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Mohawks How To:

Spiked Hawk

Step 1: Straightening

There is nothing uglier than a curly piece of crap on your head, unfortunately, many people including myself have curly hair, so you'll need to straighten it. There are two methods: firstly, blow-dry, or flat iron.
When your hair is wet use a comb to pull your hair straight, then apply lots of blow-drying. This process could take about 20 minutes, but it makes life much easier afterwards. It's okay to move around while you do this, you don't need to stay on the same section until it's perfect.
flat iron

The flat iron is the more practical way, to approach this. Just buy a simple flat iron from any store that has beauty supplies, it should cost between $10 and $15. All you have to do with this method, is seperate a section of your hair, close the flat iron on the base of the section, and slowly pull the flat iron to the end of the sectioned hair. Just repeat this step as many times as necesary until section by section, all your hair is straight. :CAUTION: Don't leave the flat iron on your hair in one spot for too long if you plan on keeping this mohawk for a while, because the heat will FRY your hair.
Step 2: Dividing

Some people try to spike their hair free hand, this is a mistake and will leave you wth uneven spikes. The key to perfect mohawks is sectioning off each spike prior to actually using products. Each spike you want should be held in a hair tie of some sort, just wait to be stood up. The best way to ensure these are straight and equal is by firtsly pulling your entire hawk back in a ponytail. From here you'll need a hard comb. Find a satisfying width for your first spike, and draw a horizontal line through your hair. This will pull away all the hair you need for your first spike. Get yourself a rubber band or something to hold all that hair together while you go on to the next spike. A good number of spikes to have is between 6 and 8. That may differ for you depending on how thick/thin your hair is. When you complete sectioning off all the spikes you wish to have, move on to step 3
Step 3: Apply sticky stuff

Now you are ready to put the sticky stuff in your hair. Some available products include: Rave hairspray (4 or above), Elmers glue (clear preferably so there aren't white chunks in your hawk), knox gelatin, egg whites, or use your imagination. I have used all of those except the gelatin. I hear it holds the best but never got my hands on any. I wasn't really a fan of egg whites or glue, they didn't get my mohawk straight like some good ol' hairspray. To begin, unleash your first spike from the rubber band/hair tie thing. Hold it straight up, kinda hard. Douse that thing with hairspray/glue/gelatin/eggwhites. Next, pull out that hard comb and brush your hair up a few times. This allows your sticky substance to infiltrate the innermost parts of the spike. Pay special attention to teh base. If you go skimpy on the base your spike may just fall over like Bob Dole without his meds. After this you want to pull out that blowdrier. Holding your spike at the tip, and pulling up hard, blow that baby all over. Hit behind the spike, the base, the shaft you know. Play it by ear to see how long you need to blowdry, but if you do it long enough your hair should stand tall and free. Now just repeat the process for every spike you have. It is quite helpful if you have more than one mirror to do this with so you can actually see the back when you get there.
Step 4: Conclusions

This process takes some people 15 minutes, it took me up to an hour, but most folks get to skip the straightening part. ::DISCLAIMER:: Your hair will not look perfect the first time you do this! It will not be straight, it will fall down easily, especially considering everyone wants to touch anything phallic. Don't get pist or give up. The more you do it the better it'll get. It probobly took me a few weeks to perfect it, but after about 5 days your should looks fairly presentable adn picture worthy.
Send any comments or questions to Methanebomb@hotmail.com