jimmy Lee during, what looks like the recording sessions for "Family Style". None of us have the album so we don't know if it was a inside cover photo, but found this picture to be a great example of Stevie getting back home inside, like he always wanted.

Here is a picture of Fender's Signature Series Stevie Ray Vaughan guitar, complete with Texas Special pickups, Pao Ferro fretboard, "oval" shape neck, and of course the "SRV" engraved pickguard. This guitar is a masterpiece!

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