
September 12th Y2K1

I know this is a site about Orgy, but I feel it is neccesary to express my deepest condolences to everyone who has lost someone in the biggest American tragedy since Pearl Harbor. I would also like to send my prayers to those who were lost in this terrible situation. I pray to God that if we go to war that it will end soon so less people will lose their lives. Thank you.

with deepest compassion ~~~ Ami

September 10th Y2K1

Hi. My videos actually work now. So you can watch all 3 videos. Enjoy. I also have new fantasies, new quotes and other new stuff in the stuff pertaining to the band section. I added the site to servers so Im hoping Ill get more traffic soon.I retired te carrot. have a pic of the band now. so enjoy it. For now, you can help by telling your friends about my site. Well, later. I love you all!!


September 4th

I know it seems like I havent updated in forever, but I have, just havent wrote it down. Anyways... Happy new monthness. My Labor Day sucked. I caught the flu bug and died. *gasp* anyways. I gott go to sleep.
