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:: om ::

the official site for the Central Ohio metal electronic rock band om - nick bain

** YOU ARE BEING REDIRECTED TO THE OM HOME PAGE ** email me with questions and comments



New site is live. Please go to This angelfire page will remain to light the path.

The new album is called "Shirah" - release date is December 1, 2005. Price is 5.00, shipping is free anywhere in the USA, order from and pay through PayPal.



We will be moving to a "real" web address in the near future. Nothing is up or running yet, but the address will be The intention is for the aesthetic to tie in with the album, so I may wait to let the cat out of the bag all at once.

This site will remain as a beacon for any old links lingering out there for the purpose of redirection.

Some snags along the way have held up the album getting finished. There are some vocals that need to be completed, it is otherwise at the mixing stage right now, and painfully so at that. Lack of high quality recording equipment and money is a problem (for everyone I realize) that is rearing an ugly head and casting an even uglier shadow over things.

Right now feels like the 2nd Death Star. Almost ready.



Lyrics for the new song "He Struggles With God" right now hosted on other web sites (purevolume):

Earthbound by gravity. Earth: bound for entropy.

Earthbound, and never free. Earth: bound to destiny.

(But we’ll) climb Highest heights from lowest darkness Transcend…

Earthbound and endlessly. Earth, bound in slavery.

(But we’ll) climb Highest heights from lowest darkness Transcend The longest nights with vigils of consciousness Transform The lowest darkness to highest heights And Become…

On the bank of the river of blood and styx - at sunset the duel begins. I defy you, angel. And with morning’s first light, be my wounds wings and your defeat salvation. In demanding to know your name I hear it sounds much like my own.

Now, stand up boy, as legends, on shoulders of the giants of old. Rising on wings of flames, riding the waves of the heat of the end. Shining blindingly, revealing the inner star. Turning my gaze I behold the likeness of a man.



The first ever om products are available at cafepress.

There will be a new song posted on-line in the near future. Recording is still progressing, painstakingly. It's feeling complete at one CD now. That should just mean less than 5 more years for more new material. Not wasting time musically with fruitless other projects will help that as well.




a new look is in order, nice and simple single page reading. Thanks to Joe Sutphin for another amazing logo, which you see adorning the top of the page. I'll keep the old news on for nostalgia. An entirely new site will be done to coincide with the album (and again, outside of angelfire so we don't have to tolerate these pop up ads - oh wait I'm about to get a new ipod...). I'm up in the air as to whether this will be 2 CDs or not, because I want to be able to afford something and have the quality there as well. New tracks are spawning out of the ashes of the obsolete. There is right now one under 5 minutes and several exceeding the 10 minute boundary. If you get bored easily, probably don't bother with this one, find something else to listen to on the radio or MTV or in "the scene" or whatever other orifice spews out "music" by the load to popular culture these days.

There is hope however, mark my words lest there be no use in evolution - there will come a day in the future of humanity when the only things that are left to exist, in art, religion, science, and all creative endeavors will be all of and only our best. The chaff will burn away when we (and I'm saying we meaning humanity - yes, everyone) outgrow it and even the last hillbilly in some back woods town is tired of being fed the poison of the fleeting and the temporary and finds something stirring inside themselves, begging to be released and to awake. In that time even the spark in the densest rock will glow with the light of this desire.

And speaking of dramatic conclusions, did I ever mention that my time in the band I was in, Words To Wishes, ended? I just kind of assumed anyone who read this would already know, but if not now you are in the know. I read through these old news updates and seemed to neglect that tidbit. Om is my soul [sic] musical venture/pursuit/outlet. There you have it. I will not be embarking on/in any other projects or bands again. As I have said, I don't seem to "play well with others" in a collective band setting.

TODAY'S LINK = The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors



Recording is progressing. Some minor setbacks as some previous songs that were in the running for the album have been deemed irrelevant after looking at where this is going overall. While the songs are not all going to sound the same, I am striving for continuity and trying to be honest about what's actually good and what's just being kept for the sake of past effort. Basically, if it fills 2 CDs, it fills 2 CDs, but I'm not going to force it just for the sake of it if a single CD of my best is what is called for.

I can now say I am for sure going to attempt a live show. I have several people in mind, and would like to add unfamiliar faces to the mix as well to increase the potential.

The goal is still to have at least finished tracking by summertime, with ideally a finished product in July.

"...then we will be a step closer to home..."



There are approximately 12 songs in the works for this next album. All are in various stages of development. More possibilities as well. The original vision was for this to be a legit 2 CD album. It's shaping up to be in line with the vision. I would like to have a limited pressing so it's an actual album (100 to 500 range), though I don't know how it will be financed yet. These copies will be for sale, but burns and downloads will be encouraged.

If you enjoyed "in vitro" you will enjoy this as well, though it will feel quite different. I'm not in the same place I was 5 years ago, thankfully.

It is highly probable that a live band will be assembled to perform the songs after everything is established. I will be looking into having several options for each instrument, i.e. for the purpose of backups and what not for live dates if people back out or can't make it. Thanks to everyone who has already voiced support and interest in this. I will not be able to do it without you and you are appreciated.

I have no idea if any old songs will be played live at this point. It could be fun, but if I try it and it's not good, it will cease.

Bridges shall be crossed. Bridges shall be burned.



I am still here.

Recording has officially begun for a new album.


I can't see it filling up less than 2 CD (which was the vision since this has been brewing in my mind over the last few years).

I am not involved in any other musical ventures now, so this will be my only outlet and thus will get more attention.



To start, I have begun work on an independant graphic design company. What this will mean for om is that I am going to start hosting an actual web site off of the design site in the near future. So no more angelfire, because it's terrible anyway.

Next, with the demise of, I was left with nowhere to get people to hear this music. I searched and searched among the myriad sites that have emerged in the wake trying to be the "next" I found one I like just because the streaming function is very nicely constructed at Hit the music section here to go there and take a listen.

there are new om tracks, I swear, I just have no time to put them together right now.




so here goes nothing. First off, welcome, and thanks for caring. This band, if you can call it that since it's just me, is about one of the most obscure things around, so believe me your support and interest really means a lot, especially considering the fact that om has received about zero promotion. If you didn't know, om is my I guess "side" or "solo" project and thus has no forseeable end, just lots of time in between. Take a moment to visit my links to check out my "main" project for the moment as singer for Words To Wishes.


[begin transmission]



In Vitro - recorded 1999-2000

at this point, the only merch that exists is the single "official" om recording called "in vitro" - I hope to get some stickers and/or shirts as well, however I think I'm due for some new music before I worry about the frills...

the only price you'll pay for this album is the time it takes to drop me a line and tell me you want it. A bit of feedback would be nice as well, but I've never charged anything for this one, and I don't plan on starting unless I can't afford to give it away. If you're in my immediate area, materials (i.e. a CDR and some paper if you want the artwork) would be nice and expedite your "order." I'll need your name and address and desire as a minimum.

2.deep in the shadow
3.where you left me
5.the wait
8.on an edge pieces

"in vitro" © searchforpeace music, 2000
