Up, Up and Away~!

Joey=Man In Tights?
::Laughs:: Naw, too easy...

Have you ever noticed how Joey has this strong, frightening fetish with the Man of Steel??? Now Joey=Man of Steel is a little hard to believe but what I would and do believe is Joey=Man in Tights. I mean he's really into this Superman thing, so what is his subconscious trying to tell us? Well, lets break down the word Superman itself. You have SUPER and MAN. Could it be that Joey wants to be an invincible man...strong and daring? This could be why Joey pops steroids as if they were candy. Perhaps he wants to be buff so he can be "SUPER". Now lets look at the MAN part of the word. This could be telling us that Joey wants a SUPERMAN...a SUPER lover if you will. This could be why he ran to Chris, a SUPER freak. Now lets look at the powers "Superman" processes. Superman can leap a tall building in a single bound...Joey's ideal MAN is sporty and athletic. He is more powerful than a speeding locomotive...When a drug deal goes wrong he wants a MAN who is fast on his feet and strong. Superman can stop bullets with his chest...Joey, begin in the mob, needs a good bodyguard. Superman can also bend steel...Joey wants a MAN who will be able to knock out Chris when Joey finally tells him it's over. Now what about Superman's attire? He wears blue tights with the underwear on the outside...Joey loves to wear women's stocking and underwear...preferably blue. Lets sum this all up...Joey is a gay man stuck in an abusive relationship (Chris is visually abusive) so he pumps iron and pops steroids so 1 he can stand up to Chris and 2 so no one will know he's gay. He dreams of a strong athletic man who will protect him from the other mob bosses and from Chris. When he finally finds this gay wild stallion he'll wear his blue lace stockings and matching underwear. See how much we can learn from just knowing Joey's fave comic book character...it's really amazing.