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My Designs

Here are some of my designs. As they are finished I'll add more. Most of these can be stitched in whatever colors you like or have on hand. They are designed with the idea of using up whatever you have on hand, or adapting them to any color scheme you like.

There are more charts on the Blackwork page.


Click on image for printable chart

This is the Chinese character for Long Life

Butterfly chart
DMC Color Key for Butterfly: backstitch = 310, 0 = 208, 1 = 209, 2 = 210, 3 = 211, + = 327, triangle = 333

DMC Color Key for Bee Band: Purple closest to center= 208,Middle Purple= 210, French Knots, Outer Purple= 211, Center of Flower= 307, Bees= 972, Bees, outline backstitch= 310, backstitched leaves = 319

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