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How-To Article for April

Double-Fast Spins on a Rifle

Here's a quick how-to: (start at top figure and move counter-clockwise, the same way the spin moves.)

First, start at Right flat. Let go with your left hand and use your right hand to rotate the tip of the rifle down, and continue rotating it until the tip is straight up. Grasp with your left hand above your right, thumb up. This is count 1.

Let go with your right and let the rifle 'walk' (or roll) over the back of your left hand, leaving your thumb in contact with the rifle. Turn your right hand so that it is palm up and hitched below your left on the weapon. You should be double-hitched here on count 2, both palms up to the sky.

Let go with the left and drop the butt of the rifle down, continuing to rotate it until the butt of the rifle is straight up. Grab with the left above the right, thumb up...just like count 1 but the weapon is upside-down. This is count 3.

Let go with your right and walk the rifle over the back of your left hand. Double-hitch again, left above right, palms to the sky. This is count 4.

Count 5 is exactly the same as 1; continue the counter-clockwise rotation with the right hand, grabbing with the left when the tip is straight up, thumb up.

Count 6 is the same as count 2, from here you just keep repeating the first 4 counts over and over...UNLESS you want to stop the spins. To complete the spins, you'll need to do so with a flip at the end of count 6. The checkpoint on count 6 is still the same, count 7 is really where it changes, but remember in your mind that six (or 10, 14, etc.) is the number where your prep starts.

From the double-hitch, let go with your top hand (your left) and rotate the rifle as you normally would, but give it some more speed (or whip) and release the rifle completely when it reaches parallel to the ground. Count 7 is in the air.

The rifle continues around to a sharp left flat catch on count 8, rotating 1.25 times from the double-hitch.

Things to keep in mind about these spins:
-When you become comfortable with the spins, try not to walk or roll the rifle over the back of your hand. Keep the tension in your hands loose, or try to spin by only gripping the rifle with your thumb and index fingers.
-Keep your spin smooth! Don't flap your arms or let the center of the rifle move up and down as you spin. Grab right next to your other hand and don't travel along the rifle to keep your center even.
-Shoulders back, head up! Looking at your hands will make it harder. Check your checkpoints at first, then focus on the feel in your hands rather than the visual.
-Remember, faster does not equal better. Smooth, even spins are much more impressive than fast, uncontrolled bursts of spins, which often lead to drops or hand-tangles in the strap!