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Prayer Requests

Hey, if you have any prayer requests, email me and I will post them here. Also, if you want to add to my "Verses to Ponder", email me the verse and I will post it!

I have another praise report. I finished my EMR and am currently in my EMT. I have been hired by two ambulance services including THREE HILLS!

I have a praise report. We found our kitty back in may so he is at home safe and as cute as ever

Please remember to keep the boys of Jake in your prayers. Prayer does incredible things!

Please continue to pray for the Sept 11 tragedy. It's an ongoing war and it can only be fought with Love.....

I just wanted to say to my American Friends that my heart and my prayers are with you in this horrible time.

I just encourage you all to pray. When we all come together in prayer, it does incredible things. I am almost not sure what to pray for! If you'll join with me now saying this prayer....

"Dear Heavenly Father we pray for your control over this world right now. We pray for the rescue efforts in New York and Washington that they will be able to properly care and give treatment to the injured. Father we also pray for the families and loved ones of those lives that were tragically taken. Be with them right now in this horrible time. Lord we pray for those who are leading the rescue efforts. The fireman, police men, EMS, hospitals, and others. We pray that you'll be with them to give them strength and Lord help those who may be trapped. Be with our leaders and give them direction. Give peace to those who mourn and to those who are panicked. We pray for the whole world as it is affected by all of this that Your will be done. We trust you and love you Lord and Praise you for your goodness. In Jesus name we pray, Amen."

If there is anything that I can do right now, I know it's to pray...My heart is truly with all of you.