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FROM RAIN 9/20: FROM RAIN i'm so sorry i haven't been updating much guys. i haven't had a lot of time nor the desire to update anymore. so if someone would like to help- i'm looking for a new partner. email me and we'll chat.

FROM RAIN 7/30: FROM RAIN So here's the big update i promised guys! after much begging and pleading by email- i figured you guys waited long enough :) her album's out now- and if you've heard it, IT SUCKS! so if you guys like the updates, email and let me know so i'll keep at it!!!!!

FROM RAIN 6/23: FROM RAIN HEY GUYS! i'm STARTING on the big update i promised! JUST in time for the hookers album release date... so bear with me as i update as much as i can! any suggestions are welcome (unless you have the mentality of at 12 year old and send me hate mail).
Someone posted this the other day on a message board and i found it amusing: I can see why any male DJ would believe anything she says...they're jealous of Nick Carter and they want to shit her too. I just can't believe anyone ELSE believes the shit a girl like this says when she is SOOOOOOO Vanilla Ice. Everything about her is fictitious and fabricated and her "professional" career just keeps growing and growing in hindsight for every interview. The fact that she claims to have opera training should be evidence enough. I mean....her vocals are WEAK. Pat Benatar had opera training. Willa couldn't even sing the f**king National Anthem at a charity BBall game. Yeah...there's talent. She is just such an embarrassment to women. I thought Anna Nikole Smith owned that status, but now we have the boobless, assless version of it all. I hope she doesn't pose nude for Playboy...they'll be fined by the government mistakenly for posting kiddie porn (until they realize she's actually NOT an 8 year old girl). *gawd* Yeah, she'll piss the BSB fans off....because it's her only claim to fame. That's the only way and I mean that when I say the ONLY way she generates publicity for herself. Yeah, that's an independent woman. Anyway...for her to imply that NIck is *** ..well....*IF* he had to resort to *** with men, it was probably because she wasn't that great in bed and he got tired of strapping a board to his *** so he wouldn't fall in.

Sorry i haven't been updating lately guys. i've been home from college for a few weeks, but starting in june- i'm gonna be doing HUGE updates on the fat nasty hoe.- if ya'll haven't been already- go check out the sounds on the boycott willa page- they have up the messages mandy has on her official homepage- and they SUCK! so check it out and i'll be back and better than ever in june!!!!!!

FROM RAIN 4/11: So whale-a-whore's new video is online. let's just say that i'm not impressed. basically she looks like a wannabe porn star but fails miserably. the only enjoyable part is when she's thrown in the cop car- that got me laughin... so if you wanna see it- you need real audio CLICK HERE SO SEE WHALE-A-WHORE

FROM RAIN 3/26: WHOOOO- sorry i haven't updated in a while guys, i was on spring break in florida! woo hoo! so now i'm back and will be doing an update this week.

FROM RAIN 3/8: HOLY SHIT- HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!!! i saw that nasty hoe's performance at the hardrock ON MY FRIGGIN TV!! I was shitting frizbee's and had to go to the gym to run an hour JUST because i was that pissed off...
I only saw "i wanna be bad" and BOY did she SUCK! the vocals are ALLL there in the background and all you can hear from her is when she's screeching for the crowd to yell or breathing really heavy- at one point she's yelling to the crowd DURING a solo and you HEAR the track in the background. God she can't pull off a live performance (i knew this already)
AND WTF WAS SHE WEARING?! a RED snakeskin BRA!? sheesh- even britney wears more clothes than that most of the time. Her "performance" was a JOKE and my roommates pretty much laughed at her the WHOLE TIME and asked why i would wanna watch this crap? (they don't know who she is) i about peed myself from laughing so hard.

FROM RAIN 2/16: I'm so sorry guys that i haven't been able to update much lately! school is kickig my behind and i've had to do a LOT of work lately...BUT don't fear (those who have been emailing me) i'm NOT shutting down!!!! LONG LIVE FREEWILLA! DOWN WITH WILLA!!!!

FROM RAIN 12/28: Ok- i posted this in the major news section BUT SCHMANDYS SITE IS DOWN!!! if you try to access her from the atlantic page- it says it's not there!!! :) AND her album has been pushed back AGAIN from april till summer- KEEP IT UP WITH THE LETTERS TO ATLANTIC!!!

FROM RAIN 12/28: hey guys! hope everyone had a good x-mas and stay's safe for new years!
My worst nightmare has come true (probably yours too). The nasty hoe has a release date for her crappy CD. (hell froze over) A word of advice: IF YOU EVEN HAVE THE SLIGHTEST CURIOUSITY ABOUT HER CD- GET IT OFF NAPSTER!!!!! the fewer people to buy that crap the better off the world will be.

As far as this pantine pro v sponsorship thing- she can go to hell. if i EVEN have to watch her flip her hair in slo-mo, i think i'll have to hit something... soooooooooo stay safe for new years and i look forward to hearing your comments about the upcoming stuff!!!
FROM RAIN: 11/21: ok...i'm shoving my foot in my mouth for once...slowly but surely i have seen enough proof to change my views on the nick situation. i'm declaring it now loud and proud that NICK IS SINGLE. (so is aj)


20 November 2000

Backstreet Boys Nick Carter and AJ McLean have spoken for the first time about their recent breaks ups with Mandy and Amanda.

20 year old Nick Carter is happy to be young free and single again and determined to use every opportunity to advertise for a new girlfriend but 22 year old AJ McLean is still struggling to come to terms with his bachelor status.

Carter, currently travelling with AJ McLean and the rest of the band on the Backstreet Boys?unique 100 hour round-the-world journey to promote their new album BLACK & BLUE, confided his feelings as the group were driven by police escort to the exclusive Radisson Waterfront Hotel in Granger Bay, Cape Town, South Africa.

Tired after a 16-hour flight from Sydney aboard the BSB private jet, blond blue-eyed Nick Carter admitted that his decision to break up with long term girlfriend Mandy has left him feeling sad but relieved. ‘It came to the point where I didn’t want the responsibility, you know, always having to call up. I needed to concentrate on the group and the album.?

He admitted that the burden of a serious relationship was, while enjoyable, incredibly stressful at the same time. ‘Relationships are beautiful but sometimes it is a lot of stress and it’s not necessarily anyone’s fault, it’s just the way relationships are?he explained. ‘I’m enjoying being 20 years old now.?

McLean, meanwhile, revealed that he is finding it tough to talk about his split from Amanda. ‘It’s kinda weird. It just didn’t work out the way we both saw it to be. Since we separated I haven’t really talked to her that much cos she’s busy with her own career and she’s dating someone so if she’s happy then she’s happy but don’t get me wrong - there are times when I miss her. Not a day goes by when I’m not thinking about the break up but it’s better not to talk to her cos it makes it easier on both of us.?


"Carter blamed his rejuvenated work ethic for the break-up of his relationship with longtime girlfriend Mandy. 'Yes I'm single again. Right now I'm really focused on the group and I want to concentrate on making this the best it's gonna be. So that's the reason why we're currently taking time apart."


As you may or may not know, majority of the emails and site maintaining has been done by me for the last 3 months. And it is sad for me to report that Brianne is no longer working on the site. This has NOTHING TO DO WITH MANDY (aka it's not because she likes her) but due to school work, the time is no longer available for her to work on the site. I keep in contact with her quite often, so if you have something you need to say to her- i can deliver it...

