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Deanna, Guardian of Human Adoptees


Doing the "Hop Hop Hoppy Dance" here, so happy to be with AMOE
4 years and counting. Thank you so much for all of your
hard work MommyAngel! *S*


I will do all I can to keep in touch with my angel.
I will follow the guidelines set forth in the type of Angel Mom I elected to be.
I will never place my angel's last name or e-mail address on his/her webpage.
I will never place my Angels picture anywhere on the web without prior permission from the parent/ guardian/ care-taker.
I will contact AMOE immediately if I find I cannot continue as an angel mom.
I will contact AMOE immediately if a problem occurs between myself and my angel.
I will contact AMOE immediately if I become ill and need to take a leave of absence.

AMOE is a group of women joining hands to bring smiles to the faces of children all over the world who need a little extra something, to bring peace, love, hope and expectation into their lives. Our program is for all needy children. We are called AMOE (Angel Moms On Earth) The only gift we get from doing this, is knowing we are helping a child to "smile". A force of Angel Moms is waiting to bring a smile to the face of all needy, and or, ill children around the world.


To become an angel mom you MUST Fill out the form on the Form Page An e-mail is sent to the next Angel Mom on the AMOE list, when an angel becomes available. You will have 24 hours to answer the e-mail. If you do not accept or decline the angel within 24 hours you will be removed from the AMOE list. Please remember at all times, while every effort is made to encourage the courtesy of parents/guardians/angels, the sad fact is that in some cases, you may never hear from your angel, so you need to be prepared to accept that as fact.

For all the Angel Moms on Earth, please accept
this gift with appreciation and love for all the
work we do

This AMOE2003 site is owned by
Lady Anya
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Page created January 12, 1999.
Happy Birthday Robert & Marius


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