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Life is something to do when you can't get to sleep. --Fran Lebowitz

Somewhere in the year 1956 Miss M and Sir J from the Netherlands got married. They had to wait a long time but finally in the year 1962 they got a wonderful baby: Miss B!

And now, 36 years later, the whole world can enjoy of Miss B's Homepage; personal information, music, travel, restaurants and so on. Curious? Take your time and have a look...........

WWW Travel & Backpacking Links including Personal Backpacking Homepages - Internet & Skating - Folk Music -Friend & Friends -Restaurants & Links - WEIRD WEBSITES- Search Engines - Email & Guestbook

WWW Travel & Backpacking Links

If Miss B (who lives somewhere in the Netherlands) has enough money and time, she likes very much to travel with a backpack all around the world. You can imagine, she has already visited many many countries and cultures: Thailand, Indonesia, Peru (see picture beneath left), Guatemala (see picture at the right), Belize and many countries in Europe.

As told before Miss B is not only interested in countries far far away (see picture at the right, Peru - Lake Titicaci), but she has also travelled to extremely beautyful countries in Europe, such as Scotland. A good friend of Miss B, Charlotte, lives in Aberdeen (Hi Charlotte!) and that's a damm good reason to visit this wonderful country every year.

The picture at the right has been taken a couple of years ago in Indonesia (Bali); the sign shows you the way up to the Mount Batur.

Beneath, you see a picture of Thailand, somewhere in the neighbourhood of Bangkok. It was the first "long distance travel" of Miss B, many years ago. Miss B started her trip in Bangkok, went further to the district "the bridge on the river kwai" in the east of Thailand, a jungle survival in the far northwest, a bit of a beach holiday on Koh Samui (a little island southeast of Thailand) and finally finished her trip again in Bangkok.

And now.... SENSATIONAL (!) Miss B's WWW TRAVEL SITES FOR BACKPACKERS. You wanna make a trip? Click this amazing link:

Miss B's WWW Tavel Sites for Backpackers

You wanna have a stay in a very nice small backpackers hotel in Holland? You really have to visit "De Smidse" in Epen (South of Holland):

De Smidse in Epen

A real cool travel site, unfortunely only for Dutch speaking people, is the "REISWEB". Miss B has her own personal site on "REISWEB" and is also ambassador of IRELAND on this site!

Miss B's Ireland Page on the REISWEB

On the site of REISWEB you will find Miss B's complete travel journal to Ireland, a trip made in August 1999. The picture below is taken on the Aronmore Island, in the far North/West of Ireland.

The next picture is taken at Glendalough Ireland. This is also a part of the so-called "Wicklow Way", a long distance walk.

Also very worthwhile on the site of REISWEB are the travel stories of Marjorie , a very good friend of Miss B, just click on:

Marjorie's Travel Stories

...and search for the homepage of MARJORIE2K!!!

By chatting on the Internet Miss B has met a guy from the country of Puerto Rico: "MIGUEL, Como esta ¿" You like to see beautyful pictures of Puerto Rico in a relaxing atmosphere? Yes? Have a look at Miguel's Homepage:

Puerto Rico - Miguel's Homepage

Are you very much interested in backpacking around the world? Do you have a personal homepage about backpacking? Just click on the link below and you can join Miss B's World Wide Backpacking Homepages!!!

Miss B's World Wide Backpacking Homepages

Cool! Wanna make a trip? You HAVE TO press on the link below.

Travelsites is the web's newest travel directory. With over four hundred links and reviews to help you find the best in travel, why start your trip anywhere else?

An interesting site to find all kind of information, especially about travelling is the MACROPOLIS-SITE, just click on:

Internet & Skating

Yep...once Miss B has discovered Computers and the Internet, she really is addicted to it. Almost every day you will find her surfing on the net. Though, you can imagine, she is a member of the Dutch WEBGRRLS site THE site where you will meet all kind of crazy femal internet- en computer freaks. No, let's be serieus, a very interesting and instructive site. If you have questions about a.o. homepages and HTML, don't hesitate, have a look:

Women and Girls in Holland ...JOIN THE CLUB!

This Webgrrls
Webring site
belong to
Betty Rombout
Vorige | Volgende | Overslaan | Volgende 5 | Lijst | Info

In "real life" Miss B likes to "surf on the streets": skating! Do you have tips about nice skating routes in the Netherlands, please click on Miss B's email address:

Miss B would not be Miss B if she had not find a good Dutch site about sports and skating. Interested? Have a look at:


On this site you can have your own homepage. Not bad, isn't it?

Folk Music

't Gouwe Reur is a Dutch band playing all kind of Dutch Folk Music in a southern Duch dialect. During their show you will not be bored: songs about normal life, dances, jokes and all kind of untrue stories are told in a natural way. The "boys" like it to "play with" the music and words. They only use acoustic instruments. 't Gouwe Reur is Peter Smits (singing, guitar,mandolin, auto-harp, bouzouki and "gouwe reur"), Chris Schyns (guitar, mandolin, banjo, dulcimer and singing), Karl Hanssen (german flute and singing), Adriaan van Sandwijk (violin and singing).

You wanna know more about 't Gouwe Reur or like it that they play for you?? Please let know Miss B by her email address:

Oh yeah, THE Dutch site about Folk is:

This WebRing-site for folk dance, folklore & folk music in the Netherlands
will be updated by Miss B.


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Friend & Friends

Of course Miss B has a boyfriend. He is a member of the Dutch Folk Music Band 't Gouwe Reur ; from his childhood on Karl plays the german flute to the backbone! (Aha.. that's the reason for Miss B's promotion of 't Gouwe Reur!).

You like poetry? Look at Karl's homepage:

World Wide Words of Hoffman

You already understand, Miss B is a very kind person, who not only loves her boyfriend but also all her many friends. So, let's see...Miss B will introduce you to two of them who already have a homepage on the net. Curious?

Roel's Homepage

Princess El's Homepage

Restaurants & Links, not a hobby of Miss B, but she is mad on discovering small cosy restaurants and bars. Her favourite Dutch site concerning this subject is:


Yep.. also on this site you can create your own homepage! Of course, you can find Miss B on this site!

Ever heard about EsetTE? It's a Dutch club of 3 guys who's idea it is to visit every Friday a restaurant in Eindhoven (The Netherlands). On their homepage you can read a review of the restaurants that they have been to already. Prices of the meals? Beneath 50 Dutch guilders! Not too bad...On their site you can also find some links regarding other interesting Dutch Dining Sites.


On the homepage of Miss B you already have read a lot about travelling and food. So, why not a link to a TRAVEL AND FOOD site! Just push the link.....

Saveur - Savor a World of Authentic Cuisine

Saveur is the award-winning food and travel magazine that brings you the world of authentic cuisine through colored photos, extraordinary stories and the recipes that reflect the traditions, history and love of fine foods all over the world.


The Nerd Test - The Love Test - Witches - You like some Chips? - A look in a Dutch Toiletroom - Healing via your Screen - Online Pregnant? - Funky Chicken - You have to Retch? - War by Email -X-ray Photos - All kind of shit - Online Lottery - Dansing Hamsters - Breaking a Wind? -Menstruation Museum - Bungeejumpen - Bert is Evil! - Answering Machine - Torture A Fish - Monday Morning - The Stupid Page - Bad Fashion Page - Cyber Rorschach - Train Humor - Am I in Pi? - Typing Monkey - The Bible in Pig Lation - Lovecalculator - Virtual Girlfriend - Will Somebody Feed That Damn Dog? - The Last Sane Cow In England - The Nipple Server - The Jesus Dance - Smurf the Web - The Bureau of Missing Socks - Yelling Shit - The Death Clock - Jamming a Pair of Scissors Repeatedly Into Your Crotch - Puke! - Guess the Dictator - The Really Big and Important Survey of Human Tendencies - Dead Musician Directory - The Company Therapist - Fly-Power! - Virtual Cow Tipping - Send your friends a FAKE virus - Make an online photo of YOURSELF! - The Fellah Whose Big Toe Could Predict Earthquakes - Wanna Burry Yourself Virtual?

Yeah...I already had expected it....Miss B herself is also WEIRD!


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Tot ziens! Bye! .... and a big miau from the cats Floep and Pim!

copyright © 1999
all rights reserved by Miss B
The Netherlands
last update
November 19th, 1999

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