Past Updates

August 10th

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Paige has a girlfriend. My heart just cracked. I was in lust with him!!! DAMMIT!! HE FATHERED MY WAFFLE IRON! Now what am I gonna tell her? 'Honey, Daddy has a new girlfriend now. He's too good for a waffle iron like you' *gasp!**cries*

I am no longer his Erotic Doll... Ami


WOWWZAS! I have been working really hard on my site! I added new stuff and got rid of dumb stuff. In the Other junk section I have polls, so go there!! Hope you like it even better now

Kiss the future (as said by Jay's shirt ~~Ami

July 31st 2001

I was looking at pictures of Paige, and my lamp hit me in the head... errr...ummm... IT DID!!! DAMMIT! Im not crazy... OK, I am but its not my fault. My doctor dropped me on my head, my mom dropped me on the head, my dad dropped me on the head, I ate paint chips (once I ate a thumbtack, that shit hurts!) So anyways.. the lamp has a bad ass attitude. I punched it and I broke my knuckle on my middle finger, now when Im pissed off I have to flip people the pinky (real scary). Im going to kill the fucking lamp. I am!!! DAMMIT!! it hit me again. SHIT FUCK DAMN! Where's Gerrold and Super Ryan when you need them? OK, so I didn't really hit the lamp, but the rest is true!!! I am addicted to my bootleg Orgy video! I watch it twice every night before sleepiness... :) Perhaps I am a bit weird.. Oh, on the video, Jay forgets the words to Chasing Sirens and he looks at Paige and they both laugh. Its funny. I can't help but giggle.

Kiss the future!!and love peace Paige~~Ami

July 28th 2001

Hey. I just added a fan fiction section! You can add your fiction to my section by sending it in. Don't worry, I will give you the props for it. O!! I sent a letter to Paige. I don't know if it wil actually get to him though, but one can always hope (and pray) I love Paige!! He is just so damn adorable. I also found my bootleg copy of their concert on March 5th in Pittsburgh. I watched it 12 times in a row (no shitting)I kept on rewinding to parts where Paige acted really cute. I so wnt to just kiss him and hug him and treat him like the god he is. I would never cheat on him either.I would pamper him, and feed his every need. I just.. LOVE him. :)

Kiss the Future!! ~~~~Ami

July 26th 2001

DAMMIT!!! I can't find my Orgy video. Im going to write a leter to Ryan. I am trying to write a letter to Paige right now..He is my favorite (everyone knows it too)Anyways, Im going to add new sections soon. PEACE

kiss the future (as said by Jay's shirt) ~~~AMI


The Underground