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Pandora at

Sören Cederberg at

Solid Blue at




A band with roots from the 70´s symphonic area, combined with hard rock a la Deep Purple and also influenced by Jazz and Latin rhythms , formed in the early 80´s in Uppsala, Sweden. Despite several member changes, the band were strong and lasted for more than 10 years, supported by local fans. Pandora were in the 80´s rather lonely playing a kind music no one really listened to, but managed to have several gigs every year in the neighbourhood. Rackis (a famous music pub) in Uppsala gave them much support. They were also busy in the studio making lots of demos.

It all started when sören Cederberg met Henrik Norberg in their early teens. They started a band called Feedback. Sören learned to play the guitar by himself at the age of eleven (later on he'd be playing with several bands , always being a musical leader (except for Solid Blue) writing and promoting. Bands like Feedback, Cancer, Mr. Joskin, Spunk, and so on. Henrik played the drums very musically, following every note. They were always at the same level, involved in music. Another important member were Lars Dahlström who coloured the music with beautiful bass notes.

Sören Cederberg


Left; Henrik Live, Middle; Owe at "Rackis", Right; Henrik & Kalle i Studio55



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All photos are from my private album, except for Solid Blue Vol III cover by Jan Olander.
Sören Cederberg "Solo" - cover by Sören Cederberg, Pandora "Box of steel" - cover by Sören Cederberg.
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Last updated: May 03, 2003.