Because You're Down With The Band That They Call...
I AM IN THE PROCESS OF MOVING THIS PAGE TO A DIFFERENT WEBSITE BECAUSE THE CURRENT ONE DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH BANDWIDTH, SO HOLD TIGHT. Welcome to my Sublime site, I continually edit it, so be sure and SIGN THE GUESTBOOK and post suggestions of what you'd like to see on the site. many people have been signing the guestbook and asking for guitar and bass tabs... TMEK's Rocking to Sublime and the tabs page from Sublime Spot
HELP SAVE INTERNET RADIO Most broadcast radio stations suck, they play the same set of about 40 songs over and over, and 30 of those 40 are shit. Some of the few stations that play good music are independent, college, or internet radio stations - Sublime themselves got some of their initial exposure through these media outlets (check out the bootleg "Destroy: live at KUCI"). click HERE to get more info. Check out the petition to get rid of the Federal Communications Commission's new laws on media ownership Earlier this year, the FCC lifted the limits on media ownership, such that a single company like Clear Channel is now able to dominate the market without challenge. Basically, this is a big part of the reason that commercial radio sucks and why bands only play at specific venues when they tour (many venues are owned by clear channel, as are radio stations). To oppose the new media ownership rules, please sign the petition, which will be delivered to Congress to persuade them to overturn the FCC's decision.
You can't really experience Sublime without hearing their music, so hopefully I'll have some songs, or at least clips on here soon. But for now you can download songs from HERE
"'see I chose this profession, so therefore I earn beer... and I'm not lying one fucking bit either' 'we're magicians' 'what kinda music y'all play?' 'the kind that...I dunno' 'ask and you shall see...'"
this page is dedicated to the memory of Brad and the music of Sublime
click on the sun to learn about Brad's tragic death
While watching Behind the Music, I found out that Lou-dog passed away in the fall of 2001 from old age. R.I.P. He is now kicking it in heaven with the man who loved him most, Brad.
some cool websites to check out for other good bands that just so happen to blaze
here are some sites for independent record companies that have some pretty dope music Bong Load Ill Boogie Delicious Vinyl Stones Throw Ubiquity
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