Havelock North - First Section owners 1860
Following is a list of the first owners of the 74 Sections in the new
town of Havelock in 1860.
Please note: Some of the persons listed owned more than one section and hence
may appear more than once or twice against a section number.
1. M. Campbell
2. A. Hopkins
3. William Gisborne
4. A. Wyatt
5. Taylor & Gardiner
6. M. Campbell
7. M. Campbell
8. R. Skeet
9. A.H. Russell
10. John Alexander Smith
11. T. C. Williams
12. John Alexander Smith
13. A. H. Russell
14. P. Bourke
15. A. P. Stuart
16. A. H. Russell
17. J. N. Wilson
18. A. Wyatt
19. S. Begg
20. W. Reardon
21. A. Kennedy
22. Jean Francon
24. John Alexander Smith
25. A. H. Russell
26. J. R. Perry
28. A. H. Russell
29. J. R. Perry
30. A. H. Russell
31. M. Fitzgerald
32. W. Reardon
33. F. Mould
34. H. Webster
35. J. Fougere
36. A. H. Russell
37. John Alexander Smith
38. J. R. Perry
39. W. Cellum
40. F. Dyett
41. J. Fougere
42. Bishop Abrahams
43. Bishop Abrahams
44. J. Fougere
45. G. Henderson
47. W. Colenso
48. J. McKinnon
49. Bishop Abrahams
50. A. H. Russell
51. W. H. Pilliet
52. Jessie Fitzgerald
54. J. Bray
55. J. Bray
56. T. Blake
57. T. H. Fitzgerald
58. A. H. Russell
59. J. Rowbottom
60. A. H. Russell
61. A. H. Russell
64. A. H. Russell
65. P. Bourke
66. P. Bourke
67. S. Begg
68. J. Bray
69. W. Cellum
70. J. Rowbottom
71. W. E. Yates
72. F. Dyett
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