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The Band


About Shane
About Aaron
About Jon
About Sarah
About Will

Thank you for visiting the Zyon website! You're either a fan of Zyon, or you're wondering who they are. Well, Zyon consists of five band members. (Their names are listed above.) I'll give you a little bio about them: There's The Smart One (Shane), The Don't-mess-with-me One(Aaron aka Bill), The Practical Joker (Jon), The Spunky One (Sarah <-- That's me!) and there's Will, who's pretty much your average guy. I don't remember how we started our band. We were all at an Acquire The Fire (ATF) event (there were some good bands there) and we were eating lunch when one of us said, "Let's start a band!" So we did. We went through a lot of names... Can you believe we almost called our band "Basket of Figs"?... and we decided on "Zyon". Right now we're working on an album called "Choose One" and we're all really excited. The guys wrote the songs, and I corrected the spelling. :) We are (like all new bands) hoping to make it big, but hey! You never know.
