
Ok so Kricket is still doing time up in Jersey but he will be on his way down july 24. We are gonna to recored a 3 to 6 songs, but most of all to see MetallicA!!!!!!!! ok stone on.

As of 6/15/03
so new news hmm lets see we are still awaiting krickets return to his homeland finding ways to make money is a big thing right now nick is saving up for a new double bass pedal and dag is lookin for a a mic and krickets just wants to try out a shit load of new riffs the demo is still as planned once we know the names of the songs on the demo we will be sure to let you know stone on

so kricket has gone back up to jersey we are now adding to the infection with a new rythem guitarist music and writein are almost done i have a feeling we will a few songs done by the the end of october stone on 8/25/03
KRickets side band MORBID is broken up Kicket is now in talks withanother local band to start up stone on

Kricket here sorry nothiings been posted for awhile ,but we've all been keeping ourselfs extreamly busy. Everyone down in texas has been working really hard as far as writing an developing i myself have been writing riffs and playin with a few guys i know up here july 15th i will be down in texas and we got a little less then 3 weeks to come up with a few songs but im sure we can do it and hopefully get an audio sample up in running stone on

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