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UMX Fan Page 2

This is Lauren, she's a good friend of Pete's, she's always looking out for UMX by sending info to us about compilation CDs, getting songs on soundtracks, etc .. She's also one of the coolest dorks you'll ever meet!!

Ok guys, get your hands outta your pants, this is our bitch Star. Star is trying to get her pic in Playboy. There should be more girls like that in the world, am I right?

This was taken at The Downtown in Long Island, where we played Open Mic night. These are some close friends of ours. Left to right: Jason, our buddy Andrew (Froggy), and our old guitar player and current Imperfect guitarist, Scott. Then you have Star, who you see in the pic above this, and you all know Pete, Sean is the one who looks like he's eating Pete's head, and that sexy bitch in Pete's arms is Kate, "That Violin Chick"

This is Imperfect on stage at The Downtown. Imperfect is: Scott (guitar), Sean (Vocals), Donald (drums), Jason (bass)... check out their site,

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