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Ok,so here's the deal..This page was originally supposed to be one of those bio pages. Well, that's changed now. See, I'm turning it into a page of just some random stuff. It's going to be mostly pictures though. Because when I take pictures, people always want to see them. This way I can just tell them to come to my page...Wow, I think that RIT really is making me smarter (only a little though).


A story. It's pretty good, you should read it

Random quotes

Party Pictures

Other Pictures

Katy vs. Josh (You gotta check this out, it's fun)

New Other Neat stuff

Click here if you're a chick. You won't regret it.

Look at what people have said about this page
So, tell me what you think. Sign my guestbook. Be nice. I get bored so I need things to read.