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We will be bringing you the latest news on "Willa/ ManDUH/ or whatever her name is" we hear it (however unfortunate it may be...IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEND AN EMAIL TO WILLA- MAIL IT TO THIS ADDRESS:

5/10: Willa has been seen on mtv on "hotzone" with her slutty video. MAKE SURE YOU VOTE FOR SOMETHING ELSE SO SHE DOESNT MAKE IT ON TRL!!!!!

5/7: Rumor has it that Willa be judging an upcoming show of Say What Karaoke. stay tuned and we'll let yo you know when

1/23: I've started emailing all the anti willa sites to help with the new campaign- so if you don't have an anti site and just wanna help promote- email me and we'll work something out :)

dear willa fans, we from atlantic records support and back our artists 100 percent. recently there have been rumors about willa circulating like a wild fire. we would just like to say, never make assumptions, and always get the facts before you make any kind of judgment.

we will not disclose any part of willa's personal life, we feel that each artist has the right to their own, and we don't feel like it is a legitimate part of the music itself.

over the past few months or so, someone has brought to our attention that there are many 'hate clubs' and 'hate sites' on willa. we do understand that each artist (and not just those on atlantic records) have these, but we feel like this is a serious issue and wanted to address it accordingly.

if you are affiliated with, and or founder of any kind of hate site that pertains to willa ford, your help is not wanted nor needed with the online street team. we feel like 'hate' is a very powerful thing, and is most certainly not to be toyed with.

if you want examples of 'hate' or 'dislike' look to the columbine incident. this is just one of the many reasons we feel like these sites are wrong and inexcusable. it is looked at as being 'small', but we feel as if something big might come of it.

we would really like to hear your input, so email (all e-mails sent here will be forwarded to our inbox) and we will read your messages, and respond if appropriate.

thank you for your time.

RAIN: ok- since when did i become a mass murderer??? oh yea- i'm gonna take my gun and go shoot every artist i don't like- RIIIIIIIIGHT... they're morons if they EVEN TRY and compare ANTI sites with columbine- comparing those two is like trying to compare the unibomber with mother teresa- NOT HAPPENING- feel free to write the street team and tell them what's really up!!


November 30, 2000 Its easy to see now why Willa was signed to Atlantic records. There are both rude and stupid. This is what I wrote to Jeffrey Newton from Atlantic. It wasn't the nicest thing I could have said but he DID deserve it and I could've been a lot worse : One of the visitors to my site "Stop the WillaBeast" showed me the email you wrote her about Willa Ford in which you told her that you were going to take legal actions about her club and her emails AND others anti-Willa sites. Yeah, there's this little thing called the 1st ammendment which pretty much says you can't do jack. The people who run these sites are not stupid (thats precisely why we're not fans of Willa). Your empty threats do nothing but piss us off. I'd really watch what you say. I don't think you're aware of how many anti-sites are out there. Or how many hits they receive. We could easily start a full blown boycott of Atlantic. Now tell me, is Willa "talented" enough to risk that? No. Think what you want but I could really care less who Nick, or any of the other BSB date. Willa, is a perfect stereotypical woman who does nothing for themselves, including getting an education, and use a man to get them to the top. Don't even try to tell me you signed her because of talent. Because she has none. Simple as that. I defended all the Backstreet girlfriends cause I can't stand teenyboppers who hate them because they think they're going to marry Nick. And I still do defend the ones that deserve it. Willa isn't one of them. I can also understand you ebing mad about getting flooded with emails about Willa but you have no right to threaten people. Especially when the threats are outright lies. If anything all the negativity should open your eyes to the fact that signing Willa was a bad business move. You obviously didn't sign her for talent and whatever you thought you'd get out of it certainly isn't worth all this negative publicity now is it?
This was his reply:

The reason I ask for the emails and gossip to Atlantic Records email accounts to stop is because we are simply not interested in personal attacks. We will be happy to hear your comments once the album hits the stores. We did not threaten to shut down anti-willa sites. We asked not to recieve these emails. You are free to go about your business elsewhere. PLEASE STOP SENDING EMAILS TO US. WILLA IS SIGNED TO LAVA/ATLANTIC AND NOTHIING YOU WRITE WILL CHANGE THAT.

He says he made no threats yet thats EXACTLY what he did. Here is a direct quote from an email he sent to the girl I was talking about.

"I and the legal Department here at Atlantic Records will personally be watching for any negative emails that you and your "club" are sending. I suggest you think about the repercussions of slander and harassment before sending anymore of these ridiculous emails."

Ummm that sounds like a threat to me!!!
Here's some more!
"As I said in my last email, this email account and the anti-willa sites are being closely monitored and our legal staff is taking the appropriate measures to ensure that this does not continue. "

As you can see this guy is a total moron and was very rude in the rest of the emails. Since, he can't do crap about us emailing him I suggest that you ALL email Jeffrey Newton and tell him us anti-willa people do not like to be threatened. We get enough rudeness from Willa herself.

11/21: One of willa's biggest fan pages has shut down! woo hoo! the chick has seen the light!!! go check it out! (thanks to flygirl)

11/16: lol- schmandy's clubs and homepages are shutting down like wildfire :) the newest shut down is "willa ford network yahoo club"
(thanks to finalhearbreak)

10/24: As far as we know right now- the status of nick and mandy is up in the air. Aaron confirmed in his interview that they are "seperated"...however from the mass emails we've recieved, it says otherwise. From a reliable source- it's a ploy for her "career" to act broken up. Mandy's mom still feeds the story they are "together" so if anything changes- we'll post it, but for now we're sticking with the story that it's a ploy and they are together

10/12: Since Aaron's interview the other day- it seems as though his statement about Nick has truth to it. After the video shoot that took place on 10/1/00- it seems as though nick has been seen with OUT MANDY- rumor is he had some chick with him, but their status is unknown- but the good part is no one has spotted schmandy tagging along lately!!!

9/15: Rewest rumor circulating around is that Mandy has changed her name again...(god help us) to MANDAH LEE. We're not sure if this is in fact true but supposedly she signed a few of her nautica dates as MANDAH LEE

Also- the track on the bsb burger king cd is NOT MANDY!!!! it's a girl by the name of Krystal Harris- a new recently signed artist to the new BSB record company

8/18: hey guys- no major news...just a bit of news today...willa has dyed her hair back to blonde for the nappy nautica tour that she's on..... but now arises the question..with the hair color change..does the name go back to schmanduh or stay willa??? lol...

8/2: For those of you wondering what ever happened to nick's family moving back to flordia? here's your answer: nicks fam. DID indeed move back to flordia- they live in an undisclosed location about three hours from nick's house- however they DID keep the house in california for whenever they need it.

as you all know- mandy isn't on the nickol. tour "all that" like she was supposed to- Well, Mandy kicked of her Nautica Kids Tour as "Willa Ford" July 29, 2000 in Miami, FL. - reviews have been scarce as no one really cares about her- but if you have one feel free to send it in.

- supposedly the rumor for her not being on the all that tour- is that it conflicted with recording time- she is re-recording her album after it got rejected by mca- so the rumor is that she is now recording it at the TRANSCON STUDIOS....

7/20: Hey guys- there are a couple of topics on the MFC (mature fan club) message board about the guys in Sweden- evidentally there were a few sightings of Nick going back to his hotel with a bunch of girls- WITHOUT WILLA! You go, Nick!

Hey guys- one of our viewers has started an anti schmandy campain! if you wanna join, you get a newsletter, membership card and pics! totally free!! so send a letter requesting to join to:
Anti Willa Ford Campaign
c/o Claire D.
PO Box 195
Mt. Angel, OR 97362

7/14: Willa's Unofficial Fan Site has been hacked. We don't know if the site was totally wiped out or not because it has been down for a week or two, but we have to post our opinion on what the hacker has done this time...sure we thought it was funny when her official site was hacked, but this time it's over the limit....christina is a 14 year old girl and does not deserve to have her personal information (i.e. phone number, address) posted all over the net! Don't get us wrong, we still disagree with her because she idolizes Willa, but we just wanted to let everyone know our opinion on this site being hacked...we would have laughed if the hackers would have went in and simply changed a few things, but putting her phone number and address on the site is stepping WAY OVER THE LIMIT! so for those of you reading this, please do not call her house and harass her, it is simply making you look like the IDIOT in the situation!!! thanks for your time!

6/21:BEFORE YOU READ THE NEW POST ON THIS PAGE....WE ARE NOT SAYING THIS IS TRUE OR FALSE...WE JUST THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY AS HELL!!! it's your choice to believe it or not, also the email address mentioned in the letter has not been confirmed to be willa, but this is something one of our viewers sent in!..maybe it is true and maybe it isn't, but for now we can pretend LOL!

I think Miss-Tommy-Lee-Wannabe (in other words Manduh)has been cheating on Nick, and I might have proof. I`ll tell you why. Last night I was chatting on mirc, pretending to be Willa, so that I could digg up some dirt about her. And I think I did!!!! I met this guy and we chatted for age. Then suddenly he asked if I remembered who he was, I said no, he asked if I remembered this e-mail addy (his), and I said no. Then he asked if I remembered another one ( and I said yeah that`s mine. He got really mad and started throwing in my face that I (Manduh) had forgot all about him and that I only used him like I used Nick!! He said he should have listened to his friends when they told him to stay away from me cuz I was no good. He asked if I remembered all the poems and songs he`s written for me, I just said that I never got them cuz my e-mail had broken down or something. THEN..... He copied a mail that Willa-Whale sent him from her mail addy ( There she told him how much she missed him. She said that she was very busy promoting herself and warming up for the BSB, but every moment she had to herself all she ever thought about was him.

5/20: Those who have tickets to the "All That" tour be looking for Willa and none other than the backstreet dancer Kristin...she'll be on tour with Willa helping with her choreography...hopefully Kristin can make her look somewhat decent although it will take a hell of a lot to do that! GOOD LUCK KRISTIN! LMAO!

5/16:We are sure all of you have seen the new video for "The One" but have you watched it in slow motion???? If so you will spot Willa at least twice in it. Once is a scene that looks like the floor space next to the the background she is sitting there with a light blue bandana on her head. The second siting is when the Boys are getting ready to go out on stage and them, the crew, and guards are getting ready to yell "BACKSTREET" if you look just as carlos (kev's body guard) moves you can see willa behind him...just look for the person with dark hair.

5/1: the reason sshmandy is listed on the all that tour is that they have rights to her songs. Let me put things into perspective for you (and anyone else who may read this), if more people buy tickets to see the "All That" tour dates that "Willa" is signed for(regardless of whether or not they are there to see "Willa") they make back their money. It is, according to my colleague at MCA, an attempt to "break even" on her contract. Simply put, they are trying to make back the money they wasted on her demo. Makes sense huh?
"IN THE KNOW" From mandy's message board

THE FOLLOWING DATES IN WHICH SCHMANDY IS TO PERFORM ON THE "ALL THAT" TOUR HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED!(unfortunatly) - however she is not listed at EVERY show like we had previously posted soooo here are the dates in which she is CONFIRMED to be playing: Phoenix, AZ - 7/11/00
Albuquerque, NM - 7/12/00
Woodlands, TX - 7/14/00
West Palm Beach, FL - 7/18/00
Columbus, OH - 7/26/00
Mansfield, MA - 8/11/00
Buffalo, NY - 8/13/00
Columbia, MD - 8/18/00
Hershey, PA - 8/20/00
Camden, NJ - 8/30/00
These are the only CONFIRMED dates- it pretty much depends on how much time the carter kids want on the tour- it's either them or schmandy because they will not be playing at the same time (duh- they hate her)

Also- the charity b-ball game in which manduh performed at- aired this weekend. There were TWO interviews with Willa, plus her halftime "performance"(lol). In the second interview- she talked about how her career is her OWN doing, without her boyfriend's help, however he has been very supportive.
She then went on to talk about how she is friends with the backstreet boys (yea right- they all hate her) and how she misses home. (so much that she followed nick around the world???)

4/22: if you would like to send fan mail to AMANDA LATONA then email - she is putting a scrapbook together to give to Amanda to show how much we support the other girlfriends =) ( you can also send pictures, stories, encounters, poems or whatever!

4/20: however unfortunate this may be to say for us.... Willa is *RUMORED TO BE going on tour this summer.... The Yahoo club "Mandahfans" is reporting that Manduh/Willa will be performing in Nickelodeon's "All That" tour with LFO and Leslie Carter this summer. DONT FORGET TO BRING FREE WILLA SIGNS AND WHATEVER ELSE YOU WANNA SAY TO HER!!!
If you would like to see the dates, check out the major news update

4/19: Mandy was at the Men Strike Back performance.. you can see her sitting two seats to the right of Leighanne(get a glimpse of her engagement ring. Next to Leighanne is Amanda Latona. The two lovely ladies and the bitch can be seen after Enrique Iglesias and Tom Jones sing their duet "Fire." The camera shows the audience and you get a really good glimpse of Leighanne and Amanda, but you have to look carefuly to catch WILLA!

4/18: Nick and Mandy got another dog (lets see if she can kill this one too). This one's a Pomeranian. Nick named it Princess and Mandy named it Foxy... Princess Foxy (gross) (cause it looks like a baby fox)
to see a pic of the dog- go to our pics of the siren page!

4/10: 4/10: Hey guys- unfortunatly since the bsb aren't doing anything in the public eye till late this summer- basically this means that mandy's career is dead while nick's is dormant... (cause ya know she can't do anything without him) soooo we'll be posting as much as we can, but there's really nothing going to be happening...but keep sending stuff in and we'll post it!


GUESS WHAT??? Willa's album WILL NOT be released this summer and it will never be released because she has lost her record deal!!!! and it's all our fault! you can see how so sad we are for Willa NOT!!! I guess MCA realized that nobody would buy her album!!!! News just keeps getting better and better!! We are starting to love the Carter Family Chat Room... this news was given the night of April 3rd by Nick's Uncle Steve Spaulding!!

Also, don't forget to send your opinions to MANDYWILLAFORD.COM on why you KNOW the Offical Carter Connection is help you out there is a link directly from Aaron Carter's Official Site to his family site, which proves it is the real deal!




Unless ya'll are blind and deaf then you know nick took over the airwaves of Tampa's radio station 93.3 on march 30th from 7 till 11pm. As you may know if you listened (or watched on webcam) Manduh was there- and even talked for a little bit. He played her song and said "show some love for mca's newest recording artist" (which did not make us happy campers) So YES THEY ARE STILL DATING (at one point he had his arm around her while she just sat there and stared into space looking stupid)

Also a girl called in and asked Nick about his family site. When asked if he posted anything on the site he said no and when asked if it was run by his family members all he said was "i'll have to check it out" He said *alot* of it someone else probably wrote, meaning not himself. (duh..his family runs the site) We think that it was a way of asking if the stuff that had been posted about Mandy was true- HE NEVER SAID NO! Basically he edged his way around the question and never said that his family did NOT run the site, so obviously they do! He just said that he himself didn't post stuff.(well of course he tells his family what to post)

ok, we have to add something in here...stuff posted from nick appeared on the site up until mandy and him got back together, but after they got back together and he distanced himself from his family is when nothing new appeared on the site from him, notice the faq hasn't been updated since last november! it is still a family site but nick now chooses to have nothing to do with it...and obviously now there will be nothing posted on it about his relationship with mandy, but the family members still communicate with the fans through this site and it is legit!

He must have felt very uncomfortable with the question, knowing what he had written....and now being back with Mandy!....not to mention Mandy was sitting right beside him at that moment!!! he must have known he would be subjecting himself to those type of questions by going on the air like that!!

also- about half an hour after nick's show- his uncle steve came on in NICKS OFFICIAL CHAT ROOM- and basically said that nick lied because manduh was there! Read the Transcript


GUESS WHO HAS ANOTHER SITE OPENING!!??? MANDY WILLAFORD.COM open for bashing on MARCH 31, 2000. This is not an official site, simply a fan site, but they still need to know whay you guys think of her! LMAO!

Also BJ Carter chatted in the Carter Chat room today... What BJ Had to say about Mandy (Scan down to the very botton) It was her first time chatting in the official chat and she said that she's getting ready to move out on her own with a few friends. (and we wish her the best of luck!)


Willa was supposed to sing the national anthem for the Boys vs. Bucs Charity Bball Game, but for some reason she didn't! LMFAO..during half time once again she was screeching into the microphone when talking to the crowd, and she remained hidden backstage during the game. Britney Spears was also at the game and getting her picture taken with Nick and Brian...we have heard that Willa didn't look to happy about that one, but no exact details yet. SO IF YOU WERE AT THE CHARITY GAME, PLEASE SEND IN REVIEWS!!


THIS JUST SENT IN (POSSIBLY A RUMOR BUT WE HAVEN'T HEARD ANYTHING DIFFERENT YET) HOUSTON- Nick's dog is DEAD! after Manduh sued for custody of it and won, it is rumored that the dog is now dead because of undisclosed reasons.
(thanks to steph for this info)


WILLA'S SITE IS UP!!! WILLAFORD.COM You can hear soundwaves of two songs, and she has a message board! LMFAO...out of the tons of people that have already posted on it, i believe only .01% are fans!!! so make sure you let willa know what you think of her! and when you listen to the sound clips pay attention to her vocal range, it's pretty narrow...we think she sings the same notes the whole time, and the songs are over produced and her voice is synthesized... wonder if her and britney are friends???


ok we need to make a correction on the last news update, it wasn't confirmed by aj himself about nick and willa dating, but tarzan dan the dj said it on the station. Nick will be a guest dj on 93.3 flz in tampa on march 30th from 7-11 pm eastern time, and guess what YOU CAN EMAIL HIM THERE!! he's gotten our email about willa already, maybe he'll answer it, but the address is The dj's there will submit all questions to nick when he arrives and they also have a web cam for their studio so go check out 93.3 FLZ and you can see nick while he's in the studio and LOOK FOR WILLA!!! not sure if she'll be there, but she's everywhere nicky is so you never know. And if you wanna hear her music, listen to the station live..they have been playing her music when talking about the charity game!! if you do hear her let us know what you think!


Ok guys, it was confirmed that the reason willa didn't perform in Toronto or Hamilton was because one of her dancers couldn't make it across the Canadian border. Some rumors have been going around that Nick and Willa are not dating but she was simply touring to open the show, but that is untrue, they are dating. THIS NEWS WAS CONFIRMED BY MR. AJ MCLEAN HIMSELF on kiss92 in Toronto!


So lucky for you that Willa is in the new millenium TV episode, you get to hear her snobby ass voice. In the Brian-Cam episode at the beginning when Brian takes the camera in the background is a brown-haired girl talking to nick, when Brian begins to film them Willa walks away and YELLS AT BRIAN (I'm gonna kick some ass over that one, she better not meet me, brianne, in a dark alley) "THAT'S NOT FUNNY BRIAN" so go check out the nasally, bitchy, snotty voice she has if you've never heard it!

Willa's Single will be 'I Wanna Be Bad', and the news is confirmed by Ms. Williford herself.


national recording artist "willa" will sing at the halftime show of the charity b-ball game in tampa where the Backstreet Boys will take on the Tampa Bay Bucks.

It looks as though "WILLA" didn't open for the boys in Canada. Rumors are that one of her dancers is from Australia and couldn't get a passport to Canada, however MANDUH was rumored to have been seen with Nick at the OT concert.


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