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Lyrics to songs 9-12 on Sing the Sorrow

Songs 9-12 on Sing the Sorrow

This Celluloid Dream
Calling tears from deep inside, oh you're so exquisite. And in the mirror, all midnight eyes. Oh, if I could remain, but it's just a visit. All midnight eye's read "vacancy." Twisted, twisting. To the lovely dancing lights, I begged, "May I cut in?" but they never stopped playing "thieir song." Of a joyous song they sing. I've heard whispers. On a freezing note, I resonate. Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end, just like a memory, it twists me. You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic, onto the melting boy, and melt away. You light as gently, you're so cinematic. Bathed in radience, I melt. In the glitter, in the dark, sunk into velvet praying this will never end. In the shadow of a star, in static pallor, I relized I never began. all the colors upon leavignwill turn to grey.

The Leaving Song
Walked away, heard them say, "Poison hearts will never change. Walk away again." Turned away in disgrace. Felt the chill upon my face cooling from within. It's hard to notice gleaming from the sky when you're staring at the cracks. It's hard to notice what is passing by with eye's lowered. You walked away, heard them say, "Poisoned hearts will never change. Walk away again." All the cracks will lead right to me and all the cracks will crawl right through me, and I fell apart as I walked away, heard them say, "Poisoned hearts will never change." Walked away again. Turned away in disgrace. Felt the chill upon my face cooling from within.

...but home is nowhere
Twenty-six years and seems like I've just begun to understand my intimate is no one. When the director sold the show, who bought its last rites? They cut the cast, the music, and the lights. This is my line. This is eternal. How did I ever end up here? Discarnate. Preternatural. My prayers to dissappear, ungranted in remain alone. Twenty-sis years end. Still speaking in these tongues. Such revelations while understood by no one. When the new actor stole the show, who questioned his grace? Please clear the hous of illacquired taste. Give me somthing. Give me something. Give me something real. I lay strewn across the floor, can't solve this puzzle. Everyday another small piece can't be found. I lay strewn across the floor pieced up in sorrow. the pieces are lost these pieces don't fit. Pieced together incomplete and empty.

