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August 7th

Well a lot of you saw this coming, but we've broken up. It was a really fun year of us being together. Thanks for all the support from everyone, and thanks to all the bands we've played with over the year. Erik Shookman - guitar, Luke Liescheidt - guitar and vocals, Brian Cioni - bass, and Keith Clark - Drums Made up Fallopia, and we'd all like to thank you all for listening and watching us play. This is the end.

July 11th

Yea this is the first post in a while. Just to let you all know, we aren't breaking up or anything. Today we practiced and it went alright. We'd like to plan a show before the end of summer, so that will hopefully happen.

June 23rd

First update in over a month. We practiced today for the first time in a long while. And it wil be another two weeks atleast until we can all play together again. Practice went well.

May 17th

We didn't get to play last night, because Erik was down with a sickness. He thinks it is the flu or food-poisoning or something of the sort. But there is to be a show the 28th, at Derek Guldans house. Its not final yet. Declaim wants to play. So we'll see what happens.

May 9th

Looks like we'll be playing Sunday the 16th at the EP Legion. We'll be playing with uncle bob drives a combine, declaim, follow the blind, god bless abbey, and lookin for a bigger couch. so check it out.

May 6th

Finally a practice. For the first time since about mid March we were able to practice. We've played two shows without a real practice. And we didn't even have Brian for the practice yesterday because he had to work. So i'm still looking forward to a full band practice. A new song should be complete soon. We have had an offer (i think) from Brenton Gregory about maybe letting us play a couple of songs at his show on the 16th. So i'll post back on here about that later.

April 19th

Show last saturday was kinda fun. We need some more shows. Took down the shoutbox. So the message board is all that is left.

April 3rd

Wow, I should have said the band broke up on here 2 days ago, but I didn't think about it. April Fool's I would have said. Would have been a blast. But anyway, Fallopia has a show Saturday April 17th at the Creve Couer Community Center. I'll get a map up here soon. Its with Four Perceptions, Noxious, My Valentine Tragedy, and maybe Carosel. so check back for a map.

March 27th

Show was great fun. I think we played pretty well. Vocals were quiet when up all the way because of some technical issues regarding the PA. But the vocals were good for the other bands. And all the band were greats. The One Inch Punch amazed all. The best band we've ever played with. They were cool to come here on the tour of the midwest. Pics should be up soon, around 50 pics. Thanks for coming if you came, and you should have come if you didn't.

March 26th

SHOW TOMORROW. washington legion hall behind Cefcu on route 24. between washington and sunnyland. 5 Dollars at the door. 4 bands. Fallopia, My Valentine Tragedy, Nanook, and The One Inch Punch from Missouri. starts at 7 o'clock so don't be late.

March 20th

Band has been on the downlow for a short time.. but we're back. Don't forget the show on saturday the 27th, Fallopia, My Valentine Tragedy, Nanook, and all the way from Columbus Ohio-THE ONE INCH PUNCH. 7 O'cock be there. $5

March 8th

COME SEE CAIO PERFORM WITH FALLOPIA. At the Mr. Panther pageant, Fallopia is playing some brasilian rap by Planet Hemp, for Caio to rap to. Caio WILL BE Mr. Panter. Also, a new show is to be played at the Washington Legion by Cefcu on March 27th at 7 P.M. Entry is $5. So bring all you friends to see: Fallopia, My Valentine Tragedy, Nanook, and all the way from Columbus Ohio-THE ONE INCH PUNCH.

February 21st

Buttons came, get all four desings while they last. SHOW IS NOT HAPPENING SO DON'T GO. This sundays's show was cancelled because the club's sound guy could not make it out. So make sure you don't go expecting to play.

February 17th

I got a call today from the show promoter and he said that the date may not be final because of a change in position of someone who does something or something. I din't completely understand. but he just told me not to be too surprised if the date changes. So keep it in your plans to go to the show but check back here before you leave.

February 9th

The demo has been selling nicely, we quickly sold out of all the cds we had bought, so we need to restock, and copy more CD's. I put on a demo sampler which has parts of all the songs from the demo on it. So take a listen and then buy a demo.

January 30th

Well, obviously not too much going on around here. We are starting some new songs. Hopefully we'll have a show soon after we finish them. Buttons still haven't come after more than a month, this is because they were sent to a band called Flojo instead of us. ha. So they should be coming soon.

January 21st

I'm not one to start or prolong fueds amongst my friends, so sorry on my part for being an ass and saying we would be selling demos at the show this Friday, I guess some members of the playing bands beleive that our selling of demos would maybe take away from their income and that would be bad for them I suppose. So, despite countless requests to sell our demos at the show this friday, they will not be sold. So sorry.


That's right, the demo is done. There are four songs on it - Boredom in the Key of E Minor, Smashing Your Face Through an Expensive Painting, Autopsy of a Collapse, and Dorothy is a Failure. Excellent quality, 3 dollars, get them while their hot. Probably out of each members lockers at school, and at any upcoming shows from now on.

January 13th

We got invited to a battle of the bands in galesburg. Here's the info. We pay 25 bucks and get 100 tickets to sell for round 1. It is in Galesburg. And the more tickets we sell, the better spot we have at the round one show. There are a bunch of shows i think. Consisting of 8 bands a show, and up to four can win. So from you Fallopia fans, I need you to tell me if you would buy tickets for 5 bucks and make the drive to the round one show which I don't know when it is.

January 7th

Yay for January. O so cold temperatures are o so fun. We hopefully are still playing that show on the 17th. We will hopefully also have the demos done by then. If not, we will try to sell them on the 23rd and that show in Washington. The show on the 17th will be with triprod, burning love letters, justify the means, absolute zero, nonymous, bloodroot, and no security to name a few. So we really hope to get on this bill because of the huge possible exposer. Thanks to Zach Taylor if he succeeds on getting us to play. Buttons are in the mail to my home, and should be here by friday or saturday, so just let me know if you want to see the new desings and how many you want for 50 cents a piece.

December 30th

We got a good start on the demo. Very excellent quality, one song is almost done. We do need to hurry up a little though to be ready for the hopeful show on the 17th with BLL. I added a shoutbox, so go write things in it.

December 19th

I got asked about about a show today. Seems as though someone we don't really know is putting together a show on January 17th at the Washington Legion. We have no clue what bands are going to play or even if we'll be able to play, but with the possibility I am ordereing some buttons with a new design.

Design For Us!
Thats right, make a button or shirt or sticker design that says Fallopia on it somewhere. Make it neato loooking and email it to LukeLiescheidt@hotmail.com I will put all entry's in the merch section of the site. I hope to see some nice looking designs.

December 19th

We held a nice practice today. We planned on recording all of our songs for Paulo Barros because he will sadly be leaving our beloved America very shortly. So hopefully at tomorows practice Keith will remember to bring extra mics so we can record. Then we will start the demo. Leave some posts on if you want a demo.

December 14th

O man, I was getting on the site to check everything out, and I checked the counter and I saw the chart of hits and it was like hugemongous.


WOW. Show was really amazing tonight. All the bands were great. Turn out was amazing. Penisness was down a lot from the last show. I saw zero penises, although I have heard news of two ?accidental? penis showings. But anyway, Paulo's going away extravaganza was amazing in all its glory. Thanks to every one of the 150+ people who came, and to all the people who spent like almost 50 dollars just on Fallopia buttons and stickers.

December 8th

PA FOUND The PA we are using is owned by the band of paul gottshall, and he is allowing us to use it for 50 dollars. Combining it with my PA as monitors we should rock out. REMEMBER, this saturday is the big paulo going away show. 7 oclock washington legion by cefcu on legion road. Come

December 6th

Practiced today. Very good. Show is going to give orgasms to the ladies. ha. new song is coming along scarishly slow. But hopefully we have it good enough to kinda play. But everybody come to the show on the 13th.

November 29th

Best practice in a long time. Very very productive and zero arguing. Show is gonna be awesome. To add to the glory, the bottons came today. They will be for sale at the show December 13th at the Washington Legion Hall two for a dollar (2 buttons;; 1 button, 1 sticker;; 2 stickers...)

November 25th

I know we dont have a nice flashy site, or wonderful t-shirts (although we do have buttons and sticker 2 for a dollar lol) but we do have so listenable music. If you still support Fallopia use this icon..

November 24th

Kind of a bad practice. Keith broke his cymbal stand in half, and Luke kinda blew his amp again. We also argued a little. It was pretty productive though. haha

November 19th

Buttons are on their way. Luke and Erik had a 2 person practice today. We worked out the new song a little bit. It should be pretty sweet. Demo will be recorded hopefully sometime before December 13th.

November 14th

We had a practice today, tried to start on the demo but had to cut practice short. Buttons have been ordered, the artwork is a (surprise). 50c a button or maybe we might go for a two for a dollar deal if we're feeling nice. But yea, so far we have planned: Buttons, Shirts, Stickers and Demo's for sale at the show December 13th. NOBODY MISS THIS SHOW.

November 9th

Hey all, it seems as though we may be throwing out Past These Walls. Or just not practicing it. We haven't played it since the show. Phone book song should take its place, and Erik has a new one coming out that I haven't heard yet. Demo is still being worked on. So rock on Washington.

November 7th

We recorded all the instrument parts yesterday for Smashing your face for the demo. I'll get right on the vocals. This is what the demo cover will be.

November 3rd

Al Vegonias. We practiced today. It went well. Finished a new song in just five minutes. It is called "The Phone Book Song," for it, i will need a phone book. The lyrics will soon be memorized, you will be amazed at this new tune consisting of the name Al Vegonias being repeated along with his phone number. I think all the bands have make their downpayments for the rental. Atleast Fallopia and Astray and Screaming with Knives. I haven't talk to Terrible Palsy lately. We got some pics back from an acoustic jam session at Liz's house in Metamora a few weeks back, so check them out.

November 1st

We practiced today. It went well. The next show is becoming more and more final. December 13th, Washington Legion, prolly about 7 oclock, 3 dollars. - don't even complain about paying.

October 30

Softer side of Fallopia? Yes, if you are intersted in the softer side of Fallopia visit the downloads section now. We were having a practice, but erik broke a string and keith had to leave. So it was time for an acoustic session. So we recorded Autopsy of a Collapse, which is pretty mellow. So go download it now. Also, there is a show coming up December 13th. Tadd wants to play on the 22nd of November also, but we don't really want to spend the money and play with the same bands thrice in a row. But watch out, cause the 13th of December will be a huge going away show for Paulo! Be there.

October 28th

Now that the preperations for the show, and the show are over.. we will begin recording a demo. Four songs, or however many we decide to do before we quit (which ever comes first). Demo will probably be
1. Dorthy is a Failure
2. Boredom in the Key of E Minor
3. Smashing Your Face Through an Expensive Painting
4. Autopsy of a Collapse.
And if anyone has pictures from the show, let us now in the message board. Supposedly, some random man named "Dan" has pictures from the show. So if your name is "Dan" check to make sure you don't have any pictures.

October 25th

Show is finally over. People keep telling us we did great, but we know that we did very poorly. The other bands were all great. And Derek's dad was real cool for letting us all over. My hopes for a hundred people were well exceeded. I was so surprised. Every few minutes it would seem like there were 50 more people. There were WAYYYY to many penises though. So that was dumb. But all in all, it was a really fun time. Thanks to everyone for coming. And there are new pictures from the show.

October 25th

TODAY is the big day. This day will forever be known as the first in a long line of Fallopia shows. I hope atleast a hundred people come. We will be selling stickers two for a dollar, and hopefully someone can bring drinks to drink. But anyway come everyone!

October 24th

TOMOROW. We are so excited. Terrible Palsy, Fallopia, Screaming with Knives, and Astray. In that order. Derek Guldan's house on Oak Leaf Lane. Please scroll down for map. Or click here for directions. We had our last practice today and it was great. We sounded amazing, and even though i'm getting a cold, I should still be able to sing tomorow. So everybody come and support your local upcoming bands.

October 21st

Things are getting down to the wire for our first show. First shows aren't expected to be great, but we don't want to suck, so we're trying to get everything right in our last song, and get the others down perfect. We had a practice yesterday that kinda sucked, but we got a little further on the last song called "Dorthy is a Dumb Whore" or something. 4 MORE DAYS

October 15th

IM VERY MAD TODAY. I went to the post office to pick up my new wireless network that i've been waiting on for a long time and it doesn't work! So then... Fallopia has a practice, and Luke's amp blows. Damnit!!!!!!!! If anyone has an amp I can use for the show, it would be appriciated, or if i could have one I would be even happier.

October 13th

Hey everybody. The new song is up on mp3.com at www.mp3.com/fallopia so if it didn't work for you on this site, you should go there to download it. Because it will work. Thanks FOR THE SHOW, DIRECTIONS TO DEREK'S CAN EASILY BE FOUND HERE BY SIMPLY TYPING IN YOUR ADDRESS!

October 9th

Not much going on. Had a nice long practice yesterday. Got the second to last song complete and the last song almost done.

Cocktober 8th

For some reason, the old message board was just down for the last couple of days, so I checked on it, and it was back up. So its BACK EVERYONE!! so go say things in it.

October 6th

Show planning is definitely going really well. We've got a ton of flyers handed out, and it seems as though each band is handing out flyers of their own. This show should be huge. But anyway, I put on a new message board which will probably take a while to start off again. Especially since you have to get a username to do it which irritates me. But anyway, its a little nicer, so be the first to sign it.

October 5th

The show has moved to Derek Guldan's house. On Oak Leaf Lane which is off Spring Creek road. here is a map.

Date-Saturday October 25th

October 5th

We had an amazing two hour practice that was very loud and impressive. Paulo took some pictures and then possibly ruined the film. haha. We were going to re-record "Smashing," but decided not to. Instead we saw "School of Rock" which was very funny indeed. We are planning a SHOW soon. Many possible bands. Fallopia, Screaming with Knives?, Astray?, Terrible Palsy?, more?? We're thinking of renting the Washington Township Building for the show. Should be cool. Possible date is Saturday 25th.

New Song Recorded
September 30th
Hey Folks. We practiced today and with five minutes remaining before everyone had to go to soccer we recorded a new song. So I followed my new brilliant idea of throwing a mic in the middle of practice. It turned out pretty good actually. So go check it out.

September 27th

Last night was the big show with Declaim and BurningLoveLetters. Those guys are so awesome, and it would be so awesome to play with them someday.

September 23rd

I was very surprised to see a Fallopia t-shirt at school today. This is awesome because we haven't had shirts made yet, so this person was cool enough to make it himself.

September 17th

It's been awhile since i've done anything here, so I changed around the color sceme and posted a little comment here like I do sometimes. We haven't been up to much lately. We've all had colds so we haven't practiced since last friday, but we're looking forward to this Friday when we hope to play.

Septober 6st

Whats up everybody? We're is practicing as much as we can to get ready for our show which we hope will go down as planned. I will definitely be posting any info on the show as I receive it.

August 31st

Well everyone, I made a new icon... It is haunted.... I swear, use this at your own risk.... its really weird.... I am not responsible for anything this icon may do.... after that disclaimer, here is the icon.

August 29th

Well, we didn't find out the details about the show tonight, but Burke says he might hook us up with a show, so thats two shows we aren't ready to play. But hey we got some pictures from a practic that you can look at by click the "Pictures!!" button on the menu to your left.

August 27th

DID SOMEONE SAY SHOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??........ maybe. Yes Fallopia has a possible upcoming show. It will be in October, so we really need to get working at practices to make this a great first show. That is.. if the show happens. So I will keep you posted on whether or not we get a show.

August 23rd

The stickers came!

August 20th

Well, today was fun, but also the last day of summer, which sucks a lot. What also sucks is the fact that all of our equipment is over at Keith's house, and we can never play there because his parents are always home, and we cant play at my house very well becuase my drum set sucks too much for Keith to play, I feel o so trapped. I want to practice everyday but unfortunately no one in the band shares my same feelings. Stickers should come tomorow just in time for the band break up.

August 17th

Well, our all day practice turned into a two day all day practice with kicked a lot of ass. I hauled all my stuff into Keith's little basement and its still over there. We got an incredible amount of work done and even got some pictures if they turn out. The sticers printed and should be at my house in a few days, so you're all in for a treat.

August 15th

I got the mixer via UPS today. Its awesomely loud and totally kickass. Just in time for the huge all day practice at Keith's house tomorow. Gonna be great.

August 11th

Well I bought yet another piece of band equipment. A new mixer for the PA system. I'm gonna sell the old one, so if your looking for a powered mixer email me at LukeLiescheidt@hotmail.com The band is together once again after Erik's absense and we are stronger than ever. As soon as we finish a few more songs, we will probably start playing our first shows. Here is another AIM Icon for you all.

August 8th

Last night, we recorded Keith into the song "Boredom in the Key of E Minor" so as soon as I put down some vocals it will be on the site. So look out for it.

August 7th

Today is the one month anniversary of the counter at the bottom of the page, and it just reached one thousand today. So thanks Fallopia fans.

August 4th

Keith finally brought his drums over, and we tried to get it right for a few hours, but failed. Then my soundcard broke and Keith had to leave. So I put in a new sound card and we should be in business for tomorow.

August 3rd

Keith was going to come over today, but he failed to do so. So recording is further yet put on hold. I have however, in my state of bore, made a wallpaper for your desktop! My appologies to those of whom I copied this idea from. So right click this image and select set as background DO THIS.

August 1st

Demo is still on hold because of the absense of Erik. Although we will go ahead and get keith's drums in Sunday, you should all come and watch. I will let you know as soon as we finish the first demo song and put it on mp3.com for your download.

July 27th

Well we started recording the demo, and then Erik decides to go to Canada, so it will be put on hold for a few-12 days. I got a new message board so you can test it out.

July 25th again

Folks, the message board is down for the time being. And I better not get any shit from anyone for not switching, but if it doesn't come back in a few days i'll switch to your forum.

July 25th

Hey, Today we are gonna start recording the demo and put the songs available for download on this site and mp3.com so you should all get a sign in name on mp3.com so you can get the song without going through the stupid fill in thing everytime. So expect to see more songs and a buyable demo cd soon.

July 22nd

Hey all, Fallopia is finally on the Peoria Shows site. Band is going good, we're working on getting our 3rd and 4th songs done, then we will hopefully record them and put out a demo soon. So check back often and i'll have you posted on when it will be available.

July 18th

Whats happenin people. The show was awesome last night, not that we played or anything, but the bands were good. The sticker order got f**ked up a lot so i had to call the sticker company to straiten it out. It seems as though the order came out to like 750 stickers instead of 250, but it should be all good now. Everyone should come to the show tonight, to see Declaim and the other bands playing at the legion.

July 12th

Song has been downloaded a lot, but not as much input as I expected in the Message Board. We bought 250 STICKERS, SAYING FALLOPIA. We will sell them for 1 dollar when we start playing shows, or you can bring me a dollar and i'll give you a sticker. So leave some input on the song or what you'd like to see on the site.

July 6th

Hey, its been a while since I've added anything new here. As if anyone really cares. Well Keith is correct, we recorded the first song, and I will be placing it on the site for download tonight.

June 28th

Got the PA SYSTEM! and ordered a new amplifier. This is officially the most money i have ever spent in a week, but its for a good cause. System is nice and LOUD!!!!

June 22nd

We played at Keith's house today. Keith would like everyone to know that he bought a double bass pedal today, which will be sweet. We got a large amount done again today at Keith's which seems to happen everytime we're at his house. I discovered that there is a Peoria battle o' the bands in July, but we don't have much of a song library yet. We're working on completed our 2nd, 3rd, and 4th masterpieces at the moment.

June 21st

Last night we went to the legion but failed to pay the 6 bucks to enter because Declaim had already played. So we chilled in the parking lot. Fun times actually. Mooned Wendy's, peed on cars, ate at Wendy's. Then today, bought a PA system for the band. Should be pretty sweet.

June 12th

I worked all night making a cool little flash application where you put together the song "Ticks and Leeches" by typing numbers. Its fun, try it. But only recomended for broadband cause its pretty huge. Later

June 11th

We practiced at Keith's house and got a lot done. In fact out of all the practices I've been to, we got about twice as much done today that all combined. got any questions or comments just send them to the "chat box". Later

June 9th

I made the flash intro to the site, which I am quite proud of. It shows off the crude recording we made. Sadly, my flash software will expire in one day, so if anyone has a crack to any flash software let me (Luke) know. I just want everyone to know that I did not sleep last night and I am reallly tired. Leave your input of the song in the chat box section of the site.

June 8th.

We got together at my (Luke) house to play some music, got one song almost done, started working on lyrics but got no where before Brian had to leave. I recorded keith and erik playing the first song we have almost done and it turned out OK.

Site design by Luke Liescheidt