This page contain private pics of my bands I've been privileged to played with during the years. The list of names could be wrong or not complete, if that's the case please mail me and I´ll correct. FBTSören Cederberg Lead Guitar & Vocals FeedbackSören live at Bärby ungdomsvårdsskola ca 1975 with Feedback. Sören Cederberg Guitar & Vocals CancerAn early Cancer with Jonas Palmquist on drums. Photo taken outside "Musikforum" today "Sten Sture" in Uppsala. Sören Cederberg Lead Guitar & Vocals
Cancer live at Musikforum Uppsala.
Spunk"Poster" Outside Patriks fathers house, were we used o rehearsal Sören Cederberg Lead Guitar & Vocals
Mr JoskinFrom left: Johan, Patrik, Kalle & Sören. (Shot in our rehearsal studio in the early 80´s) Sören Cederberg Lead Guitar & Vocals Z Ståhlfjäder BandSören Cederberg Guitars, Vocals & Programing Badkars
John Svensson Vocals Pandora (mark 1)Sören Cederberg Lead Guitar, Keyboard &
Vocals Pandora (mark 2)From left: Lars, Bo & Sören (Jonas left the band after our single-relase "Morning Rain") Sören Cederberg Lead Guitar & Vocals Pandora (mark 3)Sören Cederberg Lead Guitar & Vocals Pandora (mark 4)Stefan Von Pongrats played the drums for a short time before Henrik tuned in.
Sören Cederberg Lead Guitar & Vocals Pandora (mark 5)Sören Cederberg Lead Guitar & Vocals Pandora (mark 6)Sören Cederberg Lead Guitar & Vocals Pandora (mark 7)Sören Cederberg Lead Guitar & Vocals Pandora (mark 8)Henrik & Lars In Studio 55, during the "Build It Up"-sessions. Sören Cederberg Lead Guitar & Vocals Solid BlueSolid Blue live at Gröna Lund Stockholm.
Hans Fröberg Lead Vocals
Left: Solid Blue(I'm behind the camera)Backstage at "Rackis" Uppsala. Right: Solid Blue at the big stage at Liseberg Göteborg before set.
Lizard EyeLizard Eye at the rehearsal studio 17/4 2001.
Lars Gudmundsson, Lead Vocals/Guitar Incredible BlueIncredible Blue, first pic.
Peter "P.O." Olofsson - Drums Sister Moon
Ola Strandberg - Drums
All photos are from my private album. If there by misstake are some photos, wich I don´t have the rights for, or for any kind of problems or questions regarding this web contact Webspinner.